Feeling uneasy-7 wk transvaginal ultasound


Dec 28, 2014
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Hi everyone- I had my transvaginal u/s at 7w at university radiology, not at my Doctors office. I don't go to my doctors until another week. The first thing she said was im but a doctor, I can't say anything. Then did a regular ultra sound and then a tranvaginal ultrasound. She really didn't say much and I got really nervous and didn't ask anything. She just kept saying my uterus is tilted. She pointed out the sac and embryo but I didnt hear a heartbeat. I thought I did but she said that was my ovaries? I have no
Bleeding, no cramping, no spotting. Should I be worried? This was done on Saturday, I will call my doctor tomorrow (they sent the report over). Just looking for some guidance. Thank you so much
I too have a tilted uterus. It drives my doctor nuts because It makes it difficult to see baby especially on abdominal ultrasounds. It's very strange she didn't say much. I would not stress until you talk to your doctor especially since you aren't cramping or spotting!
Normally I don't get to actually hear the heartbeat at my scans..did u see a small flicker? Did they give u a picture print out?
I honestly didn't see the screen at all which again made me worried..my fiancé asked questions about what was on the screen and she answered but didn't say anything more? She didn't offer a picture and to be honest I was so freaked out by the whole thing that I just wanted to get out of there. My first child is 10 so it's been a very long time time since I have been through this. I'm 38 so I am already worried about mis carrying. The first time I went through this I had it done in my doctors office but again I didn't hear the heartbeat and didn't get a picture but I felt like it was different, like almost warmer?? I know that sounds weird. I'm so scared. can't come fast enough.
Oh jeez sounds like a horrible experience. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. When will you be able to speak to the doctor who will receive these results? U need to have another one done. They should have shown you the screen. If it might help I had a baby 10 months ago...my son before that 10 yrs ago too! I delivered at 35 a healthy baby girl. Try to think positive but u need to get answers. Don't let medical professionals bully you. I'll be thinking of you x
Thank you so much for saying that. I normally don't let anyone bully me lol but I def feel like I did! The whole thing was just weird and very unsettling. I will be calling my doctor tomorrow. I'm praying everything is ok.
You know...With my last pregnancy because there was such a gap I felt a bit like a newbie which through me right off my game. It bothered me. Even my long term obgyn was telling me I didn't know what I was talking about and he ate his words in the end. Now when I question things..especially things that I've never experienced I get "well your not as young as you used to be" and I'm like slow your roll this old broad JUST had a baby! You can't win...just try your best to be confident and get those answers. Xx
Hiya, it's my understanding that radiologists sometimes aren't allowed to tell you much about what they see, they are not qualified to diagnose etc, just to take the actual pictures / footage. This may be even more so the case at a university facility. I really don't think you should worry about this at all. Most likely everything is absolutely fine. Xx
I haven't had this type of ultrasound, but I did once have to have an ultrasound on my heart. The woman who did it also told me she wasn't a doctor and couldn't tell me anything. She was very cold and very rude and I left terrified that something was seriously wrong with me.

When I went to the doctor for my results everything turned out to be fine and my heart was in perfect shape - so I wouldn't take this woman's demeanor to mean anything is wrong. She probably really isn't allowed to tell you anything, and she just sounds nasty in general.

((Hugs)) and I hope time speeds by so you can see your doctor and feel better.

Oh, and I had a regular ultrasound at 7 w 3 d and my doctor told me beforehand it would be too early to hear the heartbeat.
I can totally identify with your feelings. I am Canadian, and they don't tell you anything at ultrasounds here the information has to be relayed back to your doctor before you find anything out. It is very stressful, but please do realize that it by no means indicates that anything is wrong.

I just had my 20 week anatomy ultrasound and I only got to see the screen for about 1 minute at the end of a what felt like a painfully long and stressful ultrasound experience. The 12 week ultrasound was awkward because I tried asking questions and she just politely and professionally dodged answering them because she was not allowed. I don't know where you are from, but it is entirely possible that the policies are similar to or the same as where I am from in which case all the worrying in the world or protesting isn't going to help. In any case talk to your doctor about how you feel and find out why the process was like that, understanding could be enough to help ease your mind and prepare you for the next one.
I'm in Canada too insomniash I'm sorry you have had that experience! That's not mine at all. I only had one last pregnancy where the tech was like yea I'm not going to show you the screen until I see that everything is fine which pissed me off. She also told me at that lab because it's in a "gendercide zone" (apparently in Toronto the city is literally divided into zones based on high concentrations of certain ethnicity are present that are high risk to commit gendercide so in those zones they won't reveal gender to you. The info is given to the doctor.) However after I was told that I just used the lab at my delivering hospitals women's unit where my obgyn is and they told me everything. At my 12 week nt scan I saw my daughter sucking her thumb. The tech pointed it out. He was great. At my 20 week anatomy they mostly had screen turned to me after taking the measurement also explained what we were seeing etc. Told us the sex etc. @fit mama your doc is not correct I saw my 1st sons heartbeat flickering at 6 weeks 5 days. .I just recently found the slide (16 yrs ago it was like a harder plastic slide they gave me lol) the bpm are even typed in on the slide!

Edit also my last recent u/s they dated me 7w2days (which is off due to abdominal scan not tv) but the hb was 147 bpm and I saw it. My tech also showed me everything said she saw fetal pole. She also showed and discussed a small chorionic bleed I have as well.
Yeah I wondered about that Tryin4, because I got to see the heartbeat too - the tech pointed it out to me and told me that it was beating at 150 bpm.

After my experience at my heart ultrasound I was scared to even ask questions so I just lay there and watched the screen! I saw the tech measure some blob and then type YS so that was a positive sign. :)

Luckily the tech was very sweet and volunteered info without me having to ask such as that baby and everything else is looking good. Plus she gave me 2 cute pics of baby curled up - my husband calls baby our little curly fry now, LOL.
Thank you all so much for all your kind words..it means so much to me, and I feel less alone!! I will be calling my doctor soon and will let you know. Thank you again!! Xoxo
Called the doctors office 2xs and was told they wod call me back when a doc read it..im really trying not to freak out here..this is just all so different than my first time around..
Finally spoke to the office..she said that im measuring 6wk 6d, but there is a question regarding the fetal pole. She said she wants me to come in for a follow up u/s in a week. I requested to do it in the office rather than at a clinic bc im more comfortable being at the doctors office and then the doctor will talk to me right after. Has this happened to anyone else? She didn't seem really concerned. Trying very hard not to freak out.
I'm thinking the tech was an idiot. The whole thing just needs to happen again. Try your best not to worry until the new ultrasound. I can imagine how stressful this is. Think positive thoughts. Hugs and prayers to you xo
I'm in Canada too insomniash I'm sorry you have had that experience! That's not mine at all. I only had one last pregnancy where the tech was like yea I'm not going to show you the screen until I see that everything is fine which pissed me off. She also told me at that lab because it's in a "gendercide zone" (apparently in Toronto the city is literally divided into zones based on high concentrations of certain ethnicity are present that are high risk to commit gendercide so in those zones they won't reveal gender to you. The info is given to the doctor.) However after I was told that I just used the lab at my delivering hospitals women's unit where my obgyn is and they told me everything. At my 12 week nt scan I saw my daughter sucking her thumb. The tech pointed it out. He was great. At my 20 week anatomy they mostly had screen turned to me after taking the measurement also explained what we were seeing etc. Told us the sex etc.

The first tech at least let me see the screen the whole time she just couldn't answer questions although she did give me a general tour of the baby and let us watch him move around, so I can't complain about her. The second tech I am now convinced was a complete moron and waste of time, I don't know about his measurements yet, but I have very little faith in what he reported.

I am also close to a couple high gendercide zones, therefore all gender results must go back to the doctor. However what blows my mind is that all other results are sent to the doctor too, measurements etc...yet the tech is the final word on those so why are we told they can't relay information without the doctor? I know how it works here because I have a great doctor and I asked him whether or not he gets to see the images and he said no and showed me the ultrasound report he gets and actually gave me a copy. I could rant about this for hours lol...because here I am a week after my anatomy ultrasound and I still have to wait another week and a half before I will know what my results were at which point the information is half a month outdated...very frustrating.
Agreed. Do you have the option of using a lab outside of the zoning? You just need the requisite from your doctor. With that you should be able to choose where u can go and maybe get some answers asap. Every time I hear stories like this I'm so grateful that when I was pregnant with my first 16 yrs ago I got in with a good obgyn but more importantly the hospital he is attached to. He's an old goat now but the hospital he's with is top of the line care and services. Plus it's across from sick kids so I always felt IF there should be any immediate urgency with my baby I'm right with the experts. Bit of peace of mind. Grrrrr prenatal problems lol

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