feels so f*cking gutted !!!!!


Oct 23, 2009
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BFN Today :(

I rele thought this was my time.
im so confused and upset,my last 2 periods have got shorter by 5 days so why is this one now deciding not to show up??? Its just a horrible trick.

I never knew it wud take this long to concieve after a miscarriage.
onto month 9 now :(

Anyone else been trying for a long time after loss?
and anyone else still having trouble with their periods??

going to ring docs on monday morning and see what they say !
I'm so bummed for you darling! This ttc lark is just shit and cruel!

Lots of love xx
hey hun, i can relate its been a year since our m/c and 3+years ttc before that, my af went back to normal straight away but the last few months has decided to go a little loopy hope your doc finds a solution cherub its heartbreaking xx
we didnt get a bfp until year & half after our loss, i kno its hard waiting & waiting after a bfp, but the way i see it is, we can get pregnant which is a good thing compared to tho's woman on here who have been ttc a year + & havent been preg at all, what keeps me going is i kno it'll happen at some point, but even that doesnt make it any easier.
Oh Stacey I'm so sorry, I really thought this was your month. Massive hugs to you xxx
Aw Stacey, i totally understand. These past two months i have convinced myself we'd cracked it and then been totally gutted when i came on.

Like you, i came on early both times so (every cloud) at least we saved money on HPTs, eh?:winkwink:

I had an MMC last March and have been trying off and on since then (more off than on, sadly) and it's so frustrating. We had managed to conceive on our 2nd or 3rd month of just 'having more sex round about the middle of my cycle' and now we are trying every method in the book to no avail. Grrrr!

My periods are pretty irratic, starting off really short (27 or 25) then shooting up to 32 days. Looks (hopefully) like i am settling in to round about 27-29 days. Before the MMC i was a steady 29 day girl. Hey ho. My hubbie thinks it should be more settled by now and that i should go to the Docs but i think it's ok.

How irregular are yours? A difference of 5 days?

I know it's hard to keep positive, but enjoy a few days of doing the naughty stuff (nice strong coffee, have a glass of wine etc) and before you know it you will be feeling positive again. I got BFN on sunday and AF on monday this week and was heartbroken on monday (huge barney and sob with OH) but now i am back feeling positive and ready to roll again :haha:

M X:hugs:
Thanks everyone for your support xxx

Jem88 - I guess that is a good thing to keep in mind, we know we can get pregnant !
its just when, wow a year & half i think i wud of lost my mind if that was me,if im not pregnant by the year we lost our angel i will go doctors and have a chat and see if they can do some blood tests.

thanks Blondee, Deep down i know it will happen its just so hard knowing you shudnt be doing this,instead i shud be holding my baby now.
yeah my last 2 periods got shorter by 5 days and i thought great things are settling down,but this one does not want to show like that again and its frustrating. Iv had no cramps today either to say AF mite be coming.

The only thing that is keeping me going today is that last time i didnt get a BFP until i was 2 weeks late for AF....so maybe this time will the same.... I wish i rele do !
And i always get back on the roll again =] after AF has been !.... when it shows up !

My last 3 cycles have been
CD 49
CD 44
CD 39

so i assumed this month i wud be like CD 34.
Wow, long cycles! That must be very frustrating. Until AF turns up, there is hope :winkwink:

It's such an emotional rollercoaster this TTC lark! Looks like me and OH might be apart when i ov this month, oh joy!! :growlmad: Can't do anything about it, so i guess i should just write this cycle off, but i find that very hard to do!

Positive thoughts!!
Hey Stacey_89
I totally know how you feel.
I'm into month 6 cycle 7 post mc last August. I fell really quickly and now nothing. My cycles are all different lengths some really short (20 days last time), this last one was 37 days! Crazy.

I'm sure it will all settle down and the bfp will happen again. Keep faith.:hugs:
I can totally relate. We are on month 6 since our mmc in aug. My cycles have been getting shorter after being 35 days down to 25 last month. Turns out I have pcos and my tubes blocked up again right after the mmc. BUT af was due today and no sign of her. I didn't get a bfp until 17 dpo last time. So it's so cruel of :witch: I know I have blocked tubes... but I can't help but hope.

I would def call the doc and see what he/she thinks. Blondee is right, this is just such an emotional rollarcoster. Try to think possitive! :hugs:
Thanks everyone, Oh blondee how comes you and OH will be apart?
yeah rele long cycles =[ im trying to keep some hope still that i mite be but its so hard..

My plan is to wait till AF shows (cuz i just know im not pregnant) and when that comes i will go doctors and take a note with me of the dates of my cycles and see what they think ! And if they say " just takes time" i think i will actualy scream at them ! lol
I can completely understand Stacey.

I fell pregnant the first month I came off the pill but then miscarried at 12 weeks. It then took us a whole year to get pregnant again and sadly I miscarried again. I'm now in my 2nd cycle since the last mc and I'm just terrified it will take as long or even longer than last time. Feeling so down about it all - it's just so unfair.
Hi Stacey,

We're not living in the UK at the mo and are coming back on thur for the weekend, and my smear test is on monday (the day i guess i will OV day) but, because of work he will leave the UK on monday aaaand you can't BD for 24hrs before a smear test.

I won't see him until tuesday night :wacko: I KNOW i need a smear but am tempted to see if they can move the appointment.... I'll try anyway.

I think you are right to take your notes to the Docs. They are prety long and irregular cycles and it won't hurt to ask if all is well.

Lolly - i am so sorry for your losses. In March it'll be 1 year since our MMC and i am so sad that it's taking this long. It must've been just so upsetting to have a 2nd MC and i really hope that it doesn't take a year for you to conceive again. :hugs:

Good luck to us all :hugs:
So sad for you, hon - I really had my fingers crossed that this was it!

I just got AF on Friday, so I'm right in that boat with you.
well my AF has not arrived yet !
iv got no cramps or nothing, Just having alot of CM atm.


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