You finally got some answers Becyboo. Sorry it was witch and not bfp.
Try every other day until positive opk then every day from positive opk including 1dpo. You'll be more than covered then. Have you tried temping? You'll defo know when you're in your tww then.
I keep hearing that more cm than usual is a good sign! I am all dried up (tmi) and really feel nothing. I don't know what's worse: having a bunch of symptoms that turn out to be nothing or having nothing the whole time then it turns out to really be nothing. Suck.
Hey girl, I know we O'd around the same you feeling today?? Any symptoms popping up just yet? What day are you going to test?
Congrats mrs mc!! did u have any symptoms?
My cm is now non existent, lots of cramps yesterday and kept feeling like af was on her way, one week early! Not feeling too positive right now...
Am i the first ?
I gave in and tested early!
Congrats mrs mc!! did u have any symptoms?
My cm is now non existent, lots of cramps yesterday and kept feeling like af was on her way, one week early! Not feeling too positive right now...
That's how I feel too! A week to go, but feelin like AF will show early. Boo. Hopefully we're both wrong!
I'm due AF on Feb 13th.
If I can I am holding out for the 14th to surprise OH on Valentines Day!
Congrats mrs mc!! did u have any symptoms?
My cm is now non existent, lots of cramps yesterday and kept feeling like af was on her way, one week early! Not feeling too positive right now...
That's how I feel too! A week to go, but feelin like AF will show early. Boo. Hopefully we're both wrong!
I REALLY hope we r both wrong!! I hate this time, always seems so cruel, at least if af comes can look forward to next cycle! Still no cm, slightly bloated but that's normal, only thing that I have realised is different is I usually have really sore bbs by now, all round the sides and nipples, not this month, nipples slightly sensitive but not much!
Already starting to get tempted to test need to resist for seven more days........