Hi ladies can you add me too test the 28th please... Let's get lots of BFP this month ladies xxx
Shall we be ttc buddies
we seem to have simler cycles up to you though obviously
12 dpo and bfn. I had some spotting on late evening of Sunday that could have been nothing or could have been ib. Stupid to test so soon. Due for witch on Sunday and I have 2 tests in my bathroom so will test again Friday and hope for the best. I have a pretty looking chart so I'm crossing my fingers.
You have a very good chart!! Hope you see that BFP soon!
So I tested at 9dpo, and of course got a Don't know what I was thinking; it's way too soon and now just has me bummed. Stupid 2ww!
If I get pregnant this cycle it would be a November baby... my last pregnancy should have been due November.
Get :bed: girl!
What is it with me and evaps?
Hi Dizzy, af got me again. Not even suprised by it anymore. next test date (not that i ever get as far as testing) will be the 25th
I'd be so tempted How do they feel when they're on? Do they feel like fake nails iykwim? I've worn fake nails (ones you buy in boots) once and couldn't stand the feeling I had to pull them all off before the night was over
I'd be so tempted How do they feel when they're on? Do they feel like fake nails iykwim? I've worn fake nails (ones you buy in boots) once and couldn't stand the feeling I had to pull them all off before the night was over
I would really really recommend getting shellac, its gel nail varnish so it doesn't chip and lasts 3 good weeks and because its nail varnish you don't have to worry about damage to your nails