Fertility Specialist appt... thought I'd share...


Our family of four...
Aug 11, 2010
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My hubby and I had our FS appt on Friday (due to my high FSH from my last blood draw and our age)- we are both 37- and I felt the need to share some of the info we learned...

Here is some stuff I didn't know...

#1- There is a small window of opportunity for implantation to occur after Ov. About 2 days- where the lining in your uterus is thick and "sticky" enough for the fertilized egg to attach and implant. This occurs between 5-7 dpo... after that, the lining starts to break down so the egg is unable to properly implant... This was news to me as I've always read online that implantation can occur from 6-12 dpo???? I straight up asked her if it could happen after that and she said no (but I thought I had IB last cycle at 12 dpo- but she said it was probably caused by a dip in my progesterone levels). hmmmmm... I'm having a tough time with this one? lol. You think you know... (SEE UPDATE PG 2)

#2- I will have to go on clomid next cycle if I'm not pregnant right now- but hoping I am obviously ;) But IF I do need to use Clomid, then it will be in conjunction with IUI. Because clomid can cause a barrier to form over your cervix opening making it more difficult for the "troops" to make it where they need to go- with IUI, this puts them where they need to be so they don't have to work so hard.

#3- Even if your hubby has millions of sperm- only about 200 or so actually make it up to where they need to be to try to fertilize the egg! Crazy yea? And even if you use a softcup this doesn't increase the odds- the rest will come back out with the fluids and this is just how it works... wow.

#4- My hubby has great sperm count and motility and morphology- but because of his Vasectomy & 2 Reversals- there is still a chance he has the anti-bodies which attach themselves to the sperm and make it so they aren't strong enough to fertilize the egg. SO- we will have him tested for that as well ;)

UPDATE (had to add one more thing):

#5- She told me not to take any herbs while TTC as they are not FDA approved or regulated. SO, I stopped taking my Fertilaid- that was a tough one. lol. You hear all this stuff is suppose to help- but I guess most of the time it really doesn't. Maybe it's just the power of the mind? haha. Either way- I'm following her instructions as best I can! I want this to work ;)

So... that is all I can think of right now. I do feel really good that we spoke with her. She knew her stuff for sure!! And although I'm a bit overwhelmed by what we may need to go through next month- I feel mostly good that we have a plan in place. :thumbup: I also feel very positive about our plan!

Best of luck to all you wonderful ladies... maybe some of this info helps ;)
Point #2 helped me decide something I've been unsure about, so thank you :)
Point #2 helped me decide something I've been unsure about, so thank you :)

I'm glad something I learned could help you ;) Best of luck hun!!!!
Thanks for sharing that information! Glad you had a good appointment.
I know next to nothing so it was all fascinating for me. Thanx! :D
thats very interesting, but Im surprised at #1. you hear of people mistaking implantion bleeding for a period as its around the same time, but what you are saying is that implantation bleeding would never happen after 7dpo. sooo many people on here go on about implantation bleeding, but its only supposed to happen to 20% of people and now if this is true then most people with spotting are just getting their period (which seems to be the case on here, most people question IB end up getting their period so I think its just a last attempt of hope)

we also found our fertility apt helpful, she mentioned that our bodies are actually not very good at conceiving and on average theres only a 20% chance each month regardless of your age! she also told me not to use any lubrication at all, and doesnt believe preseeds claims and doesnt think any lube is truly fertility friendly so I stopped using it.

so you have high FSH is that the only problem? Im 38 and blood tests were fine, but I may have a polyp so waiting for a sono in the new year. hubby went for his semen donation today so we will see what his results are soon I hope.

good luck everyone!
thats very interesting, but Im surprised at #1. you hear of people mistaking implantion bleeding for a period as its around the same time, but what you are saying is that implantation bleeding would never happen after 7dpo. sooo many people on here go on about implantation bleeding, but its only supposed to happen to 20% of people and now if this is true then most people with spotting are just getting their period (which seems to be the case on here, most people question IB end up getting their period so I think its just a last attempt of hope)

we also found our fertility apt helpful, she mentioned that our bodies are actually not very good at conceiving and on average theres only a 20% chance each month regardless of your age! she also told me not to use any lubrication at all, and doesnt believe preseeds claims and doesnt think any lube is truly fertility friendly so I stopped using it.

so you have high FSH is that the only problem? Im 38 and blood tests were fine, but I may have a polyp so waiting for a sono in the new year. hubby went for his semen donation today so we will see what his results are soon I hope.

good luck everyone!

Yea, to be honest, I'm having a hard time truly believing #1- lol. I know this was an expert that told me this- but everything I read online (everywhere I read it) says 6-10 or 6-12 dpo??? I just don't understand how it could all be wrong? But maybe that is the "typical" time frame and like most things in life there are the exceptions? I even asked her twice cause I couldn't believe that was true! lol. But I told her I thought I had IB at 12dpo last cycle and she said it was probably just caused by a drop in my progesterone? Either way- she knows her stuff, so I have to go by what she tells me. lol.

So far, it's just the high FSH- BUT she wants to do more tests at their lab to make sure. She said most labs can vary and unless they specifically do fertility testing, they aren't always the most accurate and can vary month to month. So I go in for lots more blood work, and the die test next cycle to make sure all is OK there as well ;) Fun fun!!! My hubby get's to have yet another SA from their lab as well to do additional tests I guess weren't done before? Soooo much to do!

It's really crazy to even think how many people actually get prego when you look at all the odds huh?! lol. Plus the % just declines the older you get... Ah, that was fun to hear! haha.

Best of luck to you hun!!!!!!!!
Not to knock what your doctor states as fact, I found a couple of sites quoting actual studies done that don't seem to support that statement.

Two of the good sites I found information on: https://www.wdxcyber.com/ninfer11.htm (which is Woman's Health Resource) and this one by the American Pregnancy Association, EDIT: link removed due to their biased information after more research

I found this one interesting as well but can't find a good source of authority for the information: https://www.femalehealthmadesimple.com/implantation.html

The problem with the internet is that there is so much information out there and it is very difficult to verify the accuracy of most of it.
Not to knock what your doctor states as fact, I found a couple of sites quoting actual studies done that don't seem to support that statement.

Two of the good sites I found information on: https://www.wdxcyber.com/ninfer11.htm (which is Woman's Health Resource) and this one by the American Pregnancy Association, https://www.americanpregnancy.org/gettingpregnant/understandingovulation.html.

I found this one interesting as well but can't find a good source of authority for the information: https://www.femalehealthmadesimple.com/implantation.html

The problem with the internet is that there is so much information out there and it is very difficult to verify the accuracy of most of it.

I would take most of the info on the internet with a pinch of salt, like that first link...doesnt look like a particularly official website and theres no back up to the 'studies' they quote. the 2nd link looks more legit but really anyone can set up an internet site and get their info from some other site. I would still go by what a professional says over the internet, especially a fertility specialist. It would be interesting to poll all the people on here who got pregnant and ask them if they got IB and if so when. Im sure most of the people who got it were earlier than later.
Oh, I'm sure most of the internet information is what people think or believe, not actual facts- LOL. But at least there is still some good information out there- if not a bit too much at times! lol.

Most of what I thought was backed up by the FS, but as most woman don't experience IB or even feel implantation (as it's a fairly gentle process)- it's hard to know, for sure, what is what when we notice every twinge or pull or spot during the horrid TWW! lol. I still believe it's possible for it to occur later though- there are always those exceptions ;)

IF implantation does happen, then I'll know once I got my BFP!!!! hehe

Thanks ladies for all your feedback and additional advise. It always makes for interesting conversations ;)

So yea, the FS did give me a site to check out with lots of information (published by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine)- but of course, the ONLY info listed about implantation was about IB.... wonder if they would respond to an email inquiry? LOL.

Best of luck to you all!!!!!
I'm still having a hard time with #1- lol. So I did some more "online" research, yes I know... LOL.... but everything I read states around 6-12 or 6-10 dpo is when implantation can occur. I mean, they can't ALL be wrong right?

So I found something interesting...

To enable implantation, the uterus goes through changes in order to be able to receive the embryo.

The endometrium increases thickness, becomes more vascularized and its glands grow to be tortuous and boosted in their secretions. These changes reach their maximum about 7 days after ovulation.

Furthermore, the surface of the endometrium produces a kind of rounded cells, which cover the whole area toward the uterine cavity. This happens about 9 to 10 days after ovulation. These cells are called decidual cells, which emphasises that the whole layer of them is shed off in every menstruation if no pregnancy occurs, just as leaves of deciduous trees. The uterine glands, on the other hand, decrease in activity and degenerate already 8 to 9 days after ovulation in absence of pregnancy.

Here are a couple site that breaks it down:
(but you might need a PHD to understand it all?) LOL

I'm thinking maybe 7 dpo is the best or average time for implantation to occur- but it would seem it still can occur up to 10dpo... based on the other sites. So maybe when I asked the FS if it could occur later, she thought I was referring to when I thought I had IB at 12 dpo... but, maybe I Ov'd later than I thought? There is just SO much to it all! LOL. Bit overwhelming!

Ah, the vastness of the female anatomy! hehe.
Thank you for posting this. We have our first appointment on the 27th and whilst I am excited about finally getting some help with our infertility I was also dreading it as I had no idea what would happen when we were there. I like to know what's going on in my life (call me control freak:blush::blush:)

This has help allay my fears a little, so thank you.
hi all - been reading all of this with great interest - thanks for all the information!
Thank you for posting this. We have our first appointment on the 27th and whilst I am excited about finally getting some help with our infertility I was also dreading it as I had no idea what would happen when we were there. I like to know what's going on in my life (call me control freak:blush::blush:)

This has help allay my fears a little, so thank you.

Don't worry hun... I can say they will tell you lots of statistics, and honestly, I almost had a mini melt down with she told us our odds (with our age and situation)-- BUT-- once everything sunk in, I felt more powerful. lol. Like we can and WILL do this!!!

I'm a control freak too- which makes all the "not knowing" the worst part of TTC (for me at least)... so I struggle with that. But just knowing we are doing all we can really helps.

It will be great hun! Best of luck!!!!
really trying to get pregant but went to doc on thursday and she told me we would have to join the waiting list that is a year long, has anyone heard reflaxolgy may be helpfull..
hi seoj! Ive been researching IB as on monday, CD17, I started bleeding bright red blood. just a few wipes on tissue paper, never more than that. then tues,weds, thur had brown spotting, barely anything and only a tiny bit went on my panties. then today its red again, and a bit more.

To me it seems too early for IB (and now its red again I dont think it is), but I dont know when I ovulated (ov test were negative CD 15-20 so clearblue think I ovulated before). Im not sure its possible I ovulated on Thursday CD 13 and got IB monday CD17. Like you said most internet sites say IB should be later, but some do say in the cycle week 3 which is what Im on.

Ive never had mid cycle bleeding like this which at first made me think it could be IB, but I think it could be from my polyp so waiting for a sono next cycle. My period is not due till a week today.

where are you in your cycle now?
really trying to get pregant but went to doc on thursday and she told me we would have to join the waiting list that is a year long, has anyone heard reflaxolgy may be helpfull..

im trying reflexology next cycle! will let you know
really trying to get pregant but went to doc on thursday and she told me we would have to join the waiting list that is a year long, has anyone heard reflaxolgy may be helpfull..

Ah hun, that's sucky. Why such a long wait? Hopefully it's much quicker than they think....

I haven't tried reflexology, but I would certainly be open to it. Pretty much open to anything at this point! lol.

Best of luck and loads of baby dust hun!!!!:flower:
hi seoj! Ive been researching IB as on monday, CD17, I started bleeding bright red blood. just a few wipes on tissue paper, never more than that. then tues,weds, thur had brown spotting, barely anything and only a tiny bit went on my panties. then today its red again, and a bit more.

To me it seems too early for IB (and now its red again I dont think it is), but I dont know when I ovulated (ov test were negative CD 15-20 so clearblue think I ovulated before). Im not sure its possible I ovulated on Thursday CD 13 and got IB monday CD17. Like you said most internet sites say IB should be later, but some do say in the cycle week 3 which is what Im on.

Ive never had mid cycle bleeding like this which at first made me think it could be IB, but I think it could be from my polyp so waiting for a sono next cycle. My period is not due till a week today.

where are you in your cycle now?

I'm currently 3 DPO... so still some time before I'll know if the IUI worked. Sounds a bit early for implantation bleeding... BUT, ya know, after all I've read and researched and seen and know and asked my FS... LOL... I would never say it's not possible! haha. I think there is the "norm" for sure- but there are always those exceptions to every rule! The way our bodies work and re-produce is mostly known, yes, but we certainly don't know it ALL!

If a Fertility Expert can tell someone they have "Unexplained Infertility" - because we don't currently have the tools or resources to understand what the underlying issue is... then really, we don't know anything 100%!!!!

Fingers crossed for you hun!!!!
Hi Ladies

This is a very interesting thread :thumbup:

I too am surprised by No 1 on the list. My best friend conceived her little boy first month trying (I know, so annoying! She was 35 at the time too!) Anyway, she did have IB as she thought her period had arrived. It came the day it was due but only lasted the one day and went. She gave it a few days and then tested. Positive! So she had it the day AF was due. I wonder if implantation can actually occur around 5-7dpo but the blood takes a good few days to work it's way out for any reason?? Or maybe the women who get this ovulate later than they think they did.

Perhaps some fertilised eggs do try to implant later but don't do this successfully and this also causes a bit of bleeding - perhaps the reason for some later spotting that ladies get and then get full AF??

I was surprised at the clomid issue too - don't a lot of ladies on here get put on clomid without doing IUI too? If so, have they been told about it possibly hindering the :spermy: getting through?

I've heard the thing about only about 200 sperm getting through before - guess that's why so many are needed each time :wacko: I think our bodies kill a lot of them - stupid female bodies! x

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