I was diagnosed last year. I am on strong painkillers n I use a capascium cream on my bk. I recently went bk to work after two weeks off for a flare up, I also have hypermobility (eds type 3), I learnt that my physio is more important than anything, it really really helps. In 6 days I'm goin bk down to my pre flare up pain relief n then every 3 weeks I'm reducing it ready to TTC.
All I can say is listen to ur body, if ur tired (which is the most difficult bit by far) then sleep, I nap for an hour after work n go to bed at 10/10:30 on my days off I lie in. Def ask to go to physio, they shud give u Pilates or yoga based exercises that help ur core and other important muscles, avoid yoga if ur hypermobile though