Fighting excess weight gain support

Weekly check in... I found the pound I managed not to gain last week. So I'm up 2 lbs this week. It hardly seems possible that I ate an extra 7000 calories in a week. I have been feeling bloated, so I'm hoping there's water weight in that. Hey a girl can hope.

I've had a few extra treats and slacked off on the gym (although my dog is getting his 3 miles a day of walking most days). I'm going to get some more cardio (jogging) in there and kettlebell work outs while I still can.

At the end of the month, we are going to get that 4000 footer hiked!
My friends and family think I'm nuts, but I'm really trying to limit my weight gain with this pregnancy. I DO NOT want to use being pregnant as an excuse to eat whatever I want and gain weight. I do; however, understand the difference between gaining pregnancy needed weight and gaining excess, which is why I'm trying to limit just to what the baby needs me to gain.

I'm a small frame - not even 5'1" and I started the pregnancy off slightly overweight (a size 6 jeans in US). I started it off weighing ~138 and it's been fluctuating between 144-145.9 the past two weeks.

I'm 18 weeks and hoping to only gain 25lbs max total, which I think I'm at a good start. I've been keeping my calories under 2000 (trying most days!) and still doing my regularly nightly walks, which can be up to 3 miles.
I'd love to stick to 25 pounds, but I think I'm going to have to accept 30 as my new goal. Right now I'm on track for 40 lbs, which is kind of scary considering a lot of it will be stored fat and not baby-associated.

Limiting weight gain or at least keeping it within a range you are comfortable with is a great plan.
I've managed to put on 2 lbs in the last week and a half! I kind of went overboard on the treats and bread. Time to get back to clean eating, up my protein and start walking! I've been absolutely rotten about taking walks, etc...

On the plus side (no pun intended), I had a lady at church yesterday tell me she didn't realize I was pregnant until this past week (I think I finally popped). So the weight I lost in the 1st Tri helped disguise it for awhile.

I would LOVE to go in to the hospital to deliver weighing less than I did when I actually got pregnant. Hopefully the breastfeeding will help me drop it off quickly as well.
My friends and family think I'm nuts, but I'm really trying to limit my weight gain with this pregnancy. I DO NOT want to use being pregnant as an excuse to eat whatever I want and gain weight. I do; however, understand the difference between gaining pregnancy needed weight and gaining excess, which is why I'm trying to limit just to what the baby needs me to gain.

I'm a small frame - not even 5'1" and I started the pregnancy off slightly overweight (a size 6 jeans in US). I started it off weighing ~138 and it's been fluctuating between 144-145.9 the past two weeks.

I'm 18 weeks and hoping to only gain 25lbs max total, which I think I'm at a good start. I've been keeping my calories under 2000 (trying most days!) and still doing my regularly nightly walks, which can be up to 3 miles.

You're not nuts. 25 lbs is an excellent and healthy goal. I'm in the obese category (a size 16/18 ish at 5'10") and my OB said to only gain around 15 lbs. She said I should be aiming for 1800-2000 calories in 2nd and 3rd Tri.

It's not just about calories though (obviously). I find that the days I eat 1800 calories in junk, I gain. But if I eat 1800 calories in protein and healthy foods, I maintain very well. And drink lots of water to keep the sodium down and stay hydrated for baby! :flower:

I think most of my weight jumps in my first pregnancy were in 2nd Tri with the growth spurts, but I did gain probably about 12 lbs of water weight within 2 weeks in 3rd Tri when I started swelling! So keep that in mind as well... don't panic. hehe
Week 24 gain was 0.5 lbs. So that balances out last weeks gain. I'm back on the 1 lb a week track, which isn't the end of the world.

After a month off, I'm back to jogging. Or rather jogging/walking. I've never been so happy to hit a 13 minute mile. :happydance:
22 1/2 weeks, and I've gained back 4 lbs of the 18 that I initially lost in the last four weeks. I need to be careful about what I'm eating, I keep going back to carbs even though the morning sickness is gone!

I still have around 17 weeks to go. At my OB's limit of 15 lbs, I can't afford to gain 1 lb a week!
My Dr told me the other day you'll lose about 20 lbs the day of delivery between fluid/uterus/baby/etc. Makes me feel better, but I sure dont want a bunch of extra hanging on after all that...
My Dr told me the other day you'll lose about 20 lbs the day of delivery between fluid/uterus/baby/etc. Makes me feel better, but I sure dont want a bunch of extra hanging on after all that...

I weighed myself the next day when we got home from the hospital, and I'd only lost like, 5 lbs. lol But within the next week, it started just melting right off! My swollen feet/water retention took longer... at least a month before it went back down to normal. But within 8 weeks, I lost about 30 lbs (I was also breast feeding). So it does come off!

I'm with you, though... I don't want extra hanging around either!
One more pound this week. I managed to jog 3 days and crossed off the 4000 footer goal off my 'before the baby arrives' list with a 10.3 mile hike this weekend up a 4755 foot peak. I could have selected a shorter 4000 footer, but it was the closest to me.

I felt pretty good after the hike. When the adrenaline wore off, I practically fell asleep on the way home. Today I'm feeling rough, but lil' Miss Bean is happily kicking away.
Just read this entire thread. You ladies are amazing with the motivation!!! Something I'm hoping to gain back with 2nd tri!

I've been watching as well but not terribly close. I had gained an original 10 with my previous loss that I never dropped. My body loves hormones!! Starting my out this time at 120 at 5'3. I only just gained a pound. Which makes me happy. I watch because no matter what I did in previous pregnancies my body horded the weight. With DD it was 70+weight gain. And DS 40. Which was better. But because of dd my body went haywire. Took years to fix. :-/ I want to prevent it this time. I need PT and everything after her birth. So with DS I watched and it made a difference.

I'm hoping to get back into the swing of exercise again. Admittedly I haven't done much besides walk twice a week during cheer practice.

When does this energy return!!?!??
Second trimester was a lot better for energy. I think week 16-18 was when I really started to feel like I could do more than sit on the couch most evenings.
^ What she said! Between weeks 16-18 is when my energy seemed to come back (for the most part) as well!

I've been keeping track of what I eat very closely and watching my calories. It's very easy for me to go overboard without realizing it! I use MyFitnessPal to track, and I love it!

This past week, I was up to 228 lbs but was at 226 this morning after a couple days of clean eating and some exercise. I'm still 13 or 14 lbs less than I was when I got pregnant (240!! :wacko:) , but since I can only gain about 15 lbs total I'm being very careful.

With my first, I gained at least 50 lbs, and never quite got back down to my original weight before gaining more and starting this pregnancy off much heavier! My goal is to weigh 240 or less when I give birth, but we'll see how it goes.

I'm not sure if the 15 lbs counts from my original weigh-in at the doctor's, or my lowest weight... lol :haha:
I love that app!! :) it was a huge help.

I wish I could eat properly! My hunger is all over the place! Weigh in today. Started my physical therapy yesterday. Hoping it helps!

Only a couple more weeks until 16! Seems to be going rather fast!
I'm so glad I found this thread! I've gained 13lbs so far, I gained around 48 with DD (could have been more but I decided not to look anymore) but luckily lost most of it pretty quickly. I was 125lbs pre pregnancy (5'7) with this one, so I'm really noticing the extra weight. I really don't have the energy for exercise and all I want is bad food. Even though I gained so much with DD, I was eating very healthily and exercising everyday. I'm hoping to start doing the same with this one soon. I just feel like I'm going to be a blimp by the end of this pregnancy, its actually starting to get me down. My thighs are growing as fast as my tummy :haha: Its nice to see other ladies are feeling the same, I was beginning to feel very alone. So many of my friends pretty much stay the same and look perfect throughout their pregnancies, I'm lucky if I can be bothered to even put makeup on at the moment!
Another week, another pound. Although I'm starting to wonder if some of that is fluid retention. I've started noticing swelling in my lower legs if I don't make sure I get up at least every hour from my desk.

I'm still feeling healthy and energetic. Far more than in the first trimester. However, I'm definitely feeling bulkier and sleeping can be a challenge. I'm cautious about getting enough sleep because if I don't I tend to eat poorly, gain weight and retain water.

I'm back to running after a week off to recover from my hike. 3 miles in 37 minutes this morning. :happydance:
Last weekly update for the second trimester. I definitely can see things getting a little less enjoyable as this pregnancy progresses. The big issue is now water retention. Fatigue is also returning.

My weight is all over the place. I'm about ready to stop weighing myself and just rely on the numbers at the doctor's office. My average weight gain has been fairly constant, so my eating versus activity levels are good.

Last week- 169
Thursday - 169.5 (Chinese food probably accounted for some excess sodium)
Friday - 173.5
Saturday - 172
Sunday - 171.5
Monday - 170.5


So yeah, I'm going to call it a 1.5 lbs weight gain for the week. And just accept that the weight gain will be what it will be. I'm still hiking and running 2.5 miles 2-3 x a week. Not sure how long I will keep running, but I feel so good when I stop. It's just about time to find a prenatal yoga class.

How's everyone else doing?
Nikko - kudos to you for still hiking/running, etc... !! I can't even walk very long now, my lower back is killing me. I hope it's just how baby is currently sitting, and doesn't last the remainder of the pregnancy.

My weight has been up and down the last couple weeks, but out of the 18 lbs I initially lost since becoming pregnant, I've regained about 12 or 13. So I'm still under my starting weight, and hoping to keep it a slow gain from here. My OB said I was doing well, and not to stress too much about it. She said she understood how hard it was to stack pregnancies back to back like I did, and not have a chance to lose all the weight first.

Still, I'm going to do my best to keep myself under control. I think the baby's growth spurts are the hardest time because I feel like I want to eat constantly!

The water retention has set in. (ugh!) Most of my shoes no longer fit, and neither does my wedding ring. I hate that... lol I swelled horribly with my son the first time around, I'm hoping I don't do the same thing this time. Going to try to keep my water intake going strong and hopefully it will help!
How's everyone doing? Only a few weeks left for some of us!
My weight is all over the place. I'm about ready to stop weighing myself and just rely on the numbers at the doctor's office. My average weight gain has been fairly constant, so my eating versus activity levels are good.

Last week- 169
Thursday - 169.5 (Chinese food probably accounted for some excess sodium)
Friday - 173.5
Saturday - 172
Sunday - 171.5
Monday - 170.5


Hard to believe that two years ago I was reaching the end of the second trimester weighing 15 lbs lighter than I am now at almost 24 weeks. No running this year. Barely able to walk in the evening or workout due to pelvic heaviness. But hey I've got a lot of weight lifting in courtesy of my toddler who wants to be held all the time.

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