i'm guessing girl.
good luck x
good luck x
Thanks for your guess, Jessicahide! Looking forward to finding out. Pretty much everyone in my life says girl but I'm trying to stay neutral.
9.5 more hours!!! I'm so nervous for some reason haha! We also haven't publicly announced I'm pregnant so we're doing that tomorrow too. With my first we announced right away at like 4.5 weeks and with my second we announced at 7 weeks. So waiting until just 2 days shy of 20 weeks has been fun. I thought it would be hard but it really wasn't and now it'll be a really fun surprise!
Oh my gosh I bet. I know mine will be too up until the moment she scans that area haha. As convinced as my family and friends are that it's a girl, I have such a hard time picturing anything but boy parts popping up on the screen haha. 3.5 more hours and then I won't have to wonder anymore!
It's a...BOY!!! Perfectly healthy and growing just as he should be. He is also quite the acrobat. He was in contorted or scrunched up positions the entire time haha. We're so happy. I just LOVE being a boy mom.
Thank you!!! Here's our reveal pic for both the pregnancy and gender. Such a fun day!