We traveled to a wedding at 7 months and I think we did a lot of sandwiches, fruit and baby puffs for lunch (were really only doing breakfast and lunch at that point). Breakfast was easy because we ate in the hotel, so she got some bits off our plate - toast with butter, scrambled eggs, some fruit or cheese. But things like cucumber sticks or any other raw fruit or veg you could cut up would be good. As would muffins, as you can bake them in advance and they shouldn't need refrigeration if it's only a couple days. Any kind of muffin would be good, carrot, banana, etc. but we used to make a lot of these spinach and feta ones (have also done broccoli and cheddar using the same recipe but with the substitutions).
If you're taking her for meals with you though, I'd just offer her some of what you're eating and then also add in some other things that might be easier for her to eat (like some cut up cucumber, banana, apple, cheese, etc.).