First OB appointment!


Ethan's mommy
Dec 29, 2013
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FINALLY, I will get to meet my OB next week. I've got 8 days and I'm so excited. I haven't had any kind of exams or anything so I will be doing all my first exams like the pelvic and breast exams but I'm mainly excited because I will get to hear my baby's Heartbeat :) I'll be 11w5d when I go so I should hear a HB right? I assume itll be done with a doppler since I do not get an ultrasound until 20 weeks :dohh:

Since I was so worried about a blighted Ovum (my fears have kind of disappeared within the last week) It'll be a big relief to hear my little bub's beating heart. What should I expect, I've had a papsmear before once, when I was like 19 or so, but I've never had a breast exam and to be honest I'm a little weirded out by that, I dk if my doctor is a male or female but I'm anxious about them feeling on my chest. What was it like hearing your baby's HB for the first time as well as how were your initial exams (because I'm sure some people have them earlier than others)
Why don't they have you in sooner? Are you from UK? I went to my first appt but it was only with the nurse, she went over my medical history and drew bloods. I still don't knoiw what those levels were. My appt with the midwife isn't until the 15th. Two days to go. The nurse told me that the midwife will go over my bloods and we will probably be listening for a HB. I've been to the er and last time I was there my hcg was at 84,000 so I figured that was a good thing. It was average for twin pregnancy though. And they said I was six weeks at the time(tvus).
I don't know, its the military.i'm in the US. I got labs done and blood drawn but nothing else. I don't know what my Levels are but my OB is supposed to be going over all that when I go for my appointment. I figured if my levels were low then they'd probably see me sooner so I'm hoping that its a good thing they are waiting. Its annoying though.
Oh the military. Ok. I figured the same thing, they haven't called me so I'm thinking that's a good thing! You should be able to hear your baby's HB then for sure. I saw mine at 6 weeks but couldn't hear it. I was there for emergency so no cutsie time I guess. It will be exciting for you to hear!! This is worse than the tww!
I went to the ER for a gallbladder attack and was hoping they'd check the baby, I was only 6 weeks then and they didn't even check anything. I was upset, the military is stingy with Ultrasounds. I only get 2 total- I should have gotten a dating scan but they say my Estimated due date was from my LMP and my due date is when the baby comes.
Its unreal how little they do for our veterans and their families! My dad is retired air force and when my mom was pregnant with my brothers they had NO CLUE she was pregnant with twins until after 7 months pregnant!! Its crazy! Did you go to a base hospital? Or one off base? And that's nuts about the due date!! What the heck!
on base because of the insurance I have. They said with that insurance then I have to go to them.
So even if you go to an independent hospital they will turn you away and send you to the base?? If not, when you are out and about around town next time maybe you'll have a "gallbladder attack" nudge nudge wink wink ;) That is a medical emergency. And they may just do an ultrasound there. That is definatly something I would do!! Ya know??
I have to wait until June 4 for my first ultrasound. I'll be 8 weeks and I really hope to hear a little heartbeat!!
I thought about exaggerating my cramping and having them give me an early scan, but I didn't want to jynx myself xD. Also had I known they wouldn't give me a scan until 20 weeks I would have pretended not to remember when my last cycle was. That way they would do a dating scan. And yeah I think if I went to another hospital unless it was like life threatening or I was in labor they'd send me to the on base Hospital and if they didn't I'm almost positive the insurance wouldn't cover it.
I wonder how much an ultrasound would cost at a ob clinic? And if they would give you one if you were willing to pay for it. Those things can probably get expensive I'm sure. A couple years ago I ended up in the hospital needing emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder. The infection entered my blood and the doctors were asking me how I felt about artificial life support. It was scary. So maybe if you're "having a gallbladder attack again" they might do an ultrasound. That us how they found my bad gallbladder. You would think that they would be concerned how the baby is doing during a gallbladder attack. I'm an impatient person when it comes to ultrasounds and blood work. I've been at the e.r. at least 4 times since I got my bfp. If they don't do an ultrasound at my appt tomorrow I will probably be back in the e.r. again in a couple days. I've been having some cramping and sharp pains, especially when I walk for longer than 20 or 30 minutes straight.
I've looked into getting a private scan done, my MIL works at L&D at the hospital back in our home town and we visit all the time so she had said she might be able to get me one. I was hoping for one last weekend as a mothers day present but no such luck. I shouldn't get my hopes up about my MIL getting me one though, she's not the most reliable person. DH says I'm so impatient about getting an ultrasound, he's like "it'll be a tiny little peanut" and I'm like "but its mine and I want to see it" when I went to the ER for my gallbladder they did do an ultrasound of my gallbladder but didn't even touch around the baby. I was 6 weeks though so maybe it was too early? I don't know.

Yeah I'd request a ultrasound and tell them "Hey I've been having bad pains" if I were you. I'm just afraid that my doctors don't really give a shit unless I'm like on the verge of dying. Like I'm overweight (according to my BMI I'm even considered Obese But to me I'm not obese just overweight) so I'm a little worried they won't be able to find the HB and instead of looking to see with an U/S they will just be like "Oh its normal not to hear anything right now, the baby could be facing the wrong way" or some BS because that will not help my Anxiety. I had to fill out a survey type thing for my doctor and I did say that I suffer from bad anxiety and that I was already worried about a blighted Ovum. Maybe they will take that into consideration if they are unable to find it but I almost doubt it.
When I got my last us I was measuring 6 weeks, didn't hear a HB but saw a blipping , aren't you like 10 weeks or more? I believe a blightened ovum would have miscarried by now. Around 6-8 weeks. My SIL had a blightened ovum and she miscarried at just over 6 weeks. So I wouldn't worry about that if I were you. I'm over weight too. I've got small bone structure but I weigh like 155 now. I've gained about 10 lbs since bfp. I'm not eating like crazy though. I have had two children so I have a little extra weight on my tummy too. It would be nice if your MIL could get you one. I know how it is when people say they will do something and don't follow through. Its annoying ! I'm gonna tell my midwife that I've been having pains when walking. I also have a herniated disc and nerve damage in my legs from a car accident in 2004 I was 8 months pregnant with my youngest dd. And the pain was horrible! I'm hoping its not too much worse with thus pregnancy. My neurologist told me not to have any more children because of the nerve damage. But I obviously didn't listen.
I will be 11 weeks 5 days when I go to my doctors appointment, but I've read stories about women going in for their first Ultrasound at 12 weeks and it being an empty sac. So once I hear a HB or see a baby I will calm down. Yeah I've got a smaller frame too, in high school I was a healthy weight for my size at 107 because i'm so short but since meeting my Hubby and getting married I've put on so much weight. Our lifestyle isn't a super healthy one (it is getting there now) but we ate fast food pretty much everyday for the last 4 years. Before I got pregnant I was around 185 but I've lost 6-7 lbs since becoming pregnant from my decreased appetite as well as nausea.

Dang, I got in one car accident and it wasn't even that serious but I was pretty banged up and had to go to a chiropractor for 4 or 5 months. That was back in September I hope that my injuries don't start acting up again, I know my wrist has been hurting but my shoulder has been doing good.

Hopefully your midwife can give you some relief and will hopefully check on the baby.
Appointment went well! Heard my babies HB, it was 160 :)
So relieved!
I am surprised they are not doing a scan at 12 weeks for you. They don't do NT measurements at the hospital on base?
I know I really want a scan- I might contact the place here in town and see how much it costs to go get a private one. My next appointment is 16 weeks 5 days so the SHOULD be able to tell gender but of course are going to make me wait. T.T
I guess they don't do ultrasounds until they feel it necessary, I do know that I'm going out of town right around my 20 week mark so if my OB doesn't let me come in like right at 20 weeks I'm going to be pissed because I want to know damnit x)
Appointment went well! Heard my babies HB, it was 160 :)
So relieved!

Yay!! That is so great! My mw tried to pick up the HB for me but we couldn't find it. She said it was too early. She did say my bloods were great. And my 6 week scan was great. I guess I won't get an ultrasound until 20 weeks too, unless I go to the e.r. how are you feeling? Any symptoms that are more annoying than the others?
Nausea has come back worse than before, 10 weeks it kind of subsided but as soon as I hit 11 weeks it came back :( and I'm more exhausted than usual.

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