first post..stuck in the 2ww!!!


Mar 7, 2010
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Hello everyone!! I have been lurking here and reading everything~ on my ipod for the past week and now can finally post (anyone with an ipod touch can understand why i HATE typing on that thing)!

a little backstory ~ i have 2 sons (12 and 3) and have had 5 miscarriages and a cornual ectopic that resulted in major surgery on April 1st 2009. The doctors were able to save my tube..yay! We decided to wait 1 year to ttc again, i had mirena put in and hated it!!

jump to now..i had the mirena taken out 3 months ago and had some testing done, we found that i have a clotting disorder and that is the cause of the miscarriages. I am taking baby aspirin daily now and will start Lovenox injection once i get a bfp.

I am 2 days late for :af: now and have been getting all :bfn:. The weird part is that i know i ovulated on the 2nd of April (opk's) so i am only 11 dpo. I have been sick so i dont know if the "symptoms" are from the cold or something else. My cp is super high and soft and i have been breaking out for 2 days like crazy.

soooo sorry for the novel but hello!!!
Hi there-
Sounds like we have a few things in common.Do you have MTHFR? I have had 4 miscarriages and found out this past June that I have MTHFR, with the mutation in both genes.I have another blood clotting disorder as well.I'm also taking asprin, a large dose of folic acid and will start injections when I conceive.But that seems to be taking forever!

When was the last time you tested?Isn't it annoying when you have all sorts of symptoms and keep getting bfn? I think that since you are only 11dpo that's a really good thing.Lets say you implanted 9 might still be a little too low to pick up yet.
I have thrombophilia. I have never heard of MTHFR but it does sound like we are on similar I am taking the aspirin, folic acid and a prenatal everyday. Do you know what injections you will take? I am terrified about the Lovenox but i guess i can deal with it.

I have been testing everyday :blush: cause Christopher (the boyfriend) bought me a 50 pack of cheepies I am really hoping that its still too early cause i have never been late even with the mirena i was always on time. Wouldnt it be just my luck though that the one time i am late is
MTHFR causes blood clotting and also causes really low folic acid levels.Well, its a hand in hand type thing.Your body requires folic acid to break down homocysteine.With low folic acid levels you cant get rid of homocysteine, it builds up and you clot.It's a complicated little thing.

Seems to me that my doctor had mentioned heparin when it was first brought up.I too am terrified because I've heard all sorts of horror stories about heparin, and not even from pregnant people.I certainly understand your fear.It's hard enough after having so many losses.At this point I am afraid to even get pregnant again honestly.I think I would lose my mind if I had to go through losing another pregnancy.

A fellow poas addict!Yay!(Im 4dpo and had a little twinge today and my first thought was oooh I can test!Then I thought no I cant.LOL) How have your cycles been in the 3 months since you had the mirena removed?Are you temperate charting or anything?
aah learn somethin new

yeah my doc mentioned heparin but you have to inject that twice a day so i opted for the Lovenox. I honestly think i am numb to the losses, it hurts so bad that i just cant feel it anymore, ya know? When i had the ectopic they had to completely open me up through my c-section site and the surgery that should have only taken 2 hours lasted almost 6. I think at this point i am more terrified about having another ectopic, the pain was unbearable!

The first miscarriage was with triplets but we were blessed with our little Noah only 2 months after that loss. All of the others were between 4 and 9 weeks. How early on were yours?

My cycle has never changed, it was regular before the mirena and through the whole time i had it. After it was out i bled for a few days then got AF right on time and have been spot on since. I chart but dont do temping..i am so all over the place with my sleeping, due to a crazy 3 year old so i could never remember to temp as soon as i wake up.

OOh i rationalize testing at 5 Its truly an obsession!!
Last night I started typing a loooooooong reply to you on my phone and it deleted it when I tried to post. :( I couldn't believe it!
It's good that your cycle never changed.A friend of mine had mirena and it messed her cycle up terribly, then it started coming out so she had it removed.She just did not have a good time with that thing.

I did not know heparin had to be injected twice a day.That's good to know.Thanks for the info! You did not do injections when you were pregnant with your sons did you?

I am so sorry for everything you have been through.You have certainly been through a lot.I understand feeling numb.I got kind of numb too.My friends and family would tell me oh you're so strong for going through all of this and dealing with it so well.It almost disgusted me when they would say that because I felt anything but.Once we had some testing done and I was put on femara(I only ovulate on my own maybe twice a year for no apparent reason), I felt a little more empowered.Charting helped and using opks.Now I still have times, usually while taking the femara, that I think I just don't want to do it anymore..but overall I do feel stronger.And the truth is, it does take a very strong, brave person to go through the things you have gone through and so many other women, and still want to keep going.

My first miscarriage was at 8 weeks.I was 19 at the time and scared to death.I had a lot of complications from there.I bled for about 8 months straight.They tried every kind of bcp there was and all sorts of stuff.Never worked.Finally,I changed doctors, and almost exactly a year after the miscarriage I had laprascopy and a d&c.That fixed it and 6 months later I got pregnant with my now 5 year old daughter, 2 weeks after stopping birth control pills.A fairly uneventful pregnancy with her.I had a few episodes of bleeding early on and at 21 weeks.She was a big baby and I had to have a c-section.We didn't start trying again until the end of Dec.2007.I got pregnant the beginning of January and miscarried at 12 1/2 weeks.Got pregnant again 5 months later and miscarried.I was around 5-6 weeks then.Had a horrible doctor at that time who refused to do testing.He told me there was nothing wrong with me.Then refused to give me bcp when I asked for it because he said there was no need, I would get pg when my body was good and ready.Total jerk.Then had a miscarriage April of last year at 5 weeks.
I can't understand for the life of me why it is that now that I'm on the femara I am not getting pregnant.At least I ovulate now that I'm on a higher dose..but still not pregnant.This month we are trying something new.I am taking prometrium from 3dpo until 16 I think it was..hoping getting my progesterone up might help.

I assume you have tested again?LOL. My goal this month is to not test until I am 11 or 12 dpo.I think I can do it!My theory is that when I have been pregnant it is the months that I do not want to test early on. ;)
Omg you have been through so much, I am so sorry for all of your losses! I couldn't imagine getting to 12 weeks then miscarrying. I know exactly what you mean about when people say " your so strong". If they could see me crying for hours when no one is around!

I hope you get your bfp soon!!! I had a doc for the first 3 miscarriages that told me they were from having sex and coffee but woulnt do any testing. We recently moved so I found a new ob/gyn and he immediatly did blood work and sent me to a specialist.

Nope I didn't do anything while pregnant with the boys. With my oldest I was only 17 when I had him and I had a perfect pregnancy. With my younger son I was so sick and had such bad migranes I had to be taken out of work for the last 6 months.

From what my doc told me heparin is taken twice daily and lovenox is almost the same med just taken once a day, might be something to talk to your doc about.

I tested this morning with fmu and got a bfn. My cp is still super high and soft and no af in sight!! I'm so confused, could it be the ic tests? I dunno
Thanks hun.Yeah the 12 week miscarriage was sort of a shocker.But I had a weird feeling from the very beginning.Just a bad gut feeling and I was having weird cramping and pressure from the start.Same thing with the pg a few months after it.

I'm glad you found a doctor who would do testing on you. it amazes me how so many doctors just blow it off, tell you you're paranoid and that alone will cause problems, stuff like that when it turns out so many people really do have legitimate disorders.Are you in the US?It seems like here with the health care system, they just dont really care.Maybe this is everywhere.I don't know that much about other countrys health care systems.But I do know I am not too fond of the one in the US.Mostly the insurance companies.
When I found my ob/gyn that I have now, he told me after the testing not to think for one more day that my losses were in vain because if it was not for them I would never have found out about the hemolytic anemia and thrombosis.No telling what kind of health problems it may have caused and no telling how many more losses I may have had.

I will definitely talk to my dr about the lovenox vs heparin.If I can get away with only having to stab myself once, Id be happy!

I saw a post yesterday that showed stats re what time of day a test is done and the accuracy.It showed that fmu was not the most accurate.Very intresting.
I don't know whether it may be the ic tests or not.I guess it depends on what kind exactly.I know a lot of them are more sensitive, but I've also heard that they can contain less dye thus not showing up as well.I am not certain about this though.I may be wrong.

I tried to send you a message asking if I could add you to my friends, so I can keep up with you.hehe.I wasnt able to send it to you though.
Hmm that's weird I'll have to check into it when I can get to the computer, I'm back to typing on the stupid iPod. I'm in ny right outside of Rochester, we just moved here from buffalo. Where in tenn do u live? I have family in Hendersonville I think it's called.

I think I am gonna go buy a frer later and try that tomorrow morning if af stays away. I usually check cp and I know that normally by this time it is low and hard but now it's so high I can hardly reach it and super soft. I'm so confused lol.
Very strange about your cervix.I drive myself nuts checking my cervix because I have found that for me, it really doesn't mean anything.Come to think of it, no symptoms, cervical position, cm or anything else really means anything for
I would check with a frer.Just to give you some peace of mind.

I cant imagine using the ipod.Those things look like they would be really hard to type on.I have a blackberry and even that is a pain.I wanted a blackberry so bad, then I got one and I have to say I am not really a fan.

I have a friend that used to live in Buffalo.I am about 25 mins from Hendersonville!We go there quite a bit for movies and stuff.How cool is that!Im in Springfield, about 20 minutes from Nashville.
i went to the store today and got a FR test and a few dollar store ones. I tried 1 $ tree one and got a faint line but i could be just seeing i plan on testing with the FR on Friday morning if there is still no sign of AF.

OMG the ipod is so hard to type on, the stupid touch screen is so sensitive and i mess up all the time.

Thats really cool, where in Buffalo did your friend live? I havent been to Tenn in probably 10 years but i loved it when i was there, its really pretty!!
LOL, aww...I wish I knew what to tell you about these tests but I just dont know.How many days late are you now?3?

I'm not sure where in Buffalo she was.I will have to ask next time I talk to her.I do know that we were talking the other day about when she was in Buffalo and she said she would never go back because the cold was just too much.
I like TN too.Very green.I never really noticed how green it was until I was in San Diego(thats where my husband is from).I came back and was just in sensory overload due to all the trees.haha!There was also the noticeable difference in humidity.Omg, its so humid here.Gets worse every year too.

I'm feeling really bummed today about my chances of being pregnant right now.I don't know why because I'm only 5dpo.But it seems like I've typically had symptoms earlier on before.Like, I knew right away.I shouldn't worry I guess but it's hard.I'm starting to doubt whether it is ever going to happen again and not really sure what to do about it.
This makes me think I should go right now and do something nice for myself in an effort to feel better.Or my husband.He had his last night of school tonight after 4 very excited about that.
Yep i'm 3 days late as of today and going crazy!!

i know how you feel but you still have such a great chance only being 5 dpo!! With my younger son Noah i had no symptoms at all. The only reason we even found out about him was that the doc was checking to make sure my levels were back at zero after the miscarriage and they were far from zero. I had no clue!!

You should do something nice for yourself anyway, hehe CONGRATS to your hubby, what is he going to school for?

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