So, I married my husband a month in a half ago and we waited to have intercourse until we were married. We got married on May 18 and sometime around late April I got my period. Im not sure of the exact date. After our honeymoon I got my AF on May 30 and that is the last time I have gotten it. We are not ttc but we are not trying hard not to. On June 20 and 21 we were not careful at all during intercourse. On June 23 I took an ovulation test, my first one, out of curiosity, and it had a strong second line. 5 days later I took one again - I thought it would be good to know more about my cycle - and there was still a strong second line. When did I truly ovulate? I am not sure, but I could tell that I did. Now I am on cycle day 38! I dont ever remember having an af so late. I am around 14-20 dpo? I get definite waves of naseau and am super sleepy all the time, but I have taken a few hpt and all have come back negative. I am new to this world! Any idea whats going on or any advice?