First time posting - 42 - and high fsh


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2011
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Hello all - been lurking forever but this is my first post. I never imagined i would have a problem conceiving - i have always been stuck in a twenty year old's state of mind thinking it would just happen. - but it hasnt - had some blood work with a new OB/GYN and discovered i have an FSH of12.5. The office never called with results so i finally contacted them. Never got the (arrogant) doctor but spoke to nurse practitioner who was irritated that i called. she simply told me that "everything looked great"! i was thrilled... when i was able to pull my results on her website i did some research and discovered - devastatingly, that my level was high and i from what i can understand - i may as well forget it!! i called her back and pointed this out and she said oops i was looking at it from a menopausal point of view and that it was ok that 12.5 was ok for midcycle. she hung up quickly and i yet again called back to tell her that it was taken on day 3!!! she fought with me until she realized that was true. she then said i needed to MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO COME IN AN TALK TO THE DOCTOR!! they dikdnt have an open appointment for almost a month. i called my old doc because i was also having pelvic pain which "new doc" knew about. he sent me for an ultrasound and i have a cyst on my right ovary. Needless to say, i am devastated and wondering if anyone has any success stories in a similar situation. Thanks for listening...
Hey MaryP...

I am very sad you got the bad news...
But I'll tell you something... interesting.
I am 37.
I got pregnant for the first time in January 2011 (after 5 months since I got married). In March I had a miscarriage, which was so devastating that there are no words to describe it.. About a month and a half later my FSH was 11.8. A month later it was.... 18. The following month 7, the next month 17. Anyway, I went to see two doctors. One said from the start: just look into adoption, it's not going to happen. The other did more tests (all other things are okay with me), then she told me the good news: I had between 2 and 3 % chance of ever getting pregnant again. She suggested IUI which is not an option for me for moral/religious reasons... I was slowly sinking into deeper and deeper depression... Adoption looked impossible for different reasons...
Today... I got a BFP.
Okay, I still don't believe it and expect it to disappear tomorrow or something... The first thing we talked about with my husband when I told him was... whether we'll have another funeral or maybe just a service, and he was upset because of course I want a funeral if my baby dies. So of course we are full of fear.... and memories of the miscarriage come back very painfully...

But this is just so so unbelievable. FSH 18!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it happened!!!!!!!!!!
Your FSH seems very low compared to mine.
I don't know, I just wanted to give you some hope.
(I stopped coming to this board a while ago, since my hope died with the high FSH and the doctors' verdicts. But I came here today to tell my story to someone who like me doesn't believe in miracles...)
Wow, Tysia, just reading this and...congratulations! A BFP, is a BFP, so congrats!

I'm so sorry to hear about your previous loss, you have been through so much, but try to keep positive, (I know easier said than done) Sending you lots of :hugs:

Please keep us updated, it's great to hear stories like this :)

MaryP - I'm afraid I don't know anything about FSH, but isn't it something that can alter each month? I don't know but wanted to send some :hugs:
I had a high FSH one month (16+) and three months later, it was 10 and I got pregnant naturally the following month, so I think it varies from month to month. Also, how does it compare with the LH? If they are 'equal-ish', then good for IVF hormones, etc. (The month of May, my FSH was 10ish and my LH was around the same, and got pregnant naturally the next month...

I read a few good books, one is called 3 steps to fertility, which listed a number of alternative practices, which were helpful, also take a look at Zita West's various books, which also offer suggestions about 'lowering' FSH...

best wishes

ps. was 43 when conceived and will be 44 when little one is born in February....
Tysia - WOW!!!! Congratulations!!! i can CERTAINLY understand your concerns and your fears, but you are so blessed!!! TRY very hard not to get stressed and just relax -- I believe that frame of mind is directly related to physical health. (I kmow easier said than done) Thank you so much for your encouraging story - and i DO believe in miracles. Anyone bringing a child onto this earth must. I believe in God and will continue to pray for my miracle. You have given me hope :) Have a happy and healthy nine months!!
CONGRATULATIONS SABRINAKAT!! It helps so much to hear these beautiful success stories! I am so happy for you!!
Do you have any explanation why your FSH lowered? I read that even if it's high just once, it's an indicator of where you are at even if it lowers another month :( You are "supposed to go by your highest number". I have nothing to compare it to, as this was only one month. My FSH was 12.5, My LH was 6.0 and my Estradiol was 81. I think your FSH and LH should be close to a ratio of 1:1 - so it doesn't look good to me. And estradiol should be less than 80 :( SO, Im just praying that something can be done to help me.

I just read Julia Indichova's (?) book Inconceivable, and was disappointed. I'm not saying her route doesn't work, but I'm just not into all that heavy duty organic, deprive yourself and drink wheat grass kind of stuff. I know some people who live that way and frankly seem to be the most unhealthy people. And again - I believe to each his own - but for me it's not. I eat a variety of foods - cook most of my own meals - and exercise every day. I also struggled with anorexia in my early 30s and don't want to focus too much on depriving myself of anything. it's a toug battle. I don't know - maybe I will feel differently down the line. I would like to find a good read that is geared more toward me. but THANK YOU for your wonderful suggestions - i will definitely take a look into them.
about lowering FSH... yeah, I don't believe in it too much, because I also heard that you are as good as your worse result... But it does fluctuate... and my uneducated impression is that we do have a better chance those months when it is lower. It is probably a good idea to check it a few times, except that one might get more disappointed if it gets even worse... I went from 11.8 to 18 to 7 to 17 to something (I didn't check last month).

But... there are some doctors, called Naprotechnology doctors, who say that a diet could lower your FSH and help in general. In order to figure out what diet you have to take a blood test for food allergies (these are not the real allergies that make you very sick, and can be dangerous, but some lesser ones that supposedly also affect your body in a bad way even though you don't even notice on a daily basis). I did that test about two years ago and decided to dismiss the results. The test told me: no diary, no eggs, no rice, no soy, no crab, no ginger, no black pepper! What a weird list! But my 'worst' foods, supposedly most poisonous, were dairy, eggs, and soy.

This year about two months after my miscarriage I decided to give it a try. It's not 100 % because ever so often I will drink half a glass of milk, or will eat sushi with rice, but more or less I follow this stupid diet. I have no idea if it helped. I mean, my FSH was very high.

One last thing: my last doctor (a RE) said: absolutely no caffeine even when trying to conceive. So I finally quit completely a bit more than three weeks ago. Again, who knows if this had any effect....

And MaryP: please, pray for me. I'll pray for you.
I am a believer as well, I was just very angry at God for a while...
I promise I will pray for you, Tysia.. .I am right now.. I actually have the chills as I am... :hugs:

Thanks so much for your reply... I can't believe the list of foods you are allergic to? I am willing to give anything a try - if it worked for you - it can work for me. I need to get myself to an RE and stop wasting time with the incompetent physician i did have :( I believe the caffeine part, too, but it will be very difficult for me, as I suffer also from migraines, and it helps me tremendously. I get neuorological symptoms before they hit.. and am on my way to one today... Just this morning I tried to return a rented DVD through the bank drive through :winkwink: Just thought I would interject a little humor to make you smile at my stupidity!
I will continue to pray for you and your continued health!!
Thank you, Mary. I promise I'll pray for you. I had a lot of trouble praying these last few months, and I was actually only able to pray for other women who lost their children, and also for women who have problems with their fertility.. I don't think I'll ever stop... But I'll remember about you especially.

I'll ask my sister about that food allergy test. I have no idea what it was called. (I was in Poland when I did it, but my blood was sent to Cambridge, UK, I think.) I did notice that I was feeling better when I was on this diet. Lost some weight and wasn't getting bloated - before the diet food would very often make me awfully bloated...

it's a very good idea to look for a good doctor...

and the caffeine.. oh my... your situation is much harder than mine... it was terribly difficult for me anyway, and i only have maybe one migraine per year or every other year... maybe a good doctor could suggest something for you, too... do you have to drink coffee, or would tea be enough? i think tea is somewhat less evil (but still, not so much less evil...)
here is some info on the food allergy test that I did:

what i did was a bit more advanced than that home kit...
yes. FSH does fluctuate between cycles hun so don't take any single reading as a given. I had a MMC a few weeks before my 40th birthday in Nov09 then a couple of chemicals. I had tests in Feb this year and I think my FSH came back at 9 on that particular cycle (seems so long ago now).

Anyway the month after DF (who is 14 years younger than me) started taking zinc and selenium as advised by the FS and me having a hycosy (where they inject dye and look at the tubes etc to check for blockages) we got this BFP and haven't really looked back.

I will be 42 in December and she's due in January.

Good luck hun.
Thank you again, Tysia! you have been extremely helpful and kind. I will check out the allergy site. God bless you and your little one. :flower:
Huge congratulations to you!! and THANK YOU for the encouraging story. I am SO sorry for your losses, and hope that you continued to have a healthy happy journey. It is very good to hear that the FSH can fluctuate and I am hoping that i will have an opportunity on a good month to be equally blessed. I will continue to gather all of the information I can to make that happen!! :hugs:
response below the one to Tysia is for you - sorry - still new at posting :)
I did acupuncture from Jan to May (conceived in June) twice a week -- whether you think it works or not, it did help relax me; I didn't cut out caffeine, but limited it to one mocha (half coffee/half hot chocolate) a day (and continue to....). I just tried to eat as healthy as possible -- I tried some herbs that were recommended, but they just gave me headaches! The big thing I did was quit smoking and I think, along with the acunpuncture, relaxed and cleaned me out (like detox)...

I wish you guys the best of luck -- this is not an easy journey to take!

best wishes
Tysia and Sabrinakart-Thank you both so much for posting to give us High FSHers hope. It really means alot. Tysia-Praying for you with goosebumps.

Mary-I just want to say that I read Inconceivable and I was very overwhelmed by the diet changes that were made also. It seemed like it would be too time comsuming and expensive for me. I ended up reading the follow up book The Fertile Female and found that to be a better resource. The mind-body-spirit connection helps me to get grounded and still follow my longing for another child while believing it is possible. The imagery exercises have been a Godsend on difficult days.

As far as the food goes I saw a Natrupath and had some Food allergies tested as well and discovered that Gluten was an irritant for me. I am 5 days into a gluten free diet. (I already want to quit, LOL) The way I see it I want to give my body more energy so that it has extra for reproduction.

My FSH is 46. I can't wait to post my success story on here. : )
Baby dust to all.
SabrinaKat - i totally believe in accupuncture. My mother suffered for YEARS from chronic pain - and all the meds and surgeries - the ONLY thing that worked for her was accupuncture! amazing - and my mom was never a believer! of course, insurance doesn't cover something like that and it became very expensive for someone her age (81!) I am willing to give it a try and had already thought about it - the hard part is finding one where I live. The one she used is no longer - so I will probably have to travel. I am so thankful for your posts. Thank you!!!
Blubutterfli - congrats on your efforts to live a healthier life - i KNOW it's not easy giving up things we like! the gluten free would kill me!! wow - i feel guilty being upset over my FSH at 12 :( Gsh, I wish you the best of luck and hope you get your BFP soon - you so deserve it!!! Thank you so much for your response! :hugs:
:hi: ladies!

congrats to Tysia, Sabrina, & Truly_blessed :hugs:

MaryP you're not alone :hugs: Im 36 and Im another high FSHer... mine was 11.8 in June (didn't have another one after that), my doc had me follow that up with the AMH test ( This test confirmed that I have Diminished Ovarian Reserve ( Ive been through 3 months fertlity meds and treatments and Ive yet to get my BFP. Ive had 3 m/c, the most recent one being in Oct 2010. I am now TTC w/o fertility meds and treatments. Im taking vitamins for egg quality and general health. Im eating healthy and exercising as well.

I hope to one day post my success story as well...

:hugs: to you all :hugs:
:hi: ladies!

congrats to Tysia, Sabrina, & Truly_blessed :hugs:

MaryP you're not alone :hugs: Im 36 and Im another high FSHer... mine was 11.8 in June (didn't have another one after that), my doc had me follow that up with the AMH test ( This test confirmed that I have Diminished Ovarian Reserve ( Ive been through 3 months fertlity meds and treatments and Ive yet to get my BFP. Ive had 3 m/c, the most recent one being in Oct 2010. I am now TTC w/o fertility meds and treatments. Im taking vitamins for egg quality and general health. Im eating healthy and exercising as well.

I hope to one day post my success story as well...

:hugs: to you all :hugs:

Hi, Lisa 2010 - thank you for your post, and I am so sorry for MCs :( Could you please tell me what fertility meds you took. My "old doc" briefly mentioned clomid, but does that work in high FSH case? What vitamins are you taking? I've read about soy isoflavones. Im just so confused and feel like i dont know where to start. I would also like DH to take some supplements. we are both OLD biddies. I just upped my exercise and im TRYING to eat healthier. Does it sound odd that im afraid to speak to my doctor? im afraid to find out anymore that is going to discourage me! i dont want them to tell me flat out it's unlikely to happen. I just want to keep believing it will. I've never been one to shut thoughts out, but now i want to. I just feel so sad. I hope we are both soon blessed. :hugs:

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