ok here are a couple of ovuations pictures i took of my test i done about 10 min ago took me long enough to get it on to the laptop could you tell me if thats a positive or nearly positive or what thanks xxx
It all depends on the lady. Some women always have lines like that so they have to use a less sensitive test. Some ladies would have a line like that meaning positive so they have to use a MORE sensitive test.
For average women, that is not positive and is either your background hormone level or (if it was my test) getting towards positive (mine are never anywhere as dark as the control line).
Hope that helps.
Is it first time you've tested with these? If so you'll have a much better idea next month.
With ovulation the second test has to be as dark or darker than the top control line for it to be a positive, that is a clear negative. Keep testing daily to see how it gets darker.
For example
The positive result is the one on the left.
So that test that you use would look like this
I must say I never get an opk as dark as the control line. If I had that I would get to it girl!
Howver if that is not your LH surge yet, I would imagine you will get it soon, so at least you are getting a bit of a warning. You don't want to miss it like I did last cycle!
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