First ultrasound at 8 weeks, but only measuring 6!

Hi everyone....I went for a scan today and I am defo 8 wks by dates using lmp and I know I ovulated on time...they said I only measured 6 weeks and although there was a heartbeat it was slow for 8 wks. She said the heartbeat would be on for 6 wk but slow for 8. I'm really worried because I know I am defo 8 wks :( I've hot a scan booked in for next week. Im just wondering how everyone went on...please reply x
I haven't read the whole thread so apologies if I've doubled up. It's perfectly normal to measure smaller than your dates especially if you don't temp and can't be sure of your ovulation date. You could have ovulated a few days or even a few weeks late. Implantation could have taken awhile, plus I was told at my EDD scan that even though dates are as accurate as can be, pre 10 weeks the baby is so small that a day's growth is miniscule on the screen. I had a scan which dated me at 6+5 but I was warned that at my 12 week scan I could find I have gained or be put back anything up to a week. A heartbeat is a great sign, so take confidence in that hun. xx
Also don't forget that an OPK isn't a definite measurement of ovulation. Just an indication that your body will try to release an egg within the next 24-48 hours. It could fail and try again 2 or 3 days later. Only by temping can you really stand a good chance of pinpointing that date.
Ovulated late... or your little bean just took it's sweet time implanting! :) I'm going in for my first scan next week and I hope to hear a HB! :)
Thank you for the replies :) I'm sooo worried but I'm just goin to hope for the best...I defo ovulated tho coz I felt be honest I wish I dint know n then I could of assumed ovulated late! Oh well its too late now...I'll jus keep my fingers crossed n hope for the best x

I went for an early scan on Wednesday and thought i was 7 weeks based on my LMP - however pip was measuring at 5 week 3 days - I had a sac, yolk and fetal pole present - and have to go for a follow up scan next week. I felt pretty scared as I am having brown discharge however from what I gather working out you EDD based on LMP is only accurate if you have a 'text book perfect 28 day cycle where you ovulate on day 14 etc - I know I ovulated on day 19/20 as we had IUI so am hoping this is accounting for my dates :shrug: I know it's worrying but you have seen a heartbeat - that's a great sign - keeping my fingers crossed for you but i am sure everything is fine.

Ah you have a Pip too! That's what I'm calling mine. :)
I just thought I would post an update because when I was looking for answers there were lots of ppl in the same situation as me but hardly any with updates to let others know what happened. I had my scan today n the baby hadn't really grown n the heartbeat had gone :( It was horrible to hear n I then had to listen to the 'options' I had. I want to get it over with as quickly as possible but couldn't face surgery so I'm in the process of 'medical management'. I took one tablet today n go in hospital for the day on Thursday to take another n I should physically miscarry while I'm there. Im absolutely devastated as we wanted this baby so much. I know this is not wat some ppl will want to read as the outcome wasn't good but I feel like ppl on this site are looking for answers as I was. Even tho it sounds negative it is prob better to be as mentally prepared for the worst as possible. I didn't lose any blood in the last week n didn't have any stomach pains but I did feel very run down n felt sick (although I dint feel like I would be sick) and went to bed early on most nights. I'm now wondering if this was my body responding to the baby not surviving. I hope someone in this situation has a positive outcome. Good luck to everyone x
I just had my first ultrasound yesterday, and I was positive of my LMP, so that would put me at 9 weeks, but im only measuring 6 weeks, the sonographer was worried because she said if im positive of my LMP, then something is wrong. I left out of there so upset, crying, worried, sad...I just hope my baby is ok, Im hoping im off with my dates, but Im almost positive when i had my LMP....Im trying to think positive, has this happened to anyone else and had a positive outcome. Please pray for me and my baby!
Sending lots of love and hope to u n ur baby...I didn't have a happy ending but everyone is different so try and be positive...when I went thru this they told me that as long as the baby grew in the next wk then it cud be ok so u still have hope :) xxx
This happened to me...I went in thinking from LMP that i was 8w come to find out I was 6w3d. I wasn't tracking anything and me and hubby planned actually to start WTT...but of course as soon as that decision came about baby decided to sprout up..and now So far a healthy almost 12 weeks :D and we saw our heartbeat at 6w3d and they said everything measured perfect for that time.
Sending lots of love and hope to u n ur baby...I didn't have a happy ending but everyone is different so try and be positive...when I went thru this they told me that as long as the baby grew in the next wk then it cud be ok so u still have hope :) xxx

Thank you!
This happened to me...I went in thinking from LMP that i was 8w come to find out I was 6w3d. I wasn't tracking anything and me and hubby planned actually to start WTT...but of course as soon as that decision came about baby decided to sprout up..and now So far a healthy almost 12 weeks :D and we saw our heartbeat at 6w3d and they said everything measured perfect for that time.

I have hope after reading your story....thank you! Best wishes for you and baby.
I just had my first ultrasound yesterday, and I was positive of my LMP, so that would put me at 9 weeks, but im only measuring 6 weeks, the sonographer was worried because she said if im positive of my LMP, then something is wrong. I left out of there so upset, crying, worried, sad...I just hope my baby is ok, Im hoping im off with my dates, but Im almost positive when i had my LMP....Im trying to think positive, has this happened to anyone else and had a positive outcome. Please pray for me and my baby!

I am so sorry you are going through this stress. It brings back memories of my first pregnancy. Unfortunately, mine ended in a miscarriage (blighted ovum). Maybe you ovulated late! I ovulate an entire TWO WEEKS after normal people, CD28 this month before I found out I was pregnant. Maybe you are just off on your dates! I am choosing no ultrasounds until the near end of my first trimester. I started getting ultrasounds at 6 weeks last time and was awful with the tech telling me they weren't sure and to "come back in two weeks" over and over again...

Find strength with your support at home and on here - and I will be praying for you too and the little one!!!
:hi: ladies, well I am so happy I found this thread. I am currently struggling with the fact I should be 8 weeks pg from my LMP date (11th March) I am due to miss my 2nd period shortly. I had an ultrasound on Monday which put me back to 6 weeks. Yolk sac and a 2mm embryo (didn't say whether a heartbeat was detected) I have to go back in a week. I just don't understand how this is possible if I am indeed still pregnant? I know when my last period was, I got a poitive OPK test so know when I ovulated and also know that from the dates they are saying I should of concieved this baby a few days AFTER my + pregnancy test? To make matters worse we only ever had unprotected sex once more and that was AFTER the + pregnancy test. My HCG levels are also still going up? 32,000 at the moment? Can anyone shed any light?

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