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BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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... driving lesson tomorrow I'm kakking it!

What about you girlies? Tried, failed, passed? How many lessons did you have before passing?

My nickname was Nigel Mansel :oops: I was VERY confident, and as a result I failed, failed, passed!!!

My Driving Instructor got fed up with me """STOP IT NIGEL, SLOW DOWN ON THOSE CORNERS"" :lol: :roll: I just new how to handle the car, I had been driving for a while (with a licensed passenger), so much so my bad habits stopped me passing too :lol:

I would offer to drive on our nights out so everyone else could get pissed, I just loved driving!!!

Passed in the end, 3rd time lucky!

Good luck hun, I live far enough away to encourage you to get out there and give it your all PMSL!!!! :lol: *runs*
PML Cheeky
I keep stopping and starting my lessons!!
Still not done my test - not even my theory! :roll:
My instructor used to call my brother shumacher and me shumachers' sister! lol!!!
Poor guy! Don't know how he coped teaching us both!!!

I loved my first driving lesson!!!!

Good luck!!!

HayleyB said:
I loved my first driving lesson!!!!


So did I, it is a surreal feeling when you first move and you are in control isn't it?!

LOL I may have been schumacher if I as a bit younger :lol: :lol: Bloody Nigel mansell!!

I tell ya what I knew what freedom was when I passed my test, I hate being without a car, I love being able to go anywhere and whenever I want, and I find a good drive helps to sort your head when ya need it :wink:

Driving was all I ever wanted to do as a kid!!
I actually hate driving! Tried it & got out of the car refusing to get back in :lol: An I don;t really want to drive but fedup of trains & taxis & basically not being able to get about. :D
Since DH got his works van his iccle fiesta is sat out of the front of the house with no-one loving it :(
Some days i wish i could just jump in it and drive for hours!!!!

I hate the relying on public transport thing too!! *grrrr*
Wobbles said:
I actually hate driving! Tried it & got out of the car refusing to get back in :lol: An I don;t really want to drive but fedup of trains & taxis & basically not being able to get about. :D

You sound a right miserable cow lol!!!!!
HayleyB said:
Since DH got his works van his iccle fiesta is sat out of the front of the house with no-one loving it :(
Some days i wish i could just jump in it and drive for hours!!!!

I hate the relying on public transport thing too!! *grrrr*

Finish ya lessons then you can love it and drive it and give it the attention it deserves!!!

My car will be on the road tomorrow (Today :oops: ), I can't wait!!!
im thinkin o doin 1 o they intensive courses where its like 2 full weeks o nothin but drivin!!
Good luck for Today Wobble's

I passed 4th time but lets not go into that really

I was like Tam, in many ways except i prefered to Doughnut, Handbrake turn and wheelspin in the cars :lol:
Tam said:
Wobbles said:
I actually hate driving! Tried it & got out of the car refusing to get back in :lol: An I don;t really want to drive but fedup of trains & taxis & basically not being able to get about. :D

You sound a right miserable cow lol!!!!!
I just wanted to tell you how much I loved you also Tam :lol:
Well hopefully I won't do no wheely spins on my driving lessons lol Not cheap is it! :shock:

25 minutes to go!
Good luck babe, take it easy :wink: xx
I drove down a big big road all by myself

What a brave girlie I am LOL
I need to learn, and stop being so reliant on OH. It would be so much easier with rebecca 2! :lol:
Was really nervous when I realised the talking was over an I had to move the car but I like it & hope to get more confident over next couple of weeks :D

One of the reason I am learning is because OH can't :( Or I'd be sending him on his lessons!

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