Everything, except nuts and honey and certain shellfish, is all fine in moderation.
It is ok, but probaby not the best nutrition for a baby.
And I wouldnt use tomato sauce - I only use it rarely with my 3 yr old as a last resort to encourage her to eat her dinner on the odd occasion - I certainly wouldnt offer it to my 3 yr old, nevermind my 1 yr old. Unless its a homemade tomato sauce with no added salts/sugars like the bottled ones have
I dont give my lo ketchup as I dont want getting used to as a regular and some have milk in and she has cmpi. I think you can buy reduced salt and sugar ones.
As for fish fingers my lo has them and dietician said ok to give. Also offer side of veg.
I wouldn't give ketchup as it's got salt and sugar in. I gave fish fingers for the first time last night and took the breadcrumbs off but she wasn't too interested. But yes it's fine to give fish fingers in moderation
thanks everyone, i didnt bother with the tomatoe sauce as one look at the ingredients turned me right off!
fish fingers are fine in moderation and i think id only use them if i was really stuck. i just wanted to offer lo some white fish without the worry of bones!
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