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fisher price ipad baby toy


2 little boys :)
May 18, 2011
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what do people think of this? apparently lots of people have got really mad about it! It does look pretty tasteless though lol.

Yeah I'm not liking that....the idea of a newborn being sat with an iPad right in front of their face, blocking their view of everything else, actually disturbs me a little bit.
I am a fan of iPads and children over 1. I am especially a fan of iPads with children and developmental issues. I love Apple stuff and technology.

But this, no!

I just dont believe little babies (because thats whos gonna be in a bouncer) need ipads or iphones or anything.
I am a fan of iPads and children over 1. I am especially a fan of iPads with children and developmental issues. I love Apple stuff and technology.

But this, no!

I just dont believe little babies (because thats whos gonna be in a bouncer) need ipads or iphones or anything.

Exactly this!

My son is almost 2 and loves technology, he likes to play around with my phone however a baby stuck in a bouncer watching an iPad just doesn't seem right to me :/
I am a fan of iPads and children over 1. I am especially a fan of iPads with children and developmental issues. I love Apple stuff and technology.

But this, no!

I just dont believe little babies (because thats whos gonna be in a bouncer) need ipads or iphones or anything.

Yes this exactly, my little boy is 4 tomorrow and the iPad is great for some children with autism and ADHD etc.
I think iPads can be a great learning tool, but I would not be comfortable shoving a screen in a baby's face like that. I do not consider that appropriate for a child that small.
The American Pediatric Assiociation guidelines on toddlers and screen time recommends none at all until age two. That's what I went with for the most part with my boys. My youngest had some earlier exposure due to the fact that i would be in with my eldest when he started to watch some shows and the baby would be with me.
What I find interesting is that this article just chose the iPad potty as the worst toy of 2013 over the Fisher Price iPad baby bouncer???. I don't get that at all. For kids who have trouble potty training because they can't get the hang of sitting for awhile and letting their bodies relax and release, iPads can be a great tool. My boys are both really late to potty training (not for lack of trying every possible f**king technique under the sun, believe you me), and the one thing that finally worked was to make potty time a treat with time to play on the iPad.
So I find the "worst" award rather judgemental. Should it be the only strategy you apply to potty training? Of course not. But it could wind up being an important tool for those of us with potty-resistant kids. :shrug:
Again, I am assuming that these kids are 2 years of age or older, so that some screen time is appropriate developmentally.
I have seen a worst item believe it or not. A pushchair with a specially designed pocket in the hood to place an iPad/Tablet in so the baby can stare at it at the screen whilst out & about! What happened to good old fashioned interaction between parent & child :shrug:

I am going to agree with you Sarahkka, a potty with a tablet facility is not the worst toy in the world. As you said, if it helps with the minefield of potty training then it can only be a good thing! (of course not my first choice of things to try but would certainly be a consideration if needed)
I have seen a worst item believe it or not. A pushchair with a specially designed pocket in the hood to place an iPad/Tablet in so the baby can stare at it at the screen whilst out & about! What happened to good old fashioned interaction between parent & child :shrug:

I seen this recently, I think it was a Cosatto. I am not sure how to feel about that :haha: I wouldnt have used it with Tori but I would have considered it with Alex with her ASD as she can freak out in public places, and the iphone/ipad is her thing from taking her away from that.

The way manufacturers are trying to implement use of these products from such a early age really disturbs me. I think the potty certainly has its place and I considered it! Fisher price do the Apptivity cases for iphones an ipads which i found great in the toddler stage, but I dont think thats what they were aiming for, because there are baby toy rings and chewy type bits on it for little babies. Thats bizarre. I get babies are lil clever cookies and they know if you give them a fakey plastic thing but theres so much better educational alternatives.

If I didn't have a child with special needs I would not have considered these things in the early toddler days.
No, I don't like this at all. It is just as bad as placing a young baby in front of a TV if not worse, as the iPad is so much closer to their face. I think that an iPad can be a great learning tool for babies in moderation, but not that young and certainly not sitting in a chair where they just stare at an iPad like a zombie. I wonder what sales figures of these are like??
Couch potato baby! LOL! Just needs a remote and a beer
I have seen a worst item believe it or not. A pushchair with a specially designed pocket in the hood to place an iPad/Tablet in so the baby can stare at it at the screen whilst out & about! What happened to good old fashioned interaction between parent & child :shrug:

I seen this recently, I think it was a Cosatto. I am not sure how to feel about that :haha: I wouldnt have used it with Tori but I would have considered it with Alex with her ASD as she can freak out in public places, and the iphone/ipad is her thing from taking her away from that.

That's a good point actually. I hadn't thought of that if I am honest. I just had images of weeks old babies staring at a screen in my mind.

I suppose if a child does have "problems" (can't think of a better word at this time, so I'll apologise now!) being in public and an iPad will help them cope with that situation, then I can only imagine it being a good thing? Although you will be judged by everyone no doubt! :rofl:
Ah totally, the looks we used to get from folk seeing this tiny kid working an iPhone better than they could :rofl: I used to feel awful but I since learnt from autism workshops there is nothing wrong with it, if it helps, so be it!
I find this disturbing. I had a colicky baby and I admit to popping her in front of the tv for a few minutes so I could eat, go to the toilet etc but I can't imagine having something that close to a newborns face. It surely isn't good for their eyesight development. If you need something to entertain a colicky baby whilst you do something why not use the tv. No a tvs not ideal but can be a sanity saver. However something like this will just get abused. I can imagine parents using it all the time. I also think that such a large company providing it sends the message that using it is ok and acceptable.
I don't like it because I don't think kids that young should have any screen time at all, let alone iPad shoved on their face 24/7.

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