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Flu Shot Debate... ?


Cautiously Expecting #2
Apr 23, 2013
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My doctor mentioned that I needed to get the flu vaccine at my last appointment (the preservative free kind.) My hubby and I have been doing some research, and I'm really at a crossroads for what we should do. I have never received a flu vaccine, nor have I ever had the flu. From what I've read, even the preservative-free form of the vaccine has trace amounts of mercury. Mercury (specifically, thimerosal) has been linked to autism and other issues. At the same time, the CDC insists that women who get the flu while pregnant are at a greater risk for miscarriage, premature birth, and low birth weight.

Has anyone read compelling articles on the subject? Your personal thoughts? If I'm going to go ahead with getting the vaccine, it'd be within the next week. But I'm really struggling with this risk of autism...
I am 6 weeks and I have been worried about it too. But I also don't want the flu while pregnant. I get the shot every year and haven't gotten the flu. I think I might get it. I have an appt Monday and was going to discuss it then
I won't personally be getting any vaccs, nor giving them to my baby, but each to their own

This link has a video, it's a bit long winded but it does mention specifically research done on flu shots during pregnancy. :thumbup:

I've been battling with this too. dh got one so atleast my chance of exposure is reduced while I decide if I want it and when. I got a flu shot every year up until the age of 14, and my children do every year. My issue with it this time is dh is just about 50 so the risks of autism and other issues are already higher than normal. I'm asking my doctor on the 13th.
Worked as a teacher while pregnant with my first and second never got the flu and never the shot. Last year I did get the flu while pregnant with my third. Although I was very sick both myself and the baby are done after some soup and rest. I don't get the shot for my children nor do I get it for myself.
I had mine on Friday, it's a dead vaccine. I'd rather be safe then sorry, I'll also be having the whooping cough vaccine when ever it's time :)
I didn't get the shot with either of my first two pregnancies. I also didn't get the flu then so hard to know if it would have been worth it had I got the flu. My only experience (and I'm very hesitant to correlate the two but putting it out there because it IS what happened) with the shot was my third pregnancy. I got the shot at 5 weeks pregnant, found out at 6.5weeks that the pregnancy stopped progressing a few days after that. Again, likely completely unrelated but I always wonder now and WON'T be getting it this time as I'm now paranoid!
It's a no brainer for me to get the jab, I couldn't live with myself if I caught flu and it affected my unborn child.
I've a doctors appointment on Monday and I'm hoping to get it then. Everyone around me appears to be coughing and sneezing!
I got the flu shot on Tuesday. My OB office suggested that EVERY pregnant woman receive it.
I didn't get it with DD and likely not to bother this time either, when pregnant I don't like the idea of taking any sort of drugs I refuse as much as possible paracetamol even though its safe :shrug:
I had mine this morning. I get it every year as I have asthma and I work in a nursery so I'll take as much protection as I can get! :D
I really struggled with this one too. The hospital I work for strongly recommends pregnant women get the vaccine as well as my own doctor and my brother-in-law that is a doc both said I needed to get it (brother-in-law made sure his wife had it for all five of her pregnancies and all of their kids are wonderfully healthy). I still didn't like the idea but the only research I was able to find that really showed harm with the vaccines was from the ones with mercury preservatives or the nasal spray. I read the label for the preservative-free shot and the ingredients listed did not include thimerosal, although I wonder of there has to be a significant amount present for the company to have to include it?

Due to having a job with high exposure to the flu and our lower immunity in pregnancy with potentially devastating consequences of getting the flu, I went with what the experts on this one and got the shot. If I had a job that was not high exposure I may have gone a different direction. Basically I think that we all just need to make the decision that seems best to us with the info we have on hand.

Good luck with your decisions!
I'm choosing not to get the flu shot for various reasons. My midwife had an honest talk with me and told me that it is really up to me: She's had people who always get them, people who never get them, and people who just got the shot because they were pregnant and all of them had healthy babies. So, I'm going to go with that. I tend to have weird reactions to medications and I don't want to risk an adverse side-effect when I haven't gotten the flu since I was a child myself.
I got the shot because I'm high risk for getting the flu. I fly often and I'm constantly around kids, my immune system isn't great in general though. Both my son and husband have gotten their flu shots this year too.

When I don't get the flu shot I end up with the flu and it's terrible when you're not pregnant so I can't imagine it while pregnant!

I got the shot while pregnant with my son and he's been completely healthy and normal.
I had mine on Friday, it's a dead vaccine. I'd rather be safe then sorry, I'll also be having the whooping cough vaccine when ever it's time :)

I agree, I'd rather be safe than sorry. The doctor's do not even make the nasal spray version of the shot an option for pregnant women as that is the shot with the live virus in it. The dead virus vaccine is safe as indicated by articles I've researched. My husband gets his every year. I work with infants and toddlers in a daycare so my risk of exposure is very high, and I personally will not risk getting the flu while pregnant. I got my shot last month. Every woman in my family has had the flu shot while pregnant and every child born is healthy with no problems.

But as others have said, you need to do what you feel is best for you and your baby. If you've found research about the vaccine that makes you feel uneasy about having it, don't be pressured by others into it. Good luck :thumbup:
My immune system is awesome, I don't want the flu vaccine, I don't think I need it.
I'm a nurse and my hospital requires it (either you need religious documentation or you get fired). But, knowing that I have a wonderful chance of being exposed to it, I would never skip it. To each their own, but for me I would definitely be putting me and my little bean in danger if I didn't.
I forgot to get the flu shot when I was pregnant with DS and I happened to catch it and it was the sickest I ever was in my life. It's not like the stomach virus so I don't mean I was vomiting alot. I only vomited once, in fact. But my fever was so high it took Tylenol to keep it below 103 degrees fahrenheit. DH said I was having fever dreams and the scariest part was I often woke up completely out of breath. It felt like my lungs were collapsing. I coughed so hard that I started to bleed vaginally. It was terrible.

Saying that, I'm still nervous about the shot and am hoping that I can put off taking one until second tri. The bulk of flu season starts after I hit that milestone this time around so I think I can get away with waiting a bit.

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