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Flu Shot Debate... ?

I had one with my son and he's a healthy little guy, but I was scared to do it at the time and worried tremendously about it. Glad I did now though and I plan to get one this time soon too.
This is probably going to be buried.

I have gotten the flu probably only once or twice. The last one I had it was because I was exposed to so many sick kids (college) during finals. I experienced extreme fatigue, aches, and just under the weather. It lasted for 2-3 days.

Since I'm a SAHM, I do not get exposed to the public anymore or go to college anymore.

I think it's fine to get the flu shot IF you work in a higher risk environment (hospitals, daycare, teachers, etc).

My mother had the flu shot, and was required because she worked at a major hospital, and she had such a BAD (to the point where she was almost hospitalized for it) reaction to it that it took her a long time to get over it. So now when they require her to have the shots, she has doctors' orders not to get it.

My DH rarely get sick, and when he does, it lasts for a day or two. He says it's all because of Listerine. :D

So, it's really a personal choice. I personally won't get it because I don't think I'm at risk, and I have hung out with a lot of sick people and haven't gotten the flu (with exception of one time where there was a big epidemic at the school...now it's required for the computers to be sanitized frequently).
I'm battling with this! Normally I would go get it bc my mother has cancer so everyone around get gets it kids included! I was told by my primary and two obgyns to get it, I discussed it on a FB group and 95% said yes this included many pregnant women some even nurses! My primary dr pissed me off so I refuse to see her so I said no! One of my twins died so now I'm really questioning it I was told to get it before 12weeks. Then I asked a group of anti vaccines mothers and they all said no! I'm 10 weeks 3 days and really debating! One of my kids gets really sick during the cold months which I get sick and I don't want to risk my unborn baby by not getting the vaccine or by getting it and something happening! Have to weigh out the pros and cons!!!!
I am getting it monday. I was on the fence, but my friend got the flu when she was pregnant, and almost died. She was a SAHM at the time, and didn't get the flu shot because she didn't feel was at risk and never got sick. She told me it was the worst and scariest time of her life. After doing more research, i just feel it's the best course of action for me, especially sine i already had an upper respiratory infection while pregnant and it was absolutely awful.
Hmm i dont kno either! I wasnt offered it last time around which makes no sens as im pregnasnt around flu season again. I do work in a childcare setting, bbut like i say didnt have it wit h my last pregnancy and shes healthy and fine .i havent caught flu since i was a kid either so am undecided. Does anyone kno is it better to have it earlier or later in pregnancy?
It's a very difficult decision as it's nigh on impossible to sift through the rubbish and get to the facts! I think it is also very dependant on your personal situation.

From what I have read, I have formed my own conclusions that catching the flu during pregnancy can be harmful for baby in some cases and having the flu jab in pregnancy may be harmful in some cases, but as research and studies on this are very limited, there is no clear evidence.

So for me it comes down to risk of possible exposure to the flu (low in my case) v's definite exposure to the jab.

Personally I decided not to have the jab last time and won't again this time. I also take extra precautions such as frequent hand washing to help prevent infection while pregnant.

Do I worry about catching the flu whilst pregnant? Yes. Would I worry about the possible immediate or long term effects of the flu jab on baby if I had it? Yes. Very difficult! We need more unbiased info and research.
End of the day vaccines are here for a reason to protect !

It's parents that's decide not too protect there children as babies is too why we have just had a massive devastating outbreak of measles !

Vaccines are extremely Important and yes maybe only 10 people will pass away from not getting them but a whole lot more end up sick with permanent effects

You get flu maybe you get pneumonia if your unlucky you get treated but your lungs will be weaker for the rest of your life ,
End of the day vaccines are here for a reason to protect !

Largely I agree the intent is good. Problem is vaccines are a huge money maker for the drug companies so the possible negative effects aren't always going to be fully explored and presented in an unbiased fashion. Vaccines in preganancy have barely been researched (which granted is very difficult to do) or studied.

DD has had her vaccines (also not a straight forward decision) but I don't wish to take a jab while I am pregnant. There are many examples where something has been proclaimed safe and only for later for it it turn out not to be.
My doctor mentioned that I needed to get the flu vaccine at my last appointment (the preservative free kind.) My hubby and I have been doing some research, and I'm really at a crossroads for what we should do. I have never received a flu vaccine, nor have I ever had the flu. From what I've read, even the preservative-free form of the vaccine has trace amounts of mercury. Mercury (specifically, thimerosal) has been linked to autism and other issues. At the same time, the CDC insists that women who get the flu while pregnant are at a greater risk for miscarriage, premature birth, and low birth weight.

Has anyone read compelling articles on the subject? Your personal thoughts? If I'm going to go ahead with getting the vaccine, it'd be within the next week. But I'm really struggling with this risk of autism...

Flu shots during pregnancy are not safe. NO research has been done on the affects of flu shots on pregnant women. Please check out 'the national vaccine inofrmation center' Barbara Loe Fisher runs it. Very informative website. PLEASE do your research and follow your instincts. What people don't realize is that even if you get a flu shot-you can STILL get the flu ... It does not create immunity. (I used to be a healthcare worker). There are many links to autism, and other disorders...it is proven (and in the pamphlets of the vaccines) that they contain, thermerosal, formaldahyde, aluminum, etc etc. In my opinion, it puts baby at risk. There are a lot of doctors that push vaccines, and some that don't. In the U.S doctors get a pay out from the pharmaceutical companies for each vaccine they administer. There is also a tax that each patient pays on each vaccine, that goes into a fund, to pay out to families who have kids that are injured by vaccines. This is court ordered. I have done SO much research on this issue...I'm pregnant with my 3rd child...and have never had the flu shot in pregnancy, and will never get the flu shot. The risk of a vaccine far outweighs the 'benefits' of a vaccine in my opinion. Too much risk. As long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle, take your vitamins to keep your immune system boosted you will be fine. If you are looking for a good 'layout' of all that I've talked about in this responce, you can cjeck out the documentary called 'The greater good'. This is all based on facts not opinion. I know this is such a heated topic, but its best to do your research, and make a decision seperate of your doctor. Your family, your choice. Hugs!
You can msg me if you have any questions:)
Everyone has to make the choices right for them. Please view peer reviewed work and certainly not that of Barbara loe fisher the biggest influencer in the ant vax movement. I haven't time to go into detail right now im on holiday! but scary sounding things like formaldehyde etc. (there is 300 times more formaldehyde in a pear than a vaccine).
Do your own research, trust your drs etc. and make a view based on your own instincts.
Everyone has to make the choices right for them. Please view peer reviewed work and certainly not that of Barbara loe fisher the biggest influencer in the ant vax movement. I haven't time to go into detail right now im on holiday! but scary sounding things like formaldehyde etc. (there is 300 times more formaldehyde in a pear than a vaccine).
Do your own research, trust your drs etc. and make a view based on your own instincts.

This is false information that you have been given. Barbara Loe Fisher is entrusted with information from BOTH sides of the equation. The organization (National Vaccine Information Center) is to provide and report information of illness', statistics, injuries, and deaths of vaccines. I hate when people use the term 'anti vaccine movement'. Come on. There are medical journal's that report the exact same information, that people who are 'pro vaccine' choose to ignore. Read the small print on things. And if you think there is the same amount of formadahyde in a pear, you haven't done enough research. Have you studied the nature of vaccines? And diseases? Aluminum is used to bind the vaccine, and keep it in our system to keep circulating in our blood stream, our body tries to filter it out, but cannot, due to the aluminum and thermerosal...therefore causing a toxic environment for us, and our unborn children. It is a proven fact, documented in medical journals NOT opinion, thatin 2011 89% of whooping cough cases were those that were vaccinated. While only 11% accounted for the unvaccinated. I don't want to sound harsh, but when people start talking about the 'anti vax movement' it makes my blood boil. Majority of people don't do the research. From both sides. But at the end of the day you are right. We all have to make our own choices. Our families, our choices. My first child was vaccinated, not having done my research...and never again. I have learned very quickly the effects of vaccines, I've seen a vaccine injured child. Changes your perspective.
I had the vaccine at 4 weeks, I work with the public nearly everyday, hairdressing, very personal and close for up to an hour each person. I'm not one to read too much into these as you can just scare yourself silly! The way I see it Everything in pregnancy comes with a risk.

And of corse for all of us our top priority is our baby, so wether we decide to have it or not, it's our own instincts that we should trust, not others. :thumbup:
I'm an infectious disease specialist; I got the flu shot while pg with my first, I got it this year before I found out I was pg. my daughter gets it, my husband as well. Many of my patients this time of year have the flu, so I want to limit our risks as much as possible. It's honestly personal preference.
I never liked the idea of the flu shot, but now that I am pregnant, I'm going to get it. Both my mother and sister work in schools so every known germ is dragged into my parents house. i dont want to risk getting sick while visiting them! Every person is different and whatever they do with their body is up to them. Wishing happy and healthy pregnancies to everyone!
This is a great debate. The only time I got the flu shot it made me more sick than I have ever been with the flu, so I am very nervous to get the shot when pregnant. My mom and dad have also had very bad reactions with the shot so it runs in my family. I had a long talk with my doctor about this.

Due to my history, my doc does not want me to get the shot in 1st trimester but does want me to get it in 2nd trimester.

What is concerning me is that I have already heard reports of deaths this flu season. Three children. (I need to see this in writing to confirm but heard it from doctors that I know.) Last year a mom and two of her children in my community - all very healthy - caught the flu and all three almost died. One was given a 10% chance of survival and somehow pulled through.

On the other hand, the shot only protects against the flu 56% percent of the time b/c you may not catch the strain that is in the shot. This is taken from the CDC website.

I have only had the real flu twice - once I got it naturally the other time I got it from the shot.

Either situation is scary to think about. I am a supporter of vaccines when there is no family history of issue. Otherwise, we are dependent upon other children having vaccines to prevent the spread of illness. Typically risks are very low. (I also think it's up to each family/parent and understand why parents feel the other way. I do not judge either decision.)

I have had 2 miscarriages and if something happened b/c I did get the shot I would never forgive myself. Of course, the other way around will be the same.

Oh... what to do.....
I'm pro vaccine, however every time I've had the flu jab I've felt ill for a week or two, so I don't have it now. Most people feel fine and have no reactions.

I have weighed up the risks and pros and thus far have never had it despite having three children 3 and under already, if my doctor decides to chase me up on it, I might be persuaded lol, but that's not going to happen, and sitting in a waiting room full of sick people waiting for ten jab doesn't sound fun, plus unless everyone in the family were offered it i don't know of I see the point.

Still, I personally don't think it's harmful, but it's personal choice.
My son had the flu last year and was very ill. When I took him to the ER they did a flu test bc they have to record the strain and I was told by one of the docs that the strain he had wasn't covered under the vaccine. Yea so I won't get one it's pointless.
No brainer for us. I work in a university where students are known to come with fevers all the time especially during finals, dh works in medical and our kids go to daycare. Like I said no brainer.
I broke down and got one yesterday at 7 week scan. The doc asked if I had one and I said no and she was like...okay go get blood work done and then I am giving you one. I didn't fight it. I feel like if they push them so much there must be good reason.

The only thing that sucked was that my pregnancy headaches I get at night was horrible last night. I think it was flu shot related.

I figured in the end an autistic child is better than a dead fetus if I get the flu badly. I get the flu shot every year too.

Hoping it is okay. I felt peace about it yesterday though.

It is such a personal decision.

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