FOB ended our relationship when i was 5 n half month pregnant
he didn't want the baby still
for all of my pregnancy but one weekend he has spent it going out fri-sun
recently he's made more effort he's started giving me money the past 3 week
50 one week then 10 the weeks after
its not much and part of me thinks he only givin me a tenner to shut me up cause he's still going out every weekend spending alot dispite not working or maybe i should be grateful he's finally giving me something??
the way he acts in regards to constantly going out etc has resulted in his ex stopping him seeing his 5 year old daughter
i told him if things dont change he's looking at the same fate in regards to our son who's due in 3 weeks
my heads a mess
he's come to my first two antenatals but since i've found out he's still taking drugs on weekends and lying to me about stuff i have asked him not to come to anymore-when he was comming my antenatal he just made me feel so embarresed,sat in a room full of cute dads playing the good dad role and my FOB was sat there acting and looking like he belongs on jeremy kyle
i don't think i can handle him being at the birth
the only reason i feel for him to be their is cause he's babys dad
my mum hates hisguts for everythin he has done to me so there will just be tension if he's there
i dont think i can emotionally handle him being there watching me in pain and going thru the birthing process,to then leave me and go back to his life of going out and drugs i think that would hurt me so bad to go thru all that and then a few hours or a day later he goes out
he has deffo made effort,but when he f*cks up it just brings it straight back to square one,im constantly in limbo about how long can he keep it up before he screws me over again
enough has to be enough
its a massive choice to make to chose not to let him be at the birth-i dont wanna look like the big bad mum who was bitter but im aware thats how it will look
he thinks i should put all my feelings aside and has a so what if u dont want me there attitude i should be able to see my son bein born so this makes me doubt what to do
massive rant but please if anyone can share storys or advice anything would help
he didn't want the baby still
for all of my pregnancy but one weekend he has spent it going out fri-sun
recently he's made more effort he's started giving me money the past 3 week
50 one week then 10 the weeks after
its not much and part of me thinks he only givin me a tenner to shut me up cause he's still going out every weekend spending alot dispite not working or maybe i should be grateful he's finally giving me something??
the way he acts in regards to constantly going out etc has resulted in his ex stopping him seeing his 5 year old daughter
i told him if things dont change he's looking at the same fate in regards to our son who's due in 3 weeks
my heads a mess
he's come to my first two antenatals but since i've found out he's still taking drugs on weekends and lying to me about stuff i have asked him not to come to anymore-when he was comming my antenatal he just made me feel so embarresed,sat in a room full of cute dads playing the good dad role and my FOB was sat there acting and looking like he belongs on jeremy kyle
i don't think i can handle him being at the birth
the only reason i feel for him to be their is cause he's babys dad
my mum hates hisguts for everythin he has done to me so there will just be tension if he's there
i dont think i can emotionally handle him being there watching me in pain and going thru the birthing process,to then leave me and go back to his life of going out and drugs i think that would hurt me so bad to go thru all that and then a few hours or a day later he goes out
he has deffo made effort,but when he f*cks up it just brings it straight back to square one,im constantly in limbo about how long can he keep it up before he screws me over again
enough has to be enough
its a massive choice to make to chose not to let him be at the birth-i dont wanna look like the big bad mum who was bitter but im aware thats how it will look
he thinks i should put all my feelings aside and has a so what if u dont want me there attitude i should be able to see my son bein born so this makes me doubt what to do
massive rant but please if anyone can share storys or advice anything would help