Thank you ladies for the kind words
I have now called and cancelled my CSA application. FOB will receive letters saying I've cancelled it.
They may have pulled this stunt to scare me I dunno he's evil and she's no better. I had no problem with his gf before she did this.
I didn't mind him seeing LO and I understood that eventually she'd be in LOs life. It made me jealous but I understood that it just one of those things.
After the stunt on Tues I can't have them around my child I also don't want them anywhere near us.
FOB has money (well his family have money) I don't want him taking me to court. He'd get LO (even if it's just weekends)
He doesn't want him - he said he'd "dump him" at his nans.
I can't have him using my son as a weapon or a toy.
I hope people don't think I'm being weak. FOB has his new life and he's chosen his mental gf over his baby. It breaks my heart. I thought he'd be fighting me for access.... I really did.
The 9 weeks fOB didn't contact me were very happy weeks and that's all I want - for me and LO to be happy.
My mum and dad advised me to drop CSA also. They said we'd all make sure LO will not go without. My close friends said the same.
Only thing - FOB has told his family I cheated on him and LO isn't his. He'll say that I didn't want a DNA test because he's right.
I'd like to say that I don't care what they think but I do. It's not nice to be accused of being a sl*g when I'm not. I was nothing but loving and faithful to FOB.
My friend wrote to his girlfriend on Facebook. She put her straight on a few things and confirmed to her that I would have put every penny of FOB's money into a savings account for LO's education/and or future.
FOB knows me well enough to know I would do this
I pray this cancellation letter will make him back off again. I also pray they stay together. FOB is so fickle I see him coming back for LO if his relationship did break down.