Follow your heart or trust your gut?


Mommy of 4, WTT
Aug 18, 2010
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Hope it's okay to share the link, because it's a very long story to retype...this is what happened in my last labour:

Now I have only a few more weeks to decide if I want a VBAC or a c-section. I was considering scheduling a c-section for the day after due date and trying for a VBAC if I go into labour before then.

I remember thinking early on in my last pregnancy that I didn't want to go through labour and birth again and should have just scheduled a c-section, but I ignored that feeling because I had three perfect births before that. I also remember having an instinct from 37 weeks on that something was going to go wrong in labour, and it had to do with the cord.

My heart is saying try for a VBAC. My gut is saying schedule a c-section. I just don't know which to chose and I'd like to have an answer for my OB when I see her next week.
I'd say follow your heart.
My previous and first pregnancy, and first birth was quite traumatic, and I ended up with an EMCS after 72 hours of labour do the failure to progress.

So, I get the gut feeling saying something completely different. But follow your heart, just prepare yourself for the chances of a possible c-section. That's what I am doing.
I'm a soon to be first time mom, so I'm not sure I really have a right to give an opinion or advice, but here it goes. I was unable to open the link to your previous birth story, but I gather that it was traumatic and not at all how you had envisioned your labour/birth going. I think most women have a vision of how they want to experience birth, the transformation it can make in a positive way to your life. If I were in your shoes I think I would opt to try a VBAC to try to get the euphoric, transformational experience that you were unable to get with your first birth. If you end up with another c section then so be it, but if you end up with the perfect birth experience you will be so happy you tried for your VBAC.
I am three weeks out from my VBAC with my fourth child. First two vaginal births, third EMCS due to cord prolapse and I have suffered with PTSD as a result and very fearful of another birth going pear shaped.

My VBAC has been very healing for me, I am so so so glad I tried for the VBAC. My fear was so great I thought many times of just booking an elective section but it was the ability to be a hands on mum straight away with my other children that pushed me through the fear. My heart was broken with the EMCS and my two oldest children couldn't hug me and I couldn't look after them. I was up and showered and eager for my kids to come and visit within two hours. I could lift my two year old as he ran into my arms and I am so grateful I tried for the VBAC.

Having birthed vaginally before your success rate for VBAC is very high.

Do whatever feels right for you, I had to make peace with the idea I could end up with another section just as anyone going to give birth could. i do very much understand the fear :hugs: GL
In all the places I've asked this over the last few weeks, you are the first person who KNOWS, Aliop, because you've been through it. You know the apprehension and fear. I wonder if what I think is my gut is really just fear holding me back.

As a single mom of soon to be 5, I know VBAC will be easier to recover from and get me going more quickly. I'm just so afraid of another prolapse or of a rupture and leaving my kids behind.

I learned to trust my gut after the prolapse experience, but maybe what I think is my gut is really fear, and what I think is my heart is really my gut.
In all the places I've asked this over the last few weeks, you are the first person who KNOWS, Aliop, because you've been through it. You know the apprehension and fear. I wonder if what I think is my gut is really just fear holding me back.

As a single mom of soon to be 5, I know VBAC will be easier to recover from and get me going more quickly. I'm just so afraid of another prolapse or of a rupture and leaving my kids behind.

I learned to trust my gut after the prolapse experience, but maybe what I think is my gut is really fear, and what I think is my heart is really my gut.

I laboured for four hours and not once did I trust myself or believe in my ability to vaginally birth another baby. I thought I was doomed, I really did. I hit transition and logically I knew it was transition and that meant I was getting close and everything was going well but my heart/mind didn't believe it, not one bit. I was a crying sobbing mess saying I couldn't do it and there must be something wrong but there wasn't. My midwife was AMAZING! She kept telling me I was doing it and everything was perfect, trust my body and my husband was my rock, he held me and and reassured me as much as he could because the fear was so great I couldn't see past it even though I was DOING IT!! Have you got a good support team?

Even as my baby was crowning I was crying asking for the midwife and OB to check me and make sure it was ok. Honestly the scariest thing I've ever done but also in hindsight one of my greatest accomplishments GL with your decision :hugs:
No, I don't. My whole family and friends are all pushing me to just schedule a c-section. They all called me crazy and said I couldn't give birth without an epidural too, but I did that twice after my epidural birth ended with 86 stitches and a 4th degree tear.

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