For Moms Who Had C-Sections.....


Mom to Maggie
Nov 28, 2010
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How bad was the recovery? I have a frank breech baby right now, and am doing everything I can to try to get her turned. I have an ECV scheduled for Tuesday morning but I am just not real comfortable going through it.

My fluid has been on the low side, 7.4, and 9.4 last week. First pregnancy, strong abdominal muscles, baby has been stuck in this position for a very long time.

I don't really want a C-Section, but the ECV just sounds so scary. I don't want someone to grab my LO's head and try to twist her into position. Those of you who have had non-emergency C-Sections, I would be interested in hearing how the whole experience was.
I have recovered very quickly. I actually didn't even take any pain killers. I found it the easiest part of my delivery.
i know you want scheduled c-section opinions but just thought i would let you know, i had an emergency c-section and my recovery was fantastic :flower: hardly any painkillers at all
i know you want scheduled c-section opinions but just thought i would let you know, i had an emergency c-section and my recovery was fantastic :flower: hardly any painkillers at all

Oh yeah.. I was also an emergency c section too.. I forgot to say.
i know you want scheduled c-section opinions but just thought i would let you know, i had an emergency c-section and my recovery was fantastic :flower: hardly any painkillers at all

Don't know why I was so specific like that. :dohh: I guess because you poor ladies with the emergency section didn't really have a choice, and I kind of do. Although the other option is yucky.

Thanks for your feedback. :thumbup:
Easy peasy! My horror at the idea was about 10/10, the actual recovery was a 1/10. The only thing that was hard was coughing or sneezing. Bit of pain but not too bad.

I'd rather have a c-section than a cold.

Mine was an emergency c-section also but it wasn't like a panic thing, they asked me if I wanted a c-section or to keep trying to see if I would dilate further, I chose the c-section. I already had everything set to go as I had an epidural. They just say it was an emergency as the baby's heartrate was dipping oddly and he'd poo'd into my waters. And it was a couple of hours from them asking me to when it happened so it wasn't like it was a terrible shock.
I LOVED my section experience and my prpcedure wasn't even straightforward!
At first i was gutted i was going to have a section as i wanted a natural watervbirth but I opted for the c-section as baby was breech and had been pretty much all the way through, i had next to no fluid (it was bad enough that i was admitted to hospital at 32 weeks and told they woukd have to deliver but thankfully they didn't need to). I also was not happy with the ECV procedure and it's pretty scary when they talk you through it as it can send the baby into distress.
I didn't feel sick or any of the other things they warn imnediately after a section and less than 24 hours later i was on my feet, showered and transferring hospital!!
It was pretty tender for a few days but i just kept really active and by 10-14 days later i am completely back to normal!! I didnt feel restricted or unable to do anything at all. The hardest thing i found was getting out of bed as it was using the muscles to pull myself up!
I will 100% be opting for a section again if i have another.
It's your decision and pbviously there are factors to consider such as not being able to drive for a bit and it is major surgery butbcompared to 36 hours of labour, tears, etc. I thought it was pretty good for a birth experience!
Can't believe how many women had good recoveries! I had planned c-section and hated the recovery. Pain of natural labour and birth so much easier. I still had to go in theatre after natural cause I had 3 tears. 1 3rd degree.
My LO was frank breech also. I was pretty concerned about recovery too. I had my scheduled section on a Wednesday at 10am, I was out of bed that night by about 8pm. I walked in the halls a couple times that night. The next morning sat up in the chair and walked a little more. By Friday I was discharged and showered but LO had to stay for elevated bilirubin level. So Saturday went home. Sunday took the dog to the vet with OH and went to a family BBQ. Monday and Tuesday had MD appts and did a little shopping for newborn size clothes (LO was smaller than estimated!), cleaned the house a bit, and of course took care of DS.

I felt fine a couple days later, sore abd & back muscles still at 2.5 weeks pp. Little things like stairs, bending over, and sitting up from lying down took a little more effort. But really not bad at all. Just have to keep reminding myself that I just had surgery! Coughing, sneezing, and laughing was a little painful but is ok now. BTW I have a scar that is about 8 inches due to his position. I have a bicornuate uterus which might be a reason for the larger scar too but from what others have said their scars are only 4 inches.

Alot girls talk about spinningbabies . com. Might be worth looking into, but I think it takes a few days/weeks to encourage turning. I agree the ECV sounds very scary. I hope you find a solution you are happy with!
no probs for me either! I had a planned for frank breech and tried the ecv and even that wasn't that bad, just a little weird and they stopped as soon as it was obvious that bubs wasn't going to shift! Really really don't worry it is ok. I'm overweight and not as fit as i could be and i was out of hospital the next day, went for a walk everyday after that, visited people etc and was driving after 3 weeks. I actually want one next time (is that wrong?! Lol) Jx
i know you want scheduled c-section opinions but just thought i would let you know, i had an emergency c-section and my recovery was fantastic :flower: hardly any painkillers at all

Don't know why I was so specific like that. :dohh: I guess because you poor ladies with the emergency section didn't really have a choice, and I kind of do. Although the other option is yucky.

Thanks for your feedback. :thumbup:

i think because most of the time emergency sections are more rushed :shrug: hence there is a big possibility it will be a little more quick/rough. i know a few women who have had emergency sections and they said theyre recovery was awful because they felt so bruised, so in reality, a scheduled c-section SHOULD have a less painful recovery (im not saying it does, obviously, but should in reality iykwim? ) lol
that all came out as a bit of a jumbled mess, im sorry :haha:
Absolutely honestly -

There was pain - the first day when the initial meds wore off wasnt pleasant at all and the first few days were uncomfortable but it was only really if I did something I shouldnt when the sensation went from uncomfortable to OWWWWWW. The worst was the first shower in hospital mainly because you are more frightened you will open the stiches (you wont!) than the pain. - A friend recommended arnica, vit e and zinc tablets which helped immensely. The area was sore for a few months but only if you pressed on it directly.

It wasnt as bad as Id thought -mine was elective and id had to have it as C was 17 days over, body wouldnt go into labour despite numerous inductions and she was starting to show signs of distress (as it turns out the cord was so tight around her neck it was preventing her engaging fully). The surgery itself was a very positive experience - calm and relaxed. Took me a while to get over the not being able to go into labour though.

1) If you have to have one -take the pain killers when you should - it keeps your pain level at a reasonable level
2) Dont try and overdo it - that way lies pain
3) listen to your body
4) its not nearly as bad as you imagine

Mizze xx
Compared to my SPD pain the c section was a breeze! I had a brilliant recovery and walked the best I had walked in months just 24 hours after my c section, I was surprised to be honest, I had no painkillers either. Good luck :flower:
I had an emcs and my recovery was fantastic. I was so surprised actually, I thought it was going to be horrendous but honestly I would have a section everytime now!

The one piece of advice I would give you is make sure you get up and move about as soon as you can. If you sit in bed too much you'll seize up and that's when it gets sore. You may not want to get up at first but I honestly think that helped my quick recovery.
I had an EMCS as I had gone 20 hours and LO was back to back and still not coming down so they suggested a section would be best so I agreed straight away, what a relief, was so exhausted by then! I loved it was chatting and joking in theatre and OH took photos of LO being born was such a positive experience, I didnt feel a thing, they took alot of time making sure I was totally numb by spraying cold water on my belly and asking if I could feel it and asking me to pinch my skin so I felt confident I wouldnt feel anything, just felt a bit of tugging when lifting LO out.

As for recovery, I was surprised I was expecting alot of pain after the epi wore off but nothing, I even refused painkillers because I was fine. I walked and had a shower the next day, just felt tight and a bit sore but nothing terrible, having a lil newborn to dote on really does take the empathise on any pain, and that was only when I sneezed or laughed.

The worse part for me was not being able to sleep on my tummy as I cant sleep on my back and having to lie there for 24 hours with a catheter and nurses having to change my pads but that goes so quick.

Id love an elective c section next time and would look forwards to it! xx

Oh yeah and when I reluctantly checked out my stitches the next day I could hardly see them, they were so tiny and neat and dissolvable so didnt have to have em out.
I had an emergency c-section 3 weeks ago. I've been off the pain meds for a few days. It still feels like it's pulling after a little walk,so I'm still trying to slowly increase my activity fully. The bottom of my belly does still feel very sensitive and bruised. I've got to say though, it looks nowhere near as bad as I thought it would.
Just wanted to say thanks to you ladies for sharing your experiences. I am due a scheduled c section on Thursday for a footling breech baby and have been panicking about recovery, but you girls have set my mind at ease a bit more. Thank you and I shall see you all in a couple of days in baby club!! So exciting!xx
good luck to all having a c-section soon :hugs:
i was so worried about mine, after you hear all the horror stories, but i mean mine was an emergency and i had a crash section (wasnt awake) and i still dont think it was that bad (well the recovery)
Hiyas! Check out my birth story. It explains a lot about what happened during my c-section which was planned :flower:
I cant believe how great everyone found out, we knew from week 21 that Ellie was never going to make i to 40 weeks and if I was to have her before week 34 it was to be a section as she was always 6 weeks behind size wise when we had our 3 weekly scans. Mine spinal wore off and i felt them pull my placenta out and the pain was unbearable I then felt them start to stitch my insides up and I had gas and air but my blood pressure soared and I had to be put to sleep woke up in high dependency after losing 5 pints of blood and almost needed a hysterectomy. I am still mentally scared about this, the pain after wasnt as bad and I went home after 4 days but Ellie styed in NICU for a further 9 weeks and I managed to do the school run for my older daughter and get the bus too and from hospital to see Ellie xx

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