For those who have had a C-section

I had an emergency C Section and I actually didn't find the whole experience that bad. By the time I had the op I had been in full labour and pushing for 2 hours, then they tried vontouse which didn't work, so I was grateful that it would soon be over and that LO would be ok.

The spinal was amazing, I was so relaxed at last. The team in the operating theatre were lovely and I was kept fully informed.

I was quite sore after the op but the midwives were great at helping me look after my LO and it wasn't unbearable. Breastfeeding was tricky for the first 2 night and 1 day as I was sore and one of my hands was hard to use due to the tap thingy in it (for some reason my fingers were practically taped shut to keep it in!).

Walking was tricky as I was sore and also had nerve damage in my right leg from the vontouse. I was let home after 2 days with pain killers. I was worried about how I would get up the stairs etc at home but I managed surprisingly well. Getting up from the sofa etc was tricky and I needed my dh to push or pull me up all the time and yes it was tricky holding my baby at times so I generally just held him when I was sitting down.

I was feeling much better 1-2 weeks after the op and after 4 weeks I felt pretty much normal again. The scar healed pretty quickly with no infections or anything, just some tenderness in my tummy above it for a while. I was allowed to drive after 4 weeks as the Health Visitor signed me off.. hurray!

We haven't had sex yet but I'm hoping to this week. I'm still a little sore down there which I think must have been from the vontouse.

I had a really good experience on the whole even though a little upset I wasn't able to have a 'natural' birth after all that darn pushing! xx
I had an emergency C Section and I actually didn't find the whole experience that bad. By the time I had the op I had been in full labour and pushing for 2 hours, then they tried vontouse which didn't work, so I was grateful that it would soon be over and that LO would be ok.

The spinal was amazing, I was so relaxed at last. The team in the operating theatre were lovely and I was kept fully informed.

I was quite sore after the op but the midwives were great at helping me look after my LO and it wasn't unbearable. Breastfeeding was tricky for the first 2 night and 1 day as I was sore and one of my hands was hard to use due to the tap thingy in it (for some reason my fingers were practically taped shut to keep it in!).

Walking was tricky as I was sore and also had nerve damage in my right leg from the vontouse. I was let home after 2 days with pain killers. I was worried about how I would get up the stairs etc at home but I managed surprisingly well. Getting up from the sofa etc was tricky and I needed my dh to push or pull me up all the time and yes it was tricky holding my baby at times so I generally just held him when I was sitting down.

I was feeling much better 1-2 weeks after the op and after 4 weeks I felt pretty much normal again. The scar healed pretty quickly with no infections or anything, just some tenderness in my tummy above it for a while. I was allowed to drive after 4 weeks as the Health Visitor signed me off.. hurray!

We haven't had sex yet but I'm hoping to this week. I'm still a little sore down there which I think must have been from the vontouse.

I had a really good experience on the whole even though a little upset I wasn't able to have a 'natural' birth after all that darn pushing! xx

Thanks fish&chips for sharing your wonderful experience! :) I bet you just wanted baby out afte all that time and my gosh, 2 hours of pushing !!! well done !! Your healing process seemed pretty fast an good too... can imagine doing things after would be hard, seeing that we don't realise how much we actually use our tummy muscles to do things... even sneezing LOL :)
Thanks again for sharing :flower:
Yes sneezing, coughing and worst of all laughing!! My dh and I had a laughing fit the day I got home and I was crying in pain but still couldn't stop!
Hi there, i had an emergency c section and my experience was a positive one. The op itself must have taken 20 mins from making the incision, getting LO out and stitching me back up. The team of doctors/midwives etc were really kind and helped me stay nice and calm during the procedure.
Afterwards the healing process was straight forward too. The only pain i experienced was that it was sore to walk or move quickly for the first few days but i guess if i had a vaginal delivery and had tears which needed stitches it would have also been painful.
I was very suprised at the fact that apart from the 1st 2 days in hospital i didn't need any pain killers at all.
Also forgot to answer the rest of your questions!.....
Had my first period 5.5 months later (Was breast feeding though)
I must have lost all the pregnancy weight and more within the first week or two (but i did only gain just over a stone) and as for my tummy; it took approx 4-5 months for it to go back to how it used to be and no i do not have a fold anymore. i am lucky as i have not had to exercise or diet but i think that is because i breast fed and my LO is one hungry baby!!!
i had a emergancy c-section and i found it ok. the worst part was i didnt get to see her after the c-section untill i could move my feet so like an hr. i saw after she was born for a few mins though. i found the first night the worst but i got lots of help and the pain wasnt to bad i stopped taking pain killers by day 3 the day i left the hospital. laughing was horrible and people seeemed to like making me laugh. i did get an infection. it wasnt to bad but make sure to keep it clean. i only bleed for 3 weeks and had sex at like 4 weeks then i didnt get a period till Kailee turned 8 months but im also breastfeeding,
Thanks ladies so much for sharing your experiences :) Sounds like it was good for both of you ^^^
I had a planned section and it was nowhere near as bad as I'd anticipated. I didn't really experience much pain, just make sure that you take the painkillers they give you. I was up and about 24 hours later, had a shower and could walk up the corridor in the hospital slowly, but was fine. I had the section on the thurs, came home on sat. took painkillers for a week but don't need them now. overall it wasn't that bad, much better than natural birth would have been IMO!

LO is 12 days old and I stopped bleeding 2 days ago, although the bleeding was very light for the 5 or 6 days prior to then. i feel really good in myself and getting frustrated that i can't drive anywhere!! managing to do plenty round the house and never had any problems lifting baby.

breastfed 1st 3 days then LO had problems latching on and he was getting distressed, so decided to get some formula. now we're bottle feeding but i'm expressing enough for him to have 2 or 3 bottles of breast milk a day.

my stomach is slowly going down - i could pass for not pregnant (just a bit untoned!) now i reckon, so all in all i found the c section to be fine (and i'm the biggest wuss EVER!)
Thanks Laura_M ! :) I am having a section on the 8 dec!!! I was booked in yesterday at my doc appointment ! :) I am a bit nervous but more excited! Thanks for your experience.
Is the bleed you experience after birth a period???- your first period??
I had an emergency c-section at 12 days overdue

I had gone into slow labour which lasted for 68 hours and by the time I turned up for my planned induction I was 5cm! Made it to 7cm but got stuck at that for hours and Noah's heartrate was dipping and not coming back up.

By the time I got to theatre I had to sit and have a spinal while in final stages of labour and my body was bearing down, by time they got the spinal in and led me down I had gone to 10cm! but there was an obstruction so forceps wasnt an option.

Hubby got scrubbed up and came in, the spinal was heaven going from all that pain to nothing. It took them a good 45mins to get him out I think, prob as he was so far down the birth canal by that point and he went straight over to be assessed.

Hubby went over to cut the cord and then he was brought over and passed to daddy whilst we sat and stared in tears.
They also took a while to stitch me back up but then I was wheeled to recovery for 45mins I think it was where noah was breastfed. I shook quite violently after the section but apparently that is due to the drugs involved I think they said but its very normal.

That night the nurses helped me with lifting him from the cot, 18 hours after we are made to have the catheter removed and have a shower, it was painful and a strange feeling but got better the longer you were up.

Then that was it iv not stopped since, we went to asda on the way home after 3 days in hospital and went to register his birth and went into town 5 days after.

I was discharged with iron tablets I need to take once a day, clexane injections I have to inject myself with twice a day for six weeks and loads of pain meds which I was off completely by 10 days.

I stopped bleeding just over 2 weeks PP and am thinking about contraception so me and hubby can DTD :happydance:

My bits dont feel any different at all and I have a very neat scar just where my pubic hair begins so very low, it got infected and have just completed a course of antibiotics but thats mainly due to the fold I have been left with its warm hence a breeding ground for bacteria so I have been told to bathe twice a day instead of once.

Hope this helps

I had an emergency c-section at 12 days overdue

I had gone into slow labour which lasted for 68 hours and by the time I turned up for my planned induction I was 5cm! Made it to 7cm but got stuck at that for hours and Noah's heartrate was dipping and not coming back up.

By the time I got to theatre I had to sit and have a spinal while in final stages of labour and my body was bearing down, by time they got the spinal in and led me down I had gone to 10cm! but there was an obstruction so forceps wasnt an option.

Hubby got scrubbed up and came in, the spinal was heaven going from all that pain to nothing. It took them a good 45mins to get him out I think, prob as he was so far down the birth canal by that point and he went straight over to be assessed.

Hubby went over to cut the cord and then he was brought over and passed to daddy whilst we sat and stared in tears.
They also took a while to stitch me back up but then I was wheeled to recovery for 45mins I think it was where noah was breastfed. I shook quite violently after the section but apparently that is due to the drugs involved I think they said but its very normal.

That night the nurses helped me with lifting him from the cot, 18 hours after we are made to have the catheter removed and have a shower, it was painful and a strange feeling but got better the longer you were up.

Then that was it iv not stopped since, we went to asda on the way home after 3 days in hospital and went to register his birth and went into town 5 days after.

I was discharged with iron tablets I need to take once a day, clexane injections I have to inject myself with twice a day for six weeks and loads of pain meds which I was off completely by 10 days.

I stopped bleeding just over 2 weeks PP and am thinking about contraception so me and hubby can DTD :happydance:

My bits dont feel any different at all and I have a very neat scar just where my pubic hair begins so very low, it got infected and have just completed a course of antibiotics but thats mainly due to the fold I have been left with its warm hence a breeding ground for bacteria so I have been told to bathe twice a day instead of once.

Hope this helps

Yes I too remember shaking violently. I thought it was because I was nervous but it's the drugs that cause it. When DD was born they asked me if I wanted to hold her but I was scared because I was shaking so much so DH held her until we got to the recovery room when I held her and then bf her :cloud9:
the first thing i said after my emergency section was 'why do people elect to have these!?'
my experience has been hell.
but i think im more moody about the whole section thing because i was so desperate for a natrual birth.

i coped pretty well with pain, but at times i dont think i would have been able to move without pain killers!
i had an internal infection whilst still in hopspital so had to stay in 5 days.
and my wound isn't properly healed 4 weeks after, and i have a problem with my disolvable stitches not dissolving and sticking out all over the place at the moment :wacko:
i'm a very independant person so even though i was in pain and utterly drained i still did everything myself when it came to baby, and didn't follow advice regarding rest afterwards (i hoovered my stairs day 2 of being home :blush:)
i think i would have been in less pain if i had not done so much though.

i found breastfeeding hard just after section, the constand sitting up in bed was hard whilst in hospital and the pain of that did reduce me to tears.
i also had increddible itchiness for about 6 hours after section, it was a side effect of the drugs apparently.

my tummy is weird, my section was am emergency and i am convinced the mess of a scar is the result of a rush job :lol: its wonky. i'm only 4wpp but its gone down dramaticly...i was pretty huge when i had him at 38w.
yet to experience a period.

so overall...not happy with it!
I had an emergency c-section after 18 hrs of labour and attempted & failed instrumental. The next day i was in horrendous pain and needed morphine. I wouldn't have been able to pick up my baby that day as I was bedbound, but luckily they attached a bedside cot and that made things easier. The day after that I was still in a bit of pain but much better, and able to pick up my baby, change nappies etc. After the first week I felt more or less fine, but a bit tender. My wound healed really well and fast and I had no cimpliactions. I felt a bit sore down below as I had a tear from the instrumental, but not too bad
Thanks for sharing your experiences ladies!... veganmum2b, i am sorry yours was such a terrible experience... it seems that the emergency sections are the worst and if you are not prepared for them the overall experience and recovery is really hard. Hope you heal up quickly though, and feel back to your normal self! :hugs:

Fluffpuffin... ouch! yours sounds like it was a bit painful ! especially with the failed instrumental too :( Not good. But glad on the whole it was not that bad for you. :)
I have had 2 sections now;
First was an emergency one at 29 weeks gestation due to pre-eclampsia...was a horrible experience if I am honest, my wound opened after and I was on antibiotics for 6 weeks and having to see a nurse daily to have the hole packed until it healed from the inside out...I was in a lot of pain after surgery, I think I drove my car after 3 weeks (baby in NICU I was desperate to see without relying on others)...DTD was about 4 weeks after I think.

This time around, I had an elective at 39 weeks...and it was a completely different situation :thumbup: I think because I was mentally and emotionally prepared for it; I seem to have healed and dealt with it all so much better...I breastfed Amber 30 minutes after she was born in recovery, ask them to show you the rugby tackle hold (baby under your arm) it takes any pressure off of your sore tummy...I asked them to remove the catheter 16 hours after surgery so I could attend to the baby on my own, I was up and walking as soon as the catheter came out, I only had paracetamol and ibrufen as pain relief (they generally offer codeine, but am allergic to it) soon as I was up I didn't need any assistance with the baby and was able to do it myself.

My bleeding has very nearly stopped now, and she was born 3 weeks ago tomorrow...I drove my car at 2 weeks (naughty I know)...and I DTD at 2 weeks also :haha: I did get an infection as my wound opened one end (again, seems to be a common thing with me and sections)...doctors were great this time and treated it with antiobiotics whilst waiting on swab results, and now it is all healed.

I had staples with both sections rather than stitches...and they didn't hurt when being tummy has more overhang this time, which I expected carrying to term after having stretched no more than 29 weeks first time is getting better each week, and hopefully will go right back down to just having that 'little ledge'.
you&me thank you so much for your experience :) And congrats on your little one ! :flower:
Yes, your planned one definitely sounds more positive! and really good on the healing and driving round and dtd !! :)
I have heard of the rugby tackle... so I will be asking them to show me that one, I heard it's the best when you're still in pain.
I will be getting morphine the doctor told me today at the start. :)

I had an emergency c-section. Sophie was born 13 weeks early so unfortunately I didn't get to hold her etc when she was first born, so I can't comment on that. The first day I was just so happy that Sophie had been born alive and seemed to be ok. I didn't really feel anything that night because I was so doped up. Next day the pain kicked in when I had to get out of bed and into a wheelchair to go and see Sophie. I remember nearly passing out in the neonatal unit - I think it was a combination of the heat, the fact of being so overwhelmed at seeing my teeny tiny little baby for the first time and her looking so fragile and the fact that I was due painkillers.

Once I was back in bed and had been given painkillers I wasn't too bad. Next day I had to get up for a shower and nearly passed out in the shower - they told me to take the dressing off in the shower and I just felt so weak and dizzy etc I had to get the nurse to help me back to bed and help me to get dressed. I had at least managed to get the towels round me before I had to call for help!

After that, I know it was really painful getting in and out of bed, and going from lying down to sitting up. I was up walking around on the second full day after having Sophie. I stupidly walked to the neonatal unit on the 3rd day and it was too far and i started to feel all weak and sore and horrible again.

I was in hospital for 6 days after having her and every shower was horrible until day 6 then it was suddenly ok. When I got home, we had to travel a round trip of 120 miles a day to see Sophie and the first day we did that I felt pretty horrendous - tired, weak, dizzy etc - but after that I wasn't too bad at all. I did sleep a lot in the car though! I don't remember the pain being too horrendous after that first week.

I only bled heavily for a couple of days then it really calmed down a lot.

I don't feel any different at all down below and my first period came back after 9 weeks even though I was exclusively expressing and then breastfeeding.
Katy1310. thank you for sharing your experience :) It sounds like it was a bit traumatic for you, but at least your little girl was all ok :)
My doctor said they will be giving me morphine every 4 hours for the pain, so hopefully all will be ok. I am dreading feeling the pain though, but I know it will get better in time .


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