For those who were induced - please share your experiences

Induction is full on, but it means BABY will be here soon. So that is good! It will be quick but the end product is nearby and so worth it. For me, the first and second stage were v.v.v.quick and then for the third part remember to get the baby out you have to PUSH really hard and then you will see their little face. The best of luck to you. :)
Hi hun, i was induced at 39+1 due to GD, i had a scan at 35 weeks and Jayden measured 6lb 1oz.

Monday morning, arrived at hospital at 9am, was took to the antenatal ward, i signed a form or some sorts (sorry its all abit blurry!)
12 noon, popess put in, this was uncomfortable, might of just been me?! Didn't help i was nervous!

Until 6pm i was frequently monitored, checking baby's heartrate and blood pressure, o/h was sent home at 8pm.

I didn't sleep, i watched Benidorm! and Big brother :rofl: Around 1am i was feeling pains, didn't think anything of it funnily enough. These light pains carried on til 6am.

6am i went for a shower, i hadn't slept all night, i'm always funny about sleeping in places other than my own home lol, anyway i lost my plug, got abit emotional and a nice lady kept me company until the MW came, she reassured me this was normal!

9:25am, i watched Jeremy Kyle, realised i was having contractions every 5 minutes, was given a ball to bounce on!
O/h came around 11am, by then contractions were every 3 minutes!
By 12noon (so 24 hours after propess) contractions were constant, in my back, later i found out i had a back to back labour!
MW checked, took propess out i was 4cm dilated, no gaps between contractions.
Took down to delivery room at 3pm.

All abit blurry from then on Regarding times and all that, 5pm i was still 4cm :(
7pm - 4cm, decided to put me on a drip and break my waters, yey!
Anyway after that blimey contractions were bad (sorry lol) so i had an epidural, tried the g&a it made me sick!
Midnight - 7cm, by then i was half asleep, talking shit, etc. Lady gaga on the radio, all i remember :rofl:
3am - 10cm, told to push, so i pushed, i couldn't feel contractions so i randomly pushed!! Doctor came in with another lady, told me if he wasn't out by 4am they'd get the pasty grabbers = forceps, ok i got a move on then!

18th august 39+3 - 3:43am my little chicken entered the world!! 8lbs6oz :D happy ending! xx
I went in at 41+6 to get the gel inserted but when the doctor checked me I was already 3cm and 90% effaced so I didn't need it. A couple hours later they started the pitocin drip and my contractions started pretty quicky. They were bearable though and I was walking around the room and bouncing on the ball through them. An hour or two later (it's all a blur, I can't remember the timeline very well) they broke my waters. After this my contractions got out of control. One contraction would start before the last one was finished. The midwife got the doctor to turn the pitocin drip down and then off because they were so crazy. I asked for an epidural, but the anesthesiologist was busy and it took him two hours to get to me!!! After the epi I was able to sleep for a few hours and in the morning they started the drip again. Anyhow, I made it to 10cm at some point early that morning but because Clara never engaged, including after 45 minutes of pushing, I finally had an emergency c-section at noon and Clara was born at 12:06pm - 17 hours after they started the pitocin drip.
I went in at 41+6 to get the gel inserted but when the doctor checked me I was already 3cm and 90% effaced so I didn't need it. A couple hours later they started the pitocin drip and my contractions started pretty quicky. They were bearable though and I was walking around the room and bouncing on the ball through them. An hour or two later (it's all a blur, I can't remember the timeline very well) they broke my waters. After this my contractions got out of control. One contraction would start before the last one was finished. The midwife got the doctor to turn the pitocin drip down and then off because they were so crazy. I asked for an epidural, but the anesthesiologist was busy and it took him two hours to get to me!!! After the epi I was able to sleep for a few hours and in the morning they started the drip again. Anyhow, I made it to 10cm at some point early that morning but because Clara never engaged, including after 45 minutes of pushing, I finally had an emergency c-section at noon and Clara was born at 12:06pm - 17 hours after they started the pitocin drip.

Hey I was in labour for 17 hours too! High five! :haha:
Well I was induced when my LO was 36 weeks because of low amniotic fluid issues had to stay at the hospital throughout. Its basically a gel stip they put in your cervix - a doctor puts it in by hand - I understand that how comfortable this is depends entirely on the individual. Just relax, take a deep breath and its done quickly if you stay still at any rate. Then each strip had a 24hr life - 24hrs to wait and hope that contractions would start. In between, they monitored the baby very frequently.

For me, the first strip they put in at around 4:00pm and it started working at 3:00am - meaning that is when I felt my first contractions....they weren't stong at first then built up throughout the day - walked (hobbled) etc to try to get them going. It was uncomfortable, I could barely walk but it was still manageable when I breathed through it all. Still, despite all that effort they started to taper off - cue strip two.

Same story for the second strip - though with that strip I got up to strong/painful and regular contractions just under a min apart. Unfortunately though the hospital was crazy busy, so when it came time to put strip three in to continue the progression - no doctor was available. So I had to wait till the next morning for another one, was given a shot for the pain, then everything tapered off. I can tell you its frustrating to build contractions all day for nothing.

Of further concern and irritation was that while I was having contractions I wasn't dilating at all. So we (me, DH, my maternity Dr and the on-call surgeon) all had a big discussion about how long we were going to do this thing considering the concerns for LO. Determination was made to skip the drip and go straight to a c-section because of my fluid levels and because my cervix was so "unfavorable". All in all after 3 days - it was a relief more than anything. That was the day we got to meet our beautiful boy who was 6lbs 11oz.

Sending you Internet Hugs and Wishes OP :flower:
I was induced with Megan at 37 weeks as they thought she had iugr. They thought she would be between 4 1/2-5lbs & that she hadnt grown any since the previous scan at 34 weeks. She ended up being 5 lbs 14 oz & for 37 weeks that wasnt iugr.

Here in the u.s. they put the gel in to ripen cervix for 12 hours & then start pitocin. After I was 4cm they broke my water. I had an epi about 3 hrs after that but hadnt dilated anymore than 4. Within 2 hrs after that though I went from 4 to ready to push. 3 contractions - 8pushes & she was out.
The baby was monitored the whole time I was in labor & bp cuff was on my arm the whole time too - as they checked it every 15min. Every 15min is when they upped the pitocin as well.

Good luck :hugs:
Make sure you go in expecting anything! I was induced 10 days early and i expected everything to go smoothly and have a natural birth. However, after 13 long hours of labor my doctor realized my daughter's head was turned sideways and the nurses were feeling the swelling of her head. By that time i had only dialated to a 4 anyways. I had to have an emergency c-section. It was completley unexpected! I didn't even think of a c section as an option throughout my whole pregnancy! I hope you have a great expeirence though! Good luck!
My induction wasn't good tbh.

I was induced 2 weeks over and had a reaction to the drugs 'prostin pains' they called it so I had bad contractions but no dilation. After 20hrs I was in labour and had an epidural but after another 20hrs I had a section.

I wasn't allowed to eat or drink so I was so out of it they messed up the anaesthetic so I felt the section and they knocked me out.

I was really poorly after and really hated my birth.

Lo was huge though which I think prevented the induction to progress.

Good luck with your induction x
I was induced with my 1st (7 years ago). I only went in for a growth scan but said she was under 5lb at 39+6 so decieded to induce there and then. I was given the gel at around 3 o'clock and told to go off for a walk because it would be ages till anything happened. We went for a walk just around the hospital and to go and get something to eat. I started getting contractions around 5.00pm and from there everything just went really fast. I ended up giving birth at 8.20pm that night using gas and air and petedine(even though I wish I hadnt had that, just because I felt it was kinda pushed onto me).
In the end she actually weighed 6lb 1oz so still small but not enough that I should have been induced.
Ive had 2 other los since both naturally and the contractions when induced were no different and hurt no worse then theirs, I know not everyone is the same though :flower:
I had a very fast and very effective induction (the pessary hyperstimulated my cervix). AT the bottom of my signature is a link to my journal. My birth story giving the full details are on the second post. It's long but in depth xxx
I was induced at 37+5, baby was head down and only partially engaged. I was not favourable for induction at the time. First prostaglandin inserted at 10am then sat around all day, went for a walk and slept. Had the second gel inserted at 4pm, had a CTG at 9pm baby HR dropped and stayed dropped. Had an internal and cervix was still high so signed the forms for emcs. Baby decided to play ball spent all night on the montor, by 9am was examined and still had begun to dialate, consultant agreed to cs.

Baby born by section at 9.54!
i was induced with brooke for the same reason at 38+6 she was 5lbs 14 i was in labour a whole 5 hours amnd 30 mins but i do labour very quick i didnt find it to bad to be honest,

i was alo induced with my other 2 kids and my eldest i went myself, brooke and amy my first where my longest at 5 and a half hours my other inducations where 3 and a half hours,

I was induced on my due date (25th Feb) due to Gestastional Diabetes. Started off on the morning. Had alot of cramp/back pain, but bearable. Had paracetomal/codeine. Very slow to begin with, didnt think things were moving, checked at 10oclock at night and was still only 2cms. Then checked again at 3....was 9!!!! Got in the birthing pool then. Little Gracie was born at 5.37am, weighing 8lb 7!!

Go in expecting the worse and you'll be okay! It's the waiting that I hated x
I was induced at 36+5 for pre-eclampsia (my levels were really high - each doc or MW that read my chart was like "wow, that's very high, we don't normally see that" - just what I needed to here!)

In my hospital you have one pessary and have to wait 24hours. If nothing, then you have another and have to wait another 24 hours. If you have dialated enough in between they'll try and break your waters.

I ended up having the second pessary. That night I was really uncomfortable (but had been in hospital for 3 nights at that point, in a communal ward with ladies in early labour or who had also been induced, so no sleep for days, which made me over emotional). By the Sunday (37 weeks exactly) I was getting irregular contractions and walking around the hospital lots.

In the afternoon the consultant was coming back to see me to make a decision as they didn't want me to go on because of the PE. They came and gave a deadline for my waters breaking themselves before I would have to have a c-section. I had had half a dose of pethidine to help me get some rest so with about half hour / an hour before the doc was going to come back I got up for a walk around to try my best, as I really didn't want a c-section. As I got out of bed my waters went. :happydance:

I was then taken to labour ward, hooked up to the drip and in less than 6 hours she was here! When we first went in I complained how tired I was so they gave me another half dose so I could sleep. The drip worked realllly fast and was unbearable pain. I was offered an epi over and over but my whole birth plan had gone out of the window so the only thing I could still control was having g&a for the labour. It sent me out of it completly and I just remember the contractions and the strange sense of "I have to push, NOW!". She came out quickly and I got a minute or two of skin to skin before she was taken from me.

It all went a bit wrong after that and I lost lots of blood and had a room full of doctors and panic. I became unresponsive after that and all I remember is being with it hours later and the MW explaining what had happened. I won't scare anyone with the details though.

I hope your LO arrives soon and you cope better than I did!
I was induced as I was 2 weeks over (I was already 2cm dilated). I was induced with the gel and the contractions started within the hour - straight away they were around 2 minutes apart. I had contractions for around 6 hours, then was in the pushing stage for around 40 minutes. I had no painkillers, or gas and air. Everything went perfectly, and to be honest I hardly remember the end stage - all those natural painkillers :) Good luck :flower:
my induction went very well.

I was induced at 40+10. Wentin on wednesday aftrnoon, at 4pm, cervx was closed but soft and quite low. Got 1st pessarty. At 11pm, was 0.5cm dilated, gt 2nd pessary. at 7am thursday morning, was 1cmdilated, got 3rd pessary.

They then left me, and at about 4pm i started having mild contractions. I got checked about 10pm and was 2cms, so I just had to wait for a room in the labour suite. At 3am on friday, I got taken to labour ward and OH was called. They broke my waters straight away and started the pitocin. Igot checked again and I was 3cms, and an hour later I was fully dilated.

In total, I was in labour/pushing for 6 hours, and she was my first.
I wasn't induced so I can't offer any advice. Just wanted to wish you luck today. Xx
I was induced at 40+9 due to high blood pressure i was 2 cms dilated and head was engaged they gave me the pessary at 12.30 am and LO was born 8.50am it was finei done it on gas and air. The nurse said my induction was text book style and basically how it should work. I started getting pains about half1 keptmobile until about 7 went down to delivery and then started on the gas and air.

Good luck xxxx

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