wow ..... with breastfeeding my baby seems to feed ALL day and night ..... im worried he will just cry and cry with the change to formula .. since im considering strongly for many reasons to switch to formula feeding .....
She was taking 70ml in hospital so that was at 3days old..
We done the same when we got home. I don't think we really offered any less than 4oz but she did and still does have more than the guidelines on the tubs.
Edit: Just wanted to add that she was feeding every 5 - 6hrs.
Finnlay was 8lb 14oz at birth and he is having 3-4oz every 3 hours at the moment.I make him a 4oz bottle as sometimes he wants the whole amount and other times he is happy with 3.
Not sure how much mia was having in her first week as she was being fed by a tube but by 2 weeks when she was able to have a bottle she was having about 2oz every 4 hours now just over 2 weeks shes taking 3oz or just over every 4 hours. Except at night, she often doesn't wake after 4 hours and goes 6 hours instead.
I switched from breastmilk to formula, so I didn't know how much he was taking. We started with 3oz, and he seemed to leave about half an ounce in the bottle. And then within about a week he started going up!
Oliver was taking 2 to 3oz every 3 to 4 hours after about a week and is now on 4oz every 3 to 4 hours apart from at night where he can go up to 6 hours between feeds. Take care XX
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