Hi there, our baby is on formula only and he is almost two weeks old. The hospital put him on similac sensitive because they said he wasn't doing well in the regular similac. They were feeding him for me the first day after my c section because I had a bad reaction to the narcotics they put in my spine.
Anyhoo, he seems to be doing ok on it and doesn't really spit up but on rare occasions. He does have a bit of a problem with gas even though he is on this special formula. It got better when we started using gas drops but he does have small fits of gas pains that last for like 30 mins sometimes.
He also doesn't poo but maybe once every day or so. It is normal color and mooshy so I am fairly confident he isn't constipated. But his tummy gets really big and full when he hasn't pooed in awhile.
I called the pediatrician today to ask this question but they failed to get back to me. So, I was wondering if it were you guys would you switch him to another formula? And if so, which one would be better?
I'm afraid to switch him cause I hear about people doing it and then messing up the baby's system or something. I also didn't want to just try one or two feeding a and then go back to the old one.
Or should I just stick with how we have it? Also, he was a big boy at 9 pounds 3 oz and he is currently eating about 2 to 2.5 oz every two hours. Very rarely will he sleep for three hours between feeds. Would a different brand fill him up longer? The hospital told us he should be going 3-4 hours between feeding but there is no way I'm depriving my hungry baby for over an hour and he would be screaming bloody murder for food.
Anyhoo, he seems to be doing ok on it and doesn't really spit up but on rare occasions. He does have a bit of a problem with gas even though he is on this special formula. It got better when we started using gas drops but he does have small fits of gas pains that last for like 30 mins sometimes.
He also doesn't poo but maybe once every day or so. It is normal color and mooshy so I am fairly confident he isn't constipated. But his tummy gets really big and full when he hasn't pooed in awhile.
I called the pediatrician today to ask this question but they failed to get back to me. So, I was wondering if it were you guys would you switch him to another formula? And if so, which one would be better?
I'm afraid to switch him cause I hear about people doing it and then messing up the baby's system or something. I also didn't want to just try one or two feeding a and then go back to the old one.
Or should I just stick with how we have it? Also, he was a big boy at 9 pounds 3 oz and he is currently eating about 2 to 2.5 oz every two hours. Very rarely will he sleep for three hours between feeds. Would a different brand fill him up longer? The hospital told us he should be going 3-4 hours between feeding but there is no way I'm depriving my hungry baby for over an hour and he would be screaming bloody murder for food.