Freaking out over the unknown???


mummy 2 a son
Jan 10, 2011
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anyone else freaking out about when labour will start for them?

im such a control freak, i am an administrator therefore planning and organisation is major in my life and having to go day by day not knowing when, where and how the labour is going to be is driving me nuts lol

not due til 19th jan but dec and jan are really busy months for me and not being able to make plans is making it so much worse, especially with the last couple of years unpredictable weather ruining everything, extremely concerned that things might happen during bad weather again lol

i no, i no......... im a crazy hormonal pregnant woman :blush:
I'm worrying about exact same things... When, weather and more recently how i will give birth.

I really want a natural v delivery as the thought of a section scares me. I've never had an operation etc so the idea of being cut open, while conscious is very scary. I hate i cant control that part of it.

If i knew that there would b no complications and i had a normal v delivery, that was over quickly, i'd seriously relax much more.

Who knew that having a lovely baby would bring with it all this stress and worry. Cant wait to meet her though x
I'm really worried about when it's going to start for me! I have one more week of work, then I start my maternity leave. I commute about an hour a day, and I'm so worried that I will go into labour on the hot, overcrowded train on my way home.

I am a planner too, so in my mind, the baby isn't allowed to come until I've had a week and a half to myself before his due date...even though I'm 100% ready for him at home.

So far, I haven't had any labour signs but baby is head down and I've dropped.
Aww, Hun, you're not alone, I work in facilities and Health & Safety, so you can imagine!

I've been driving my OH mental with various "what if.." senarios. He keeps telling me to relax and I keep making lists and asking questions (he's got two girls from a previous relationship) about labour and internet researching.

I've also briefed my father on his role in taking us to the hospital (as we don't drive), OH's parents in case I go into labour when we have my SDs during the day, my downstairs neighbour if I go while we have the kids and it's the middle of the night (She's an old family friend and has kindly agreed to have the girls).......

You see what I mean!!! So many things can happen it's mind boggling!! :wacko:

And I'm desperate to hang on until Friday, as it's my payday and I want to see Breaking Dawn and get a big shop in!!!! :haha: I'm not even due till 8th Dec, but he's engaged and everyone keeps saying he looks like he'll come early!!
lol thank god its not just me.

oh and his sis were 5 weeks early which would make it my birthday then the whole of christmas/new year in hospital with them for being too early so im hoping they hang on however, i have had several dreams, once before i fell pregnant, that i was going to have the 1st baby of 2012 which is also bro in laws 30th, the 8th of jan after going to watch my football team play a good friend of mine which is my great grandads birthday and namesake if it is born around that time and of cause a boy but its so frustrating that we can kind of control the conception to a certain degree but not the end lol
I am with you with the weather worry. I am due on the 13th of february and i remember the ice and snow we had last year. The idea of that happening again when i am in labour really scares me.
i no what u mean, last year it snowed pretty much the whole of dec on and off and jan so if thats the case, i would prefer to be late and have the snow melting mother nature if u can hear me take note lol

however, i am extremely bored of not being particuarly mobile with sciatica and now a cold so anytime now will be gr8 if they arrive safe and without health issues.....not asking for too much from father christmas am i?? lol
It WOULD be nice to know that she'll arrive at 37+6, or whatever....
I think it would definitely take off some anxiety and stress if we knew exactly when.. it would make the waiting easier, too.

However... there's a small part of me that feels like the element of surprise is part of the fun that baby brings. I'm always a little bit like, "Aw, darn..." when someone has an induction or a c-section date set (NOT that I judge them for the actual induction or c-section...)... as if the 'setting of a date' steals away their little surprise "Oh!! I'm having a baby today!" :haha:

So... though it can feel a little crazy, think of it as that fun element of surprise. No matter how much torture it is getting UP to that date (and I know... it is... I'm the biggest moaner out there toward the end) ... there's really nothing that matches the moment of, "Holy cow... I'm in labor!"

( I remember with my first... I realized at 37 weeks that my water had broken. It was about 5 a.m. I whispered to wake up my husband, "Honey... honey wake up..." and he mumbled, "Unh? Why?" and I said, "It's time to go the hospital!" and he mumbled again, "Why?" and I said, "Because I'm having the baby!" and he sleepily mumbled, "Unh? Why...?" :haha: But it was a fun morning... getting the bags ready, showering, having some chocolate milk for breakfast because I was so nervous that was all I could handle... calling parents on the way to the hospital to tell them the news....

Allllll fun. ;)
I am kind of freaking out of the known. I know my babies like to come fast, my dd was 2 1/2 hours start to finish which was great but this time it's gonna most likely be faster, in January instead of July, and my hubby works at least an hour from home. So I am holding onto the hope that this baby decides to come on a weekend or at night otherwise I could be delivering a baby on my own or praying an ambulance makes it on time. I live in the country 20 minutes from town in good driving conditions with no close by neighbors.
I wish I would know the date - with 3 boys to organise and school xmas activities going on every week now until the end of term. I would like to be able to explain that Mummy can't make it because babies coming that day. At the moment its 'I hope to be there', they are unsure at the moment because they know any day now the baby can come and Mum won't be there in the morning or at school pick up. I feel guilty for putting them through this, I know its worth it and they'll be alright its just unsettling at the moment. I can see me labouring on my own while I send DH off to watch the shows and after school things!!
hi im due end jan to so i know what you mean about bad weather etc, thing is my partner isnt so great bless him at driving in snow so i will probably drive myself lol, yes i agree a actual date would be nice but then would we worry about that day coming wouldnt we , i just think have your bag packed ready at the door make sure you car is all straight and ready to go and sit it out what other option do we have bar planned c section, my partner is taking a fortnight off leading up to my due date as hes determined to be woth me which is lovely although he does fuss a little! which i will probably be gratefull by that point actually good luck to all those due afterx mas.:thumbup:
I think thats a normal fear and thoughts. I have the same ones. Especaially us first time mommys that done have an idea what to expect really. I am pretty confident that it will come pretty naturally and we will know, but I also like to be in control so I know its difficult to really just let it go and let your body do what its going to do.

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