What you are describing though are very visual things, that people can see at first glance. Arms, legs and face. Small boobs you can hide with a padded bra, or if your that way inclined pay and get then done yourself. I suffer from vitiligo, I can cover it with make up, I would not expect facial bleaching/dying/ fake tan or whatever on the nhs.
Dragonfly, I must ask now, how do you feel about your nose, would you have it done now if offered on the nhs?
I hate it . I am not sure if I would or not, I mean I shouldnt hate my face so much and should accept it. I am sure if I got it fixed I would still have that deep engrained self esteem problem I had from childhood and a rotten mother. So I dont even see the point really on getting it fixed. If I won the lotto I may and get my teeth done to. But I am a wimp I dont want a sore face.
I say self esteem loving self whatever my looks would be better. I have to learn to love me for my kids to so they see a mum who dosnt hate her face and body so changing things severely probably isnt a great lesson.
And I think you have hit the nail on the head. It wasn't about your nose, it was about self esteem issues, and now, older, you acknowledge that. I wonder whether councelling should be offered to all private and NHS plastic surgery cases first, perhaps over a long period, like two years or something, and then come back and address it again.
I dont know, all I can relate it to is my vitiligo. I have it very bad on my knees and ankles, as a teen, you would never see me in a skirt, I thought 'no one would fancy me if I had it as I wasnt perfect'. Fast forward 10 years, and I was with a man who didnt give a flying monkys about it, and I then learnt that if anyone didnt like me because of it, well then do I want to be with a person like that anyway (I know my example sound so shallow but at 16 life seems to be about shallow things
) Since that boyfriend, I wear skirts, show my ankles, go out without make up. Its about loving yourself for who you are, not who you think people think you should be.