From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!


Pregnant :)
Dec 4, 2010
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From here: to here: :bfp:! I've made some wonderful friends in the TTC thread, now many of us have their bumps & :baby: I would love to stay in touch with you girls without clogging up the TTC thread with our baby & pregnancy talk as its not fair on those still TTC...

If you've been on the thread please join me! If not & you were a spotter & are now a success story you're also welcome! :flower:

Thanks for putting this together! I'd love to hear more about how your pregnancy is going!

Right now we've got a fussy awake baby, so I'm going to put on the ergo carrier and go for a walk with DH and the dogs. :)
Thank you, for the new thread. It was a great idea. Hope more pregnant ladies/mommies will join and stay in touch!

How are you feeling, MrsP? My back is killing me, breathing is getting harder and heartburn is my worst enemy. All in all, not doing too bad considering my friend, who is 20 weeks preggo, had just stopped puking every day and going to the hospital for IVs to keep her nourished. I was spared and I'm thankful.

How are you handling everything, daydream? Do you manage to get some sleep? I've been allowing myself to sleep in more often. I know it will all be over soon. This girl might end up being an owl. Every night, as soon as I get in bed, she starts performing her somersaults and won't stop for hours. I tell my husband she is probably already packing her stuff and getting ready to leave soon and see the world.
Eeee Katie can't believe how far along we both are! :happydance: When do you finish work? I'm hanging on another 5 weeks, can't wait to be off! Us UK ladies are very lucky with maternity leave & I plan to stay off til Jan 2014! I had the new whooping cough jab yesterday (not sure if you have that over there?) and I've woken up this morning to a very sore arm! :growlmad: Baby P is good during the night and doesn't move that much at the minute during the night - hoping its a sign of things to come! But it goes crazy during the day! I have a desk job & it squirms & bashes itself off the desk during the day lol, & around 8pm when we settle down for tea it also goes wild. I had problems with my back early on & bought a pregnancy pillow which has helped. I'm starting to get sore sitting at work though :( Yeh I have a friend who's had it bad compared to me, though she's not been hospitalised, but the terrible sickness she had in first tri comes back every now & again & she gets terrible heartburn. I usually get heartburn every day but only mild. I've heard it's a sign of hair?!

Daydream how's Harrison doing Hun? How's the bf'ing going? You got new pics in your journal? Will have to take a peek. We will be asking you all the labour questions when it gets closer!

Got to get showered & off to work now, catch you girls later xx

P.s. glad you like the new thread :thumbup: x
Hey ladies, hope you don't mind me stalking, even though I haven't been hanging around here long. The spotters thread is the only thread I really follow on bnb, so I'm hoping to get some helpful tips from you ladies!
Things here are good with our little guy. He sleeps well from midnight on to the morning. My DH has been giving him a bottle of my breast milk for the midnight/1am feeding so that I'm able to go to bed around 9 or 10. Then I take over for the 4am wake up and 8/9 am wake up. I haven't had a night where I didn't get enough sleep since around the 3 week growth spurt. Being able to split the work with DH helps a lot, but I think we'll have to change the routine when he goes back to work after his leave. Katie - definitely sleep in while you can. I slept a lot during my last few weeks of pregnancy and it was heavenly. Your body is gearing up for labor so probably why you need the extra rest.

Our Bf journey has ended up great, though it was rough at the beginning. Before my milk came in poor LO was starving at wanted to be at the breast 24/7. Well during that time his latch was shallow and he really tore up my nipples. Then when my milk came in, it was way too much and I had such a forceful letdown that he would just pull off and scream. I was able to get in to the lactation consultants that day thankfully and they gave me a nipple shield to let my nipples heal and to help block the stream of milk so LO could drink it easier. I used the shields for a couple weeks until my nipples were completely healed. Then started giving my bare breast again, I had to be very diligent on making sure he latched deep enough and had his lips turned outward, but now we're doing so great. No problems and he even takes a bottle and doesn't have nipple confusion when it's time to breastfeed again.

Otherwise things are well, he gets fussy in the evenings, we've battled diaper rash, which is better now. Our new thing that were seeing a doctor for today is he has a mass in his groin which we think might be a hernia. It doesn't seem to hurt him, but from my googling I'm worried because they say it will require minor surgery. I'm trying not too get to ahead of myself until we see the doctor, but the thought of my little guy being cut open is killing me. I'll let you guys know how it goes today.
Oh no daydream hope your LO is ok! I think hernias are pretty common though, is it similar to an umbilical hernia? Glad to hear he's sleeping well & brill he's managing bottle too! My irl friend used nipple shields & she found her LO took the bottle much better. I'm hoping to express so I can get out the house a little bit, I imagine solely bf'ing is so tying & tiring!

Hi cat, welcome :wave: how is your pregnancy going?

Hi cat, glad you're joining us! Hope your pregnancy is going well!

Daydream, I hope the mass is nothing serious, let us know what the doctors say. Interesting to hear about you bf experience. My mother in law brought me a book from her NICU on breastfeeding and I was surprised to read about all the issues that may come along, shallow latch, torn nipples, strong flow... I thought you just stick it in baby's mouth and you're good to go.

MrsP, after we moved I decided not to look for a fulltime position, since I was already pregnant. I can work part time from home though, so that's not an issue. That's why I've been able to adjust work schedule to my needs and sleep in when I want to. I did get a pillow too and it somewhat helped my back. Regarding heartburn and baby's hair, I always considered it an old wife's tale, I'll let you know how hairy she comes out :) I can't believe how close we are getting!
Here in the hospital, will have surgery tomorrow. It's apparently the most common pediatric surgery. I've read everything to get informed, trying to reassure myself. Surgery is the only option so nothing else we can do. It's an inguinal hernia, diff than umbilical. Trying to be a strong momma.
daydream - Sorry to hear about the surgery. Good to know that it is common though. I hope everything is fine.

Also, thanks for sharing your BFing experience. Having a hard time BFing is something that worries me. I'll have to buy a book to try to prepare myself as much as possible.

My pregnancy is going well. I didn't have terrible symptoms - a little nausea but not bad, mainly just REALLY hungry all the time, which seems like it may be calming down a little bit now. The worst thing is that I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping. I'm taking benadryl every now and then just to get a full night's sleep sometimes.

We did have our first u/s yesterday - a NT scan. It was great being able to see the baby, and my OH was especially excited because he wasn't at the appointment 2 weeks ago when I heard the heartbeat. When the scan first started, the baby was moving around a lot, but about halfway through, it decided it was time to chill out and not move for awhile. It frustrated the tech, because it wasn't in a great position to measure the fluid. It was pretty funny. We also heard the heartbeat, which was 170, and saw two legs, arms, and hands. So far, so good!

I haven't gotten the official results of the NT scan, but I saw that the measurement was 1.0, which seems good. They'll have to combine that with the blood test and hopefully call me soon. I don't know how long it takes to get the results.
Fxd for the NT scan cat! I had that done, though a lot of people choose not to have it. I have had a huge appetite all the way through! Though been off certain foods. I need to slow down as now bump getting bigger I feel like a whale after a big tea/dinner. Scan pic?

Aww daydream sorry he's got to have the op, hope everything goes well, keep us posted :hugs:

Katie my friend has been almost crying with her heartburn, her OH has a big Afro so they're expecting a hairy baby! She asked the mw about it & apparently it's true! I had no hair (well hardly any) til I was 2 & expecting my LO to be the same, but I don't know with the heartburn tale! :haha:

not sure how i missed this link before! Daydream, glad the surgery is common, although it sucks that harrison has to go through any sort of surgery. You are in my thoughts!

I have had a good experience with bf, so if anyone has any questions i can hopefully offer some insight. Gabby is a super latcher, and i must make super milk as she has steadily gained about 2 oz a day. average is 1 oz!

Can't wait to hear your birth stories, MrsP, Katie and Cat! I love birth stories. and we need bump pics!

Gabby is sleeping on me now, so i get 2 hands to use the computer and i am watching tv. love when she sleeps on me, even tho it means i get nothing done, and right now i really need to get stuff done. Just moved and my house is full of dust. we had kitchen and baths redone, and some new drywall in bedrooms, so there is a layer of dust and grime all over every surface. We dont even have counter tops yet, so we are eating a lot of frozen meals and everything with paper plates and plastic forks. I have been slowly trying to clean but its so hard with a baby. You will all find out soon enough :)

Enjoy sleep while you can, pregnant ladies! Your body will quickly adjust to sleep deprivation tho once you have your babies and you will learn to function on less sleep. Gabby usually goes down between 10 and 11, and wakes up sometime between 3 and 6, and then again between 8 and 9. I consider myself lucky to have a baby who knows when night is, who will give me a stretch of at least 4 hours to sleep, and who doesn't have colic. She requires attention when awake, likes to be walked around, and has just started liking the baby carrier. I love my moby wrap! I also have a maya ring sling and have yet to figure out how to use it, so i pretty much hate it.
Thought i would update with a pic of 8 week old Gabby :)


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Aww she's lovely Chloe! I could pinch those chubby cheeks :) I think I'll defo be asking you ladies for bf'ing advice! Though I don't plan on doing it for too long, or forcing it, I'd still like to give it a go :thumbup: great that Gabby's sleeping well. I've never been a good sleeper so think I should be ok with the sleep deprivation, though dh will struggle! Not sleeping very well at the minute, I keep getting leg cramp :(

I know exactly what you mean about the dust! We're half way through a kitchen extension, hopefully the building work will be finished in a week, then dh & his friend are fitting the gorgeous new kitchen, I can't wait! We've been without a kitchen 2 weeks now so been using the dining room with microwave, kettle, mini fridge & a George foreman grill! Had problems with heating too, snowy outside yet the radiators are only luke warm! :dohh:

We're home! We had the surgery this afternoon. I was a crying mess all day bc of nerves and bc DS couldn't eat from 4am to the surgery but they kept pushing it back. He was starving and crying all day. Once we got in, it was quick and went perfectly. He wasn't even that groggy afterward and was ready to eat. I am so relieved and exhausted.
Glad things went well daydream, hope he heals quick :hugs: x
Glad everything went well, Daydream! I can't imagine keeping food from an infant for that long. He must have been screaming! I would have been a crying mess too.

I just remembered that my birthday is next week. It's amazing what things become important and what is insignificant when there is a newborn at home! I told DH all i want for my birthday is for him to wake up in the middle of the night with gabby and to give me an evening off to drink beer and wine, and not have to worry about feeding her! But I think the best i'll get is wine and beer during evening hours. I'll still be waking up with her at 4am.
Daydream, so happy everything went smoothly and it's over, I kept thinking about you. Wishing Harrison a quick and easy recovery :baby:

Chloe, thank you for sharing the picture, she is so adorable, makes me eager to meet my own little girl. I'd like to bf, but I'm already thinking about different ways to sneak in a glass of wine or a pint of beer here and there, some meals just taste so much better with it. I better get those baby bottles ready.

All the moving and remodeling on top of being pregnant or having a newborn is exhausting. When we moved this summer I couldn't help much, because I was considered high risk. I'm finally done with settling in, all things have their own place, pictures are hanging etc. and we just found out that we might have to move again this summer, that should be interesting...

MrsP, thanks again for starting a new thread, I'm glad we can still share our experiences and not feel guilty about it. It's nice to continue following your journeys!
Thanks for starting the thread mrsP

Daydream glad to hear the op went well

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