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Full fat milk at age 1 - formula?


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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When baby hits 1 and you give them full fat milk are they also having formula drinks?

& I'm curious to those of you who have kids at this stage what are their drinks each day? Like Caitlin now is on 3 bottles morning middles of day and bedtime!

I had Aeryn on plus forumla (growing up milk i think it's called) for a while from 12 months. Just recently got her drinking full fat cows milk instead.

I just offered her cows milk during the day as a drink with her meals, at first she wasn't very impressed but she's ok with it now. She was still getting formula with breakfast and a formula bottle at tea time, but now she's totally on cows milk and water all day.

Just intro it slowly like you would with water or a new food and don't be surprised if baby doesn't take to it straight away.

I do keep some of those mini bottles of ready made plus forumla for when we go out. It's a treat for her and it's a lot easier than carrying round made up beakers or bottles that get squashed in the bag then leak everywhere :)
I have switched, no formula. Beware of the nappies once you change though :sick:
I have switched, no formula. Beware of the nappies once you change though :sick:

urg tell me about it, she does proper big smelly man-poos now!

I meant to add, Wobbles if when you want to start introducing cows milk try adding some to her breakfast with her usual milk.Slowly add more till there's no forumla left so she gets used to the taste, over a week or 2. When I tried to give Aeryn just cows milk the first time in her cereal she cried and chucked the bowl on the floor!
Mikey wouldn't take Milk, so I put him on juice/water and 2 formula bottles a day until he was 2 and cut it out completely. He'll take Milk now at nearly 3.
i was going on holiday just before my lo turned one so health visitor advised me to make the switch i did and never looked back my lo is nearlly 2 and is a very fussy eater so i give her milk in a morning and before bedtime so i know she getting calcium xx
I prefer the cows milk poos lol - not that I like any of them much though!

We changed Bethanie straight to cows milk when she was almost a year old, she didn't complain at all. She used to have 3 bottles a day, morning, mid day and evenings. She is down to 2 per day for quite a while now - she has 180ml each time which totals about 360ml and is within the toddler milky need range I think! If she has cereal for brekkie, I will sometimes decrease the milk a tiny bit (more like 160ml).

I have noticed this way works great for Bethanie - for example, if she has cereal in the morning.. she generally won't drink so much milk. I also noticed that Bethanie no longer 'needed' that mid day milk, so slowly decreased it until I thought I could stop it altogether.

Hope that helps you a bit.
You can change straight to cows milk, you don't need to have formula aswell.
U dont need to give formula but with my son i gave him growing up milk from 12 months until about 18 months.... he would drink full fat cows milk if i offered him it but i liked giving him growing up milk to know he was getting plenty of vits and minerals etc x
my Lo wouldnt have cows milk either so stayed on formula til he was about 22 months old and he weaned himself off, he still wont have any milk, but seems to be ok with a varied diet

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