Im no expert! maybe i'll get back to you when Bethanie reaches this stage, she does get fussy at times though so i've got a few tips:
*Try to make meal times as fun as possible, cut sandwiches into fun shapes, make the dinner look appealing - some good ideas i've heard are brocolli 'trees' or meat 'footballs', you get the idea lol.
*Apparently, saying no can make them more fussy.. if they're hungry they will eat, if they don't want to eat then thats fair enough.
*When Bethanie refuses her food, I don't give her pudding - might seem a bit harsh but im planning on keeping this rule in place. Obviously, if they hate the food.. don't force feed them, but if you know they are just being a little poo, they will need to learn the consequences.
Do you have any books by Annabel Karmel? shes very good, maybe that can help you.