Usually I do really well controlling my broodiness but yet ANOTHER person has announced the birth of their baby on facebook today. 18 months seems like forever away and I know we're waiting for a reason and I want to spend some time living with OH first, but it's not so far away that it seems impossible but it's too early to start preparing. I feel so BLAAAHHH today

I just can't wait until it's me booking a midwife appointment, giving birth, getting puked on, bathing my baby, having to drag them out of shops when they're having tantrums etc. I'm also terrified we'll get there and something will be stopping us TTC
Sorry to be such a moaning minnie, just had to let it out somewhere!
Got a driving lesson at 2 and don't want to go, but it's a step closer to being able to TTC so just got to persevere!
Sorry again everyone xx