

Mommy of 4, WTT
Aug 18, 2010
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So I thought I had my boys name set, now I'm thinking of a backup.

Here's the story: I told my son at the beginning of the pregnancy that if the baby is a boy, he can name his baby brother. Baby is a boy. He wants to name the baby Kesler (Benjamin Silas would be the middle names). Ryan Kesler is a big name NHL hockey player here who plays for our favourite team and my son wants to name his brother after him. However, recent rumours are swirling that Ryan Kesler may not be playing for our team as early as next week, or as late as June. I'm due in July. While I absolutely ADORE Kesler for a boy and love the name chosen, I also feel it's a bit weird to name your child after your favourite player who is no longer playing for your favourite team.

So now I'm trying to come up with a backup name in case these rumours are true.

I'm very much in love with Biblical boys' names and my son's name is Isaiah Michael (Phoenix).

All my kids have two middle names so I'm trying to come up with a short list of possibilities. Isaiah and Gabriel seems like a good brother combination to me, so I've come up with the following.

Which sounds best?

Gabriel Elliott Jude
Gabriel Elliott James
Gabriel Elliott Silas
Gabriel Elliott Joel
Gabriel Elliott Reid
Gabriel Elliott Cole
Gabriel James Elliott
Gabriel Noah Elliott
Gabriel Rowan Elliott
I dont like it sorry (although I do like Joel and cole)

I also dont see the problem with Kesler - would you change his name if the hockey player left after he was born???

just seems odd to lets something like that dictate a name you apparently love
I really like Gabriel Brandi. Love the nn gabe.

I think these sound the best together

Gabriel Elliot Jude and Gabriel Elliot Reid.

Jude is on my list for lo x
Those were the two I was leaning to as well, but I'm hesitant on Gabriel Elliott Reid because his initials would then be GERM.
I know someone who just named their son 'keslan' so a similar sound to it?

I love the name Gabriel!!!
I say Gabriel James Elliot!

Although I'm biased since i will be using the name James as a middle name if I have another boy;)
My dh really likes Gabriel, it's a big no no for me though I'm afraid as I hate the nn Gabe. He suggested Gabrielle for this one, nn Gabby is worse!

I like Kesler. If your boy chose it, then I think he will be so pleased when you use it.

If you go with Gabriel I like James Elliot for the middle name :)

P.S I still love Kesler ;)
I love Gabriel. I think Gabriel Elliot Cole sounds great.
Well, my son came home yesterday and talked about his friend Isaiah in his class (My son is also Isaiah). Isaiah has a big brother named Gabriel who was my son's best friend in his class last year and now he's insistent that because his best friends are Gabriel and Isaiah, that he needs a brother named Gabriel too, lmao.

So I guess Gabriel is officially on the short list too, and it might come down to birth before this little guy officially has a name.

He still wants Kesler in there, and says he still likes Kesler too. So Gabriel Elliott Kesler is now on the list, and while I like it, I don't LOVE it, and not sure if it flows too well.
so you are deliberately naming your child after someone else's kids???

if I was the other parent I would be incredibly pissed off because:

a) these aren't common names
b) you have known for a long time her childrens names (so not accidental)
c) you deliberately said you are aware and want to copy
d) these kids will grow up together (at school and parties etc...)

if it was accidental then thats fine but this all seems incredibly odd that you are thinking of doing this on purpose :wacko:
So I guess it's a crime now to have interest in the same names?

Millions of kids have the same names. And there is a likely chance that my son will never be in either kids' class through the rest of his elementary school life. It just happened to be coincidence that JK and SK classes are put together at this school because of the HUGE number of JK and SK kids. Last year, my son was JK and his friend Gabriel was in SK, so he's a year ahead. This year, he's in SK, and the other Isaiah is in JK, a year behind my son. The next set of split grade classes in the school are the Intermediate grades, 6, 7, and 8.

Their mom and I are NOT best friends, or relatives. The few times we HAVE talked were about birthday parties, when we found out about both having Isaiah's, and again at a Christmas concert when we discussed the common love of Bibilcal boys names, and I was already pregnant, AND mentioned Gabriel was a name I loved too, to which she replied, "It's a great name isn't it? I think you should go for it, but I'm biased".

You are YOU. And personally, I think it's ridiculous to get all upset and pissy because "somebody else used the name I like and wanted to use/used". If it's your best friend due days after you or a family member, I can see that, but not a woman you barely know. Jesus, names are used EVERY DAY. Maybe I should go around and hunt down and get pissed off at every other family who named their child Zoe in 2007 after March because they stole my name. I was on a forum for two years and STILL am friends with the women there, when my daughter Zoe was born. Within 8 months, three other women had baby girls and named them Zoe. 4 Zoe's in less than a year. Maybe I should go flip out on them for stealing my name? Hell, I even chose a VERY uncommon name for my youngest in 2011, one you might think there are no others of...guess what? In that year, there were 24 other babies named Anberlin that same year. My friend, a VERY GOOD FRIEND, last year had a baby and named her Anberlin too. Guess I should be pissed off at her, and every single person in the world who has named their child Zoe, Isaiah, or Anberlin after my kids were born because they stole my name.

Fact is, a name is a name, and just because children have the same name, it does NOT make them the same person or mean they have the same personality, or even that they'll grow up liking each other. We could move, and I am actually considering a move back to my hometown to be closer to my family. Unfortunately, I'm bound by a custody order right now that keeps me in this city "so long as one of my children is a dependent"...and given my oldest child's special needs, that might mean the rest of my life. That was based on having shared custody of the children. I have full custody of my kids here and given my ex only has the kids every other weekend and my hometown is only 45 minutes away, I don't see a judge denying the request to be closer to family and support if I can provide a decent access arrangement for my ex. Gabriel and Isaiah's family could move. ANYTHING could happen before my son enters school. Why should I let the "What if"'s and "Maybe's" hold me back from a name that I love, and actually called one of my dolls as a child, because someone else used it?

Besides that, by the time my son would enter school, Gabriel would be in Grade 6, my Isaiah in Grade 5, and the other Isaiah in Grade 4, while my son would be in Junior Kindergarten...a complete opposite end of the school, if they're all still in the same school by then.

If you would get "incredibly pissed" over a name, that GUARANTEED has been used by millions of people over thousands of generations, then that is you...that's not me, not her, and you don't speak for every other person in the world, and I think it's unfortunate that you would get so pissed at someone and make them feel guilty for wanting to use a name you used too, especially if it's years apart. Personally, I'd be honoured...just as I was with the 3 other Zoe's before my daughter turned one, and the other Anberlin.
So I guess it's a crime now to have interest in the same names?

Millions of kids have the same names. And there is a likely chance that my son will never be in either kids' class through the rest of his elementary school life. It just happened to be coincidence that JK and SK classes are put together at this school because of the HUGE number of JK and SK kids. Last year, my son was JK and his friend Gabriel was in SK, so he's a year ahead. This year, he's in SK, and the other Isaiah is in JK, a year behind my son. The next set of split grade classes in the school are the Intermediate grades, 6, 7, and 8.

Their mom and I are NOT best friends, or relatives. The few times we HAVE talked were about birthday parties, when we found out about both having Isaiah's, and again at a Christmas concert when we discussed the common love of Bibilcal boys names, and I was already pregnant, AND mentioned Gabriel was a name I loved too, to which she replied, "It's a great name isn't it? I think you should go for it, but I'm biased".

You are YOU. And personally, I think it's ridiculous to get all upset and pissy because "somebody else used the name I like and wanted to use/used". If it's your best friend due days after you or a family member, I can see that, but not a woman you barely know. Jesus, names are used EVERY DAY. Maybe I should go around and hunt down and get pissed off at every other family who named their child Zoe in 2007 after March because they stole my name. I was on a forum for two years and STILL am friends with the women there, when my daughter Zoe was born. Within 8 months, three other women had baby girls and named them Zoe. 4 Zoe's in less than a year. Maybe I should go flip out on them for stealing my name? Hell, I even chose a VERY uncommon name for my youngest in 2011, one you might think there are no others of...guess what? In that year, there were 24 other babies named Anberlin that same year. My friend, a VERY GOOD FRIEND, last year had a baby and named her Anberlin too. Guess I should be pissed off at her, and every single person in the world who has named their child Zoe, Isaiah, or Anberlin after my kids were born because they stole my name.

Fact is, a name is a name, and just because children have the same name, it does NOT make them the same person or mean they have the same personality, or even that they'll grow up liking each other. We could move, and I am actually considering a move back to my hometown to be closer to my family. Unfortunately, I'm bound by a custody order right now that keeps me in this city "so long as one of my children is a dependent"...and given my oldest child's special needs, that might mean the rest of my life. That was based on having shared custody of the children. I have full custody of my kids here and given my ex only has the kids every other weekend and my hometown is only 45 minutes away, I don't see a judge denying the request to be closer to family and support if I can provide a decent access arrangement for my ex. Gabriel and Isaiah's family could move. ANYTHING could happen before my son enters school. Why should I let the "What if"'s and "Maybe's" hold me back from a name that I love, and actually called one of my dolls as a child, because someone else used it?

Besides that, by the time my son would enter school, Gabriel would be in Grade 6, my Isaiah in Grade 5, and the other Isaiah in Grade 4, while my son would be in Junior Kindergarten...a complete opposite end of the school, if they're all still in the same school by then.

If you would get "incredibly pissed" over a name, that GUARANTEED has been used by millions of people over thousands of generations, then that is you...that's not me, not her, and you don't speak for every other person in the world, and I think it's unfortunate that you would get so pissed at someone and make them feel guilty for wanting to use a name you used too, especially if it's years apart. Personally, I'd be honoured...just as I was with the 3 other Zoe's before my daughter turned one, and the other Anberlin.

zoe doesnt compare as its a common name and a single name... and old friend of mine named the kid Jake but it doesnt compare, your copying (and yes you said you are doing it to copy) 2 unusual names in a sibset and its not even a name you have been set on you have been going on about Kesler for months (which you went off because of the oddest excuse ever that the person left your favorite team even though it WOULD happen sometime anyway) then suddenly think it would be cute to name the kid after your sons friends so they all match... just the most bizarre logic ive ever heard in my life and blatant copying

also most of your post is odd and has no link to this, not being rude but your custody orders and childrens medical problems are your business and I dont really care or feel the need to know because it completely unrelated to copying a name... what an rant and odd over share on a name forum :wacko:

I have no need to defend my post though as your overaggressive reply shows you know im right and are trying desperately to justify it (with multiple unrelated reasons)

your kid do what ever you want but dont expect people not to comment saying you copied when you did
Zoe is not that common of a name here, actually.

And I've always loved Biblical boys names. Just because Kesler was a name I had chosen (which was also my son's choice) doesn't mean I hadn't considered other names. In fact, when looking at other names, I had several other Biblical boys names on my list, including Silas, Benjamin, Elijah, Micah, Noah, Levi, etc, and if you search my history in this thread, you'll find several threads including Biblical Boys Names I considered. You'll even find one called Biblical Boys Names started by me. It's not just a name that suddenly popped up. When considering other names, Gabriel was the one I felt fit Isaiah best, and yes, my son my son likes it too. You're the only one overreacting here. I'm almost certain Gabriel and Isaiah are not the only sibset in the world. There are probably more even in our own city!

I'm not OFF Kesler. I debated on Kesler as a name for quite a while because I wanted to stick with the Biblical Boys Name theme, and also found it difficult to come up with Biblical middle names to stick with the theme. Middle Names for Kesler aren't easy. It still IS my number one choice, but I'm also coming up with backups, and Gabriel happens to be a backup.

By your logic, my three friends copied me with Zoe and I should be pissed at them for that. And maybe my friend with a Kesler should be pissed at me too? Should I also be pissed at my friend who named her baby Anberlin like I did? I don't own the rights to a name or a sibset and neither does anyone else. It's not about copying. It's not about stealing. It's about wanting to follow a theme, and using a name I love, and I think Gabriel and Isaiah are the perfect sibset.

You can be angry over it all you want, but it's a pretty big over reaction. Sad, actually. She's not angry. Why are you?

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