4.5 to 6.2..by that do you mean the fasting test (the 1st blood test) was 4.5 and the second after you had the drink was 6.2?
If thats the case then you dont have it, my first result was 4.8 and my second was 8.4, i have GD but only just, the second result for me hd to be under 7.9 to be clear so if thats the case with yours (the fast overnight, have a blood test drink a cup of ickky stuff and have another test) then i would say not to worry..plus i had the test on the Thursday Morning and had 2 head MW's on my doorstep the next morning to tell me i had GD so i highly doubt they would leave you until Mon if it were positive.
You can always ring your DRs und ask what they results mean as they will have recieved the results too and had them checked by a Dr.x