Gender swaying


Leo's Mommy
Sep 24, 2012
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I want a little blue bundle (I would be thrilled with either, but I'd love a boy first)
I've looked up different techniques and the information I'm getting can be contradictory..

Sex timing
The shettles method says for blue, have sex the day of ovulation and after..but a lot of people say this doesn't work.
"the impatient woman's guide to getting pregnant" actually says to do the opposite, to have sex up until 2 days before ovulation for blue, the author even sites sources - idk how credible they are though.


I've read a lot of things that say a healthy high calorie diet with lots of excercise sways blue.
I can't remember the source of it as I've read A LOT of articles like this, but if you have read some or have credible sources handy I would love to hear all about it, even if its the opposite.

Any information on gender swaying for a boy would be great..with sources preffered but anything helps

thanks so much!
We dtd 2 days before ov & then not again till after id ov due to dh getting the hump with me.
I knew soon as i found out i was preg itd be a girl & i was right. But some ppl say they got a boy by dtd 2 daus before ov so i dont know!
i cant risk it the next time as i desp want a mixed family!!
For me it was an accident. I already had 3 boys 21, 19 and 12. I got pregnant by accident at the age of 40 I know it was 3 days before my ovulation, know this for a fact it was 3 days/
I got pregnant with my Ava, sadly I lost her at 22 weeks.

My SIL also has 3 boys and planned a girl, it took her about 7 or 8 months to get pregnant . She did it 4 days from ovulation and in November she got her girl.

I and my SIL did not eat anything different or take anything just DTD 3 day before ovulation and it worked for the both of us after 3 boys.

I don't think it is 100% but I do believe it does boost your chances for a girl. For a boy they say day of Ovulation and day after.

Good Luck :hugs:
I have 3 teenage girls and knew nothing about my ovulation and gender sway back then. All I can say is I had LOTS of sex. This time I am having a Boy, came as a shock pregnancy as I was told 6weeks before I could only have more children via IVF (HSG June showed blocked tubes, lap & dye in sep to try and unblock them-consultant went in but did nothing as my tubes were blocked both ends, twisted and away from ovaries) My partner and I only had sex once the day i usually ovulate (we split up due to my infertility!) I had my old charts from when I was just TTC so went back to them to work out when I Ov, knew we had sex on halloween thus day I likely Ov'd and my 12wk scan confirmed my thoughts to exact day so I immediatly thought I was having a Boy.
I would recommend charting to find out when you generally Ov for at least 6months then to only have UNPROTECTED sex day before and day of Ov. I would also use OPKs to inline with charting so you can really get a good idea of when you Ov. There is scientific evidence to prove boy sperm swim faster (they are not as heavy as girl sperm) but die younger and girl sperm swim slower but live longer.

***I believe the main key for having either gender is working out when you OVULATE and ONLY have UNPROTECTED sex during that cycle when it favours girls/boys.
**GIRL- lots of sex until 3days before Ov then use protection or abstain for rest of cycle**
**Boy- No unprotected sex or abstain until day before OV then have sex day before and day of OV, then use protection or abstain for rest of cycle**
*** Key is getting OV spot on***
*2- 2 1/2 days before Ov is classed as being 50% 50% ground*
I have two boys and we just had sex alot. They also say that it helps if you orgasm after the guy does.
I can only go by my experience, I have 3 boys myself, but boys are very dominant in DH family with one man in each generation only having boys so it could be nothing I did.
I'm a very slim person with a huge appetite and I don't care what it is so yeah I have a high calorie diet pretty much all the time.
With DS1 and DS 2 for reasons of illness etc we ended up only doing the deed once on the months in which we conceived. Both times it was the day before/day of Ovulation.
DS 3 we only did the deed 3 days before ovulation, and not again until after my fertile time.
This time we only dtd the day before and the day after ovulation so we shall see
I DTD on the day of ovulation and the day after ovulation both times and have two boys!!. Good luck
Melli, I swayed boy with the elp of the genderdreaming site. My last sway was succesful bu not sure about this time as I only put in a little effort oops lol. Basically you want to build your nutrition and muscle for a boy, so start a eating lots of meat, fruit, eggs and veggies and lifting things around the house, I would bench press the toddlers lol great fun for all!!
Lmao at the vision of a child in each hand working out lol
I would think sex everyday up to ovulation since boy sperm are faster.

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