Don’t get excited, don’t get excited, AGGHHHH
My sleep was at a weird time, 7 PM to 2 AM, though per Oura I started waking up closer to 1 AM… but it still says I got about 6 hours of sleep, which is definitely plenty for temping purposes. According to FF, waking time doesn’t matter with the Oura ring either.
AND THEN I broke my rule about not testing progesterone cuz I thought it must’ve spiked, right? Wrong. 8.5. But like, considering my trend this cycle, that’s still fairly normal, and hearing from other Inito users that their levels were lower on Inito than on a blood test, I’m not really freaking out about it, I guess.
I did of course test but BFN. It’s the wee hours of 9dpo, so I’m not particularly worried by that, but we’ll see.