Gestational diabetes!!

The meeting with the dietitian was great, she actually answered most of my questions just in her walk through with the class.
Feeling like I can do this, started testing my sugar yesterday and everything is on track so far with the diet changes, which makes me feel great.
Tracking is super easy with the Bluetooth link on the system I have so don't even have to write anything down!
Well I've been on insulin for 3 weeks now and still can't get my fasting under control!! Have been upping my dose, am on 16 units morning and night but still no good. Also now have polyhydramnios and baby is starting to creep up on the larger side so they are planning on c section at 38 weeks, poss 37 if things don't settle down! 😫
Bonnie that sucks!! What the heck!! GL for your section and hopefully baby doesn't get TOO big in the next few weeks :/
I know 😫😫😫
Was so gutted as really wanted a VBaC but I need to put baby's health first, not to mention I'm so bloody uncomfortable the thought of having this baby out in 5 weeks is pretty appealing! Have another scan in 3 weeks to see how things are progressing so you never know...
It's funny how the last few weeks are just agony... we always just want them out. I had a 38 weeker last time and she was a bad feeder, the BF clinic said it was just because she wasn't quite developed enough in the womb. So I want this baby to be 39-40 weeks... but I'm sure when my mw offers a sweep at 38 weeks I will jump at he chance XD
Same, my daughter was born at 38 weeks and was a lazy feeder! Will just have to see how things progress and check my fluid levels. Placenta deterioration can happen on insulin after 38 weeks so I think that's why they like to whip them out then, coupled with the polyhydramnios risks I think on balance I'd rather have him out! X
Bonnie how’s it going? How are your sugars doing and are they letting you go naturally or being induced again?
Hi , I hope you all don’t mind me asking how many of you have had GD in more than one pregnancy? I definitely had it in my last pregnancy and quite possibly my first although I was quite young and not tested for it then but he was born fairly big. We have just got our bfp after 2 years of ivf and I’m wondering if I adapted my diet from now I could prevent it happening again. I’m not overweight but have pcos and previously had a pituitary tumour which is why the tested me in my last pregnancy.
Thanks in advance x
Just wanted to offer some support guys. Had GD with my third pregnancy (most recent) and not with the two before that.

Diet controlled the whole way through and I had a successful VBAC at 41 weeks, went into labor naturally. Baby was normal sized (same weight as my 39 week non-GD baby), healthy, and is doing fabulous at 6 months.
Stardust unfortunately I have had it 3 times in a row. I do know one mama who had it with her middle pregnancy and not two others, so it's possible. But once you have it you are at a higher risk to get it again. It's not something you can prevent because it's your placenta that causes it, not your diet.

However, some people find the diabetes starts EARLIER the more pregnancies they have. So if you have a meter it's a good idea to start monitoring in second trimester rather than waiting for the screening at 26 weeks. With my first I had the 26 week test and failed, with my 2nd I self monitored and started getting higher readings at 22 weeks, and this third time it was 18 weeks. It was mild but I still asked for my test early at 22 weeks and by then I blew the test numbers out of the water lol.

If you see high readings early, get control of your carbs and add in some more exercise to keep your sugars down, and tell your care provider so they can diagnose you earlier. That's all you can really do, nothing to ward it off I don't think. If you do find anything to ward it off let us all know lol!! I would have another one if I knew GD wouldn't affect me but this time it's so hard to manage it's making me think this is my last. Can't do this again.

But there's always hope you might not get it, so good luck!!
So update from me (Bonnie I see your little man joined you!! Congrats and exciting!! Hope all went well)!

My 1 hr readings have been a bit high so I'm adding in 10 min walks after meals. Outside if we can all go together or my husband can stay home with the kids and just marching in place after breakfast. 3 times a day for the next... 70 or so days? Lol!! I was sick, and my kids weren't sleeping (so I wasn't sleeping) the past 3 days, plus I wasn't really having a nighttime snack, and I had a few high fasting numbers! One was 5.5 and they want me 5.2 or lower.

I couldn't really figure out the culprit and I was just convinced that I needed insulin. Cried so much yesterday. Well then last night I decided to have a bedtime snack at 9:30 that had carbs, protein, and fibre. So I had some coconut greek yogurt mixed with plain greek yogurt, a sprinkle of granola, and chia. So about 15-10-5 grams of carbs-protein-fibre. And I slept well because my kids are better... and I got a 4.9 this morning fasting. My sister mentioned my cold might have spiked it too. So I'm feeling better this morning but hopefully if I eat that again for a snack it actually works and isn't a fluke! So bit apprehensive it was just a low fluke number. Meeting with diabetes team on Friday and mw on Wednesday. I had 4 high numbers from Friday-Sunday including 1 fasting. But hopefully my Monday-Thursday numbers will all be good and they will see I've got it under control and let me go another 2 weeks monitoring with diet and exercise.

I really don't want to go on insulin bc then I'll be transferred out of mw care and can't have a home birth!
WEll at 31 weeks I’m really struggling with my fasting numbers. I know my hormones have gone thru a change in third tri because my body is being weird lol! So it’s definitely affecting my insulin.

So at my next dietician app I’m sure we will get a referral to the OB for insulin, probably just at nighttime since my day numbers I can control fairly well.

If anyone has a good tip for fasting numbers let me know!

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