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I love all the encouragement and I really think my LO and I are getting the hang of breastfeeding more and more :).
Starting this last week, my LO's poos have been green and runnier (but not smelly) and I heard this can be a fore/hind milk problem, but I have tried feeding her longer on one side and I feel like it isn't helping. Any tips?
How old is she? Is she showing any teething signs such as drooling? Extra saliva produced while teething can irritate the intestines and produce green poo.
Starting this last week, my LO's poos have been green and runnier (but not smelly) and I heard this can be a fore/hind milk problem, but I have tried feeding her longer on one side and I feel like it isn't helping. Any tips?

How old is your LO?

Are you or baby on antibiotics at all?
What has changed about your feeding schedule?
She is only 4 weeks and maybe once or twice a day it's pretty normal and yellowish and the rest of the time it ranges from looking like like spinach pieces or a greenish yellowish color. I am not taking any medication and have not changed my diet. She seems to be gaining alright and she is feeding less often, but longer.
We have had a rough start with feeding. My nipples were trashed in the first day due to poor latchment and my nipples are a bit flat. Got so much Support in the hospital . My milk is now in and I have breast Sheilds whih are working wonders. We also bought an electric breast pump (want to hold off using it for a whIle) but its nice to have the security that if he wont latch ican stil feed him!
Robyn had green poo only at certain times of day around that age, the rest of the time it was yellow. Took me ages to figure it out- there was one feed in particular where my breasts were fuller than normal and she was struggling to drain it. Unfortunately I just had to wait it out, as my supply regulated better and also as Robyn's feeding got better it sorted itself out.
I desperately need help regarding a shallow latch. I've read every pamphlet, article n blog telling me he needs to have bottom part of areola in his mouth n nipple at top/back of his mouth... N I know to get him to open wide (he does this on his own) and bring his chin to breast first... But I can't see bottom of my breast, so I have to guess that he's just not getting much more than nipple in Hus mouth n that's what's causing the pain.

I saw a lactation specialist on Wednesday n it only seems to have gotten worse since then. Baby is popping and keeping a lot, and when he spots up I can see he's getting a bit of milk... Just don't want the pain n worried he'll damage nipple.

She is only 4 weeks and maybe once or twice a day it's pretty normal and yellowish and the rest of the time it ranges from looking like like spinach pieces or a greenish yellowish color. I am not taking any medication and have not changed my diet. She seems to be gaining alright and she is feeding less often, but longer.

Is baby totally breastfed or does she have formula too?

Have you had your latch checked? Might be worth somebody having a look to ensure you've got good milk transfer and baby is getting enough hindmilk. :thumbup:

Is the poo frothy?
I desperately need help regarding a shallow latch. I've read every pamphlet, article n blog telling me he needs to have bottom part of areola in his mouth n nipple at top/back of his mouth... N I know to get him to open wide (he does this on his own) and bring his chin to breast first... But I can't see bottom of my breast, so I have to guess that he's just not getting much more than nipple in Hus mouth n that's what's causing the pain.

I saw a lactation specialist on Wednesday n it only seems to have gotten worse since then. Baby is popping and keeping a lot, and when he spots up I can see he's getting a bit of milk... Just don't want the pain n worried he'll damage nipple.


It'll be easier to help from somebody who can actually show you how to attach correctly. :thumbup:

Did the LC not show you any hints of how to ensure a deep latch?

Are you in the UK? :hugs:
Did the LC not show you any hints of how to ensure a deep latch?

I'm in the US. She didn't how me anything about latch--she was so focused on how to arrange pillows and baby's body (which I think I already had figured out)... After we left my husband and I had to admit that it wasn't at all worth the money or the time...kind of a joke appointment. I'm hoping my pediatrician can refer me to someone better in his office. I don't want to be in pains and dreading every nursing session...and I don't want to end up taking the easy road and pumping. :-( I really want the bonding with LO.
Did the LC not show you any hints of how to ensure a deep latch?

I'm in the US. She didn't how me anything about latch--she was so focused on how to arrange pillows and baby's body (which I think I already had figured out)... After we left my husband and I had to admit that it wasn't at all worth the money or the time...kind of a joke appointment. I'm hoping my pediatrician can refer me to someone better in his office. I don't want to be in pains and dreading every nursing session...and I don't want to end up taking the easy road and pumping. :-( I really want the bonding with LO.

Can you describe the pain? Is there any blanching of the nipple? (What does it look like when it come out of babys mouth)

Are you or baby on antibiotics?
This is just what I need right now! Here is my "Story" I have been bf for 4 months now, however I started my period 2 months post partum. about a week before it starts I notice my milk supply drops. I think. The reason I say I think is because that is how my baby is acting. She will nurse for 15-20 min and then start unlatching fussing crying try to latch back on frantically and when she does it last like 2-3 seconds and does it all over again. Finally I just take her off the breast because she is getting so worked up and then she just screams even harder for a little bit. I squeezed my boob and milk still squirts out though! So there is milk there. What is the problem?? It is getting increasingly worse every month. I have been giving her about 2-3 oz of formula after every feed in the afternoon and she takes the bottle like she is starving and is happy and satisfied after. literally the day after my period is all done i feel like I have plenty of milk again and I dont have to supplement at all for a good 2 weeks. I am just so frustrated and down by this! am I doing something wrong? Is my supply really low or is it something else? what can I do to help. I drink a ton of water, I take about 6 fenugreek a day and I eat a huge bowl of oatmeal sometime throughout the day, but it just doesnt seem to change anything.........any ideas or support would be GREATLY appreciated. thank you
Pain is hard to describe now that someone asks... Just very intense, like he's going to rip my nipple off. :-/ nipple looks bigger n darker pink/reddish when he's finished... Don't know if its a crack, but there there's a "crack" that's circular just above the base I'd the nipple...

Not on any antibiotics...
Did the LC not show you any hints of how to ensure a deep latch?

I'm in the US. She didn't how me anything about latch--she was so focused on how to arrange pillows and baby's body (which I think I already had figured out)... After we left my husband and I had to admit that it wasn't at all worth the money or the time...kind of a joke appointment. I'm hoping my pediatrician can refer me to someone better in his office. I don't want to be in pains and dreading every nursing session...and I don't want to end up taking the easy road and pumping. :-( I really want the bonding with LO.

No idea if you've read it, but one of the things I found helped me with latching issues was trying a lot of different positions (My OH is still amazed at some of the "unconventional" nursing positions we use) -- The best advice I can give you in regards to that is to get your hands on a copy of "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" which I found helped me out the most.

My LO also has a shallow latch (and she still does to this day) -- It took us just at maybe a couple days over the 2 month mark, for the pain to go away. The shape of my nipples are permanently changed (not really in a bad way and to be fair perhaps some of the pain was due to having strange nipples pre-nursing?) ....the most problem I have now is when she's latched on and pulls her head back and pushes on the breast with both her hands as if she's trying to see just how far my nipple can go before it pops off. THAT hurts!

Different positions helped us best though. The one I found helped the most if I recall correctly was to lay back in a reclining position, lay LO on my tummy "vertically" and let her latch on that way.
Hi Champions!

I posted a thread about this, but since I am in tears I thought would come to you pros!!

I am just recovered from the stomach flu and couldn't keep anything down for two days. As a result my supply has almost completely diminished. I am devastated. I am drinking water, juice, nursing tea... eating food again... and demand feeding... but my boobs feel like deflated balloons. Our DD is peeing and pooping, and I am getting a letdown feeling, so I think she's getting something but I am terrified my supply won't come back. I used to leak milk... now I feel I don't have any at all. :cry:

DD is three weeks today and I am nervous that she's starving. Should I be pumping as well to try to encourage my supply? Is there anything else I can do?? Please help! I am feeling like I am failing our wee one... :(
That's a completely normal thing to happen at any point around 3-6 weeks, it's your milk supply regulating and the stomach flu being in the midst of this is probably just coincidence! The fact babies go through a growth spurt at this age can make women think they have lost supply as well, when thet haven't. It would take a lot more than two days and would take severe malnourishment for your supply to be affected. The fact your baby is peeing and pooing shows they are getting milk, they can't make waste products out of thin air. You are not starving your baby at all. I would just continue to feed on demand and eat and drink as well as possible, try to avoid taking galactologues etc at this point as they may stimulate an oversupply xx
Thank you so much!! She's definitely still peeing an pooping... so something must be coming out. :)
Sorry i know this is a little late but I second what Summer said. 3-6 weeks my baby was attached to me all the time and my boobs felt soft in comparison to before. Its a common age for a growth spurt
I'm having issues pumping enough for my baby while at work. We recently had to start supplementing while she with the baby sitter. She still nurses when we are home. She is still waking 2-3 times a night to nurse and if she doesn't I get up to pump. She is still gaining weight and having plenty of wet and dirty diapers. I'm depressed about having to supplement. I would love a champion and a little personal support.

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