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just to add i haven't quite finished updating the list of specialisations but as long as their name is in the first half of the initial champions list they should still be in :hugs:

I'm in and out of here quite often but do pm if you need help, best way to get hold of me :flower:
Katy, hon, did you find a lady to help with the expressing yet?
'Course I can!! :hugs: I'm here for whatever you need. :flower:

And we'll still get someone that has exclusively expressed to help us out, too! :thumbup: You'll have so much support and help, you won't know what to do with it all! ;)
I shall PM you later with a few questions if that's okay? At the moment I really need a bit of sleep! xx
lottie86 might be a great help. If i remember correctly she's exclusively expressed from birth :thumbup:
Icould really do with some support & tips if someone could find the time. Charlotte was a big baby at 9lb 2oz & is therefore pretty greedy. The problem isnt getting her to latch-she has a great latch but she sucks 2 or 3 times, then gets frustrated & unlatches herself, starts fighting against being put back on,then starts routing for my breast again. At her 3 day check, she'd lost a bit too much weight so the MW said to start expressing & I've been exclusively expressing ever since. I have managed to get her on for a couple of good feeds but they're few & far between. Both a MW & BF advisor have watched us & say there's no reason at all why we shouldnt be able to do it-I have a good milk supply & Charlotte has a great latch & suckle, she's just too lazy to work for it after getting used to the bottle. I try her on the breast at most feeds. Depending on how hungry she is, I either try her first, then go onto the bottle or if she's really hungry, I give her some EBM in a bottle, then try her on the breast but invariably end up back on the EBM. Does anyone have any tips to get her back to breast feeding?
Im not quite sure why you were advised to exclusively express, because nothing stimulates breast milk production like a baby does!

firstly, you are doing great :hugs: im sorry things have been tough, but i am positive that with plenty of support and determination you will be able to get your little one back to the breast. The fact that she is latching on and feeding well occasionally is very encouraging :)

Something you could try, which will probably be quite effective, is stopping giving EBM from bottles altogether, instead giving it via a syringe. You're right in saying that she is probably getting a little lazy so if you stop the bottles altogether now, she hopefully will soon forget all about them and come back to the breast. Giving supplemental feeds via spoon or syringe is time consuming but it will be worth it! It may take a little while, and you will have to be very determined, but it might just work. I am tempted to say go cold turkey completely on the bottles for a day and see how she goes on the breast and the syringe. The longer she has the bottles, the more difficult it will be to get her back to the breast. Its really important that you keep your supply up by putting her to the breast as much as possible, pumping as much as you can and making sure you are eating and drinking plenty.

Other ways to encourage your daughter back to the breast are as follows:

1. Lots of skin to skin contact. Make the breast readily available but let her come to it in her own time.

2. squeeze a little bit of milk out onto the nipple before a feed to "entice" her to latch and stay latched.

3. Encourage milk let-down before you latch her on - that way there is no delay between baby latching and getting milk. start pumping until you feel your milk let-down and then get her straight on there!

4. Wear your baby in a sling - there's nothing like being in almost constant contact with mum to encourage breastfeeding.

Have you ever heard of SNS (supplemental nursing system)? Its a way of supplementing feeds without a bottle. Its like a little tube that goes from a unit to your breast, so the baby can latch on and feed normally but receive a top-up to the feed (be it EBM or formula). This might be worth a try. You should be able to find a way of obtaining one through La Leche League, most towns have a local LLL group that meets once a month and the LLL Leader who runs it will have contacts for things like that. This is usually something that is used when a baby needs formula top-ups for whatever reason, seeing as you are producing enough milk on your own it shouldnt be necessary in your case.
Thanks so much for that :hugs: My brother does have a sling which his LO has grown out of & he said we can borrow it so I've just rung him & he's going to drop it off later. We were originally feeding from a spoon but it was taking so long that by the time she'd finished one lot, it was time to pump & start again. After 3 completely sleepless nights, I gave up & started using the bottle. Now my milk has come in though, I can pump quicker so I will go back to the spoon & see if it helps. The other things, we have been doing on the advice of the MW & they do seem to be helping. If we cant get things going, I will look into the SNS but I've checked & the nearest LLL group is about an hour away from us & I dont really feel up to driving that far at the moment. Hopefully though, we wont need it.
Yeah, its very hard work feeding with the spoon and the syringe instead of the bottle. Can you get your other half to share some of the night duties to make it easier for you? The good news is, at this early stage, it shouldnt take long to get little one back to the breast completely. There are some wonderfully inspiring stories on and some fab information on :hugs:
Yeah, its very hard work feeding with the spoon and the syringe instead of the bottle. Can you get your other half to share some of the night duties to make it easier for you?

I dont want to ask him really as he's at work all day so its not really fair. He's being disturbed as it is & losing sleep. He's not bothered but I just dont feel its fair to ask him to be up with her in the night & then have to get up for work when I'm at home all day. At least I can get an hours sleep here & there during the day.
i can understand that hun, i was always reluctant to ask for night time help too. But, what you have to remember is that this is only temporary, and he will survive a bit of sleep deprivation. the benefits of breastfeeding will last your baby a lifetime :hugs:
Cath, I assume you are using a slow flow nipple and bottle made for BF babies? That will help, too, as they have to work nearly as hard to get the EBM from there as they do the breast.
Cath, I assume you are using a slow flow nipple and bottle made for BF babies? That will help, too, as they have to work nearly as hard to get the EBM from there as they do the breast.

I've got 2 types-the Tommee Tippee Closer To Nature & Breastflow. The Tommee Tippee ones seem to make it very easy for her so I have switched to the Breastflow which seem to make it harder work for her.
After a really frustrating 24 hours where I couldnt get her on even once, she fed for around 10 mins last night. I think the key is to give her some EBM first so she is not too hungry or impatient, then try her at the breast. I've been trying again all day with no joy but will keep on trying. I'm also considering getting some nipple shields to help her to latch-what do people think of them?
I have used the breastflow bottles for Otter and never had nipple confusion problems, so switching to them might help.

I think sheilds help some ladies. It can't hurt if you are struggling! Give them a try and see if they help. Then you can wean off of them if they do help and you need to use then for a bit.

It sounds like giving just a bit of EBM first will help. Just slowly wean her down to less and less of that if you can, and hopefully she will transition.
i personally would suggest steering well clear of the nipple shields. you might well find yourself with a baby that wont feed without them, and then you have another problem to fix.
i personally would suggest steering well clear of the nipple shields. you might well find yourself with a baby that wont feed without them, and then you have another problem to fix.

I thought that might be a problem but TBH its better than the problem we have now-I'd rather have her dependent on nipple shields than the bottle as I dont know how much longer I can continue to pump.
yes, thats a fair point! They can work well with some women, and like you said if its going to make your life easier to have her dependant on them temporarily rather than the bottle then its worth a try :)
OMG, IT WORKED :yipee:
I've just tried the nipple shields for the first time & she latched on straight away & nursed for 25 mins:wohoo:

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