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baby has yellow poo and wets at least 6 nappies a day. She has times each day when she is alert and this amount of time is on a slow increase. She is only 8 days old. By day 5 she had onl lost 1oz. Its not my normal midwife as she is away its a stand in one. Once she has finished she always rolls her head back and has that look of being happy. Im getting more and more stressed by this midwife she has reall upsett me and my confidence has gone to the point where im thinking of stopping. Yet i dont want to as i love breast feeding
When changing her nappy especiall if its dirty i dont alwas see wee. My partner sas he can tell as nappy feels heavy and is often warm. Would you say thats a good way to tell. Her dirty nappys are like a sand yellow colour is that colour correct. Just getting stressed now that somethings not right.
yep nappies sound just fine hun...the poo sits on top of lining so if it feels bulky and weighty there's wee in there too. and BF babies have mustard coloured poo and after first week or so it changes to look like there's white pips in it so it sounds just right :thumbup:

ask to change midwives if you have any issue with yours...or just grin and bear it as HV takes over after 10-14 days

we're here to support you :)
my midwife is great its just this stupid stand in one. get mine back monday and she is much better. just not sure im gonna be breast feeding for that long now. she has gone back to 5 minute feeding and im so stressed. She done seem to latch any more. My confidence has just gone
oh honey stick with it, i promise it will get better! babies change their feeding schedules all of the time and it really sounds to me like everything is normal and going great! Just try to hang on until you get to see your normal midwife and i am sure that she will be able to put your mind at rest about all of this. You are doing fabulously well, and in a few months you will look back on this time and wonder why you ever worried :hugs: your milk is the absolute best milk in the world for your little baby, dont ever lose faith in your body. it will do its job, i promise :hugs:

I would highly recommend going to the la leche league website and contacting a LLL leader for support. here is the link to the LLLGB page where you can fill in a help form for a leader to answer. there is also a 24 hour helpline you can phone at any time to talk to someone who is experienced with breastfeeding and supporting women to do so.
You are doing fine! Everything sounds perfect! Don't let that blasted MW get to you! :hissy: Your baby sounds perfect, the poos and nappies sound perfect, her alertness sounds right on target for her age... and her minimal weight loss was FANTASTIC! Most babies loose loads more than that. You are doing a fantastic job!

I asked a pediatrician about how to figure out if wee was present when they poo. He said assume if they poo that they wee -- they always wee when they poo. So, count each poo as a poo AND wee and count the stand alone wees, too.

You are doing GREAT! Don't give up!! :hugs:
I have had a really bad engorged breast that baby wont take. was advised to pump it which i just did. Im not giving milk to baby as i want to breast feed her for a bit more yet. I got over 60mls in under 5 minutes.Does that mean i have a fast let down? Do you think thats why baby only goes on for 5 minutes sometimes?
what's 60ml in ounces? (i work easier in ounces with milk!)

when my milk lets down i have between 4 and 6 jets of milk for a couple of mins initially (very fast letdown meaning isabel gets her milk very quickly as you can imagine!!)
It's about 2oz.....

You could freeze the milk in order to use at a later stage if you wish!

It sounds like you are doing a great job.. if it is a fast let down the holding baby higher than your boob, so the milk has to go up can help as can just feeding off one breast as it helps to regulate your supply meaning the let down might not be so fast.
woohoo horrible midwife who told me that i wasnt feeding baby long enough (she sometimes only feeds for 5 minutes). Who also said she would have to go into hoispital as wasnt feeding enough has had to eat her words. Was weighted today and is now 9lb. She started at 8lb9 then ay 5 days old went to 8lb 8 and now at 13 days old is 9lb. Silly women upsetting me for no reason. Kacey wee'd on her so i feel we have got her back lol Thanks for the encoragement im so glad i didnt gie up. although to be honest im so determened i would never give up without a fight
Great news!! I'm so glad she had to eat her words! Good job, mommy!! :hugs:
thats amazing news hon!! well done! :D Silly woman obviously doesnt have a clue what she is talking about. she really needs her training updated.
sorry to jump in ladies, just wanted to say I've finally managed to finish updating the OP with the list and specialistaions. Can you all check it's right please and if your name isn't in the right section/or needs adding elsewhere please can you let me know (Via pm/my profile board please not this thread so it doesn't get clogged up) and i will adjust accordingly. TIA 8)
I find our last feed of the night before I put Rachel to bed is the hardest to get her satisfied. My flawed logic tells me this is because she drank most of my milk throughout the day. :blush: I'm pretty sure that can't be right? Is there anything I can do to for that last feed before bed? I am currently pumping after feeds and struggle to get 1 oz total. I usually have 3 oz pumped for that last feed in case she's not satisfied.
You're not empty, hon. How long does she feed for, how long does she sleep after, and what does she do that makes you think she is not satisfied?
She fusses on both breasts and only stays on for a minute or so at a time. She ends up getting frustrated with the boob. The feed ends up lasting well over an hr and she still wakes up every hour after that. Now that I started pumping, I feed her and then give her an ounce or two of the pumped milk in a bottle.. that seems to satisfy her and she sleeps for 2, maybe 3 hours.
Does she cluster feed leading up to that? Otter would do that frequently when he was smaller. Especially in growth spurts, but other times, too. He would cluster feed in the evenings and by the end he would be so frustrated with my boobs because the flow would be slow. He would come on and off, throw a fit, and even punch my boobs. :roll: He also woke every hour to hour and a half through the night at that age. It was exhausting!!

The only thing that concerns me about giving Rach the EBM is that your boobs won't catch up to her evening demands. So, you will be in an endless cycle of pumping during the day to top her up at night. How long was she doing this fussing before you starting topping her up (in days?) It might be best to just make her power through it and work it out at the boob so your body can respond properly. It would take Otter anywhere from 2-5 days before I would catch up enough and he would settle better.
^yes, this is good advice.

Its normal for little babies to become fussy at night time. My son used to feed pretty much constantly from about 8pm until midnight when he was that age. Dont worry, you are not going to run out of milk! your body WILL respond to her needs, it will. I would also advise against the pumping because your body wont learn to catch up with her demands in the evening. Dont worry, you are doing really well and she will soon settle down :)

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