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Caro, my LO had a very receding chin/jaw when he was born, along with a slight TT and high arched palate, tongue tie has improved and as his face has grown his 'underbite' isn't as pronounced. Feeding was quite uncomfortable the first few weeks but it does get easier and your LO should be able to do a really good impression of a fish mouth soon. I'd try to avoid the shields if possible xx
All my LOs have had milk coming out of their nose I think it is that your letdown is extremely forceful. Xx
I've seen reference to the milk out the nose thing before though I haven't personally had the issue. It can be a poorly coordinated swallow reflex, fast milk flow, or an unclosed opening in the sinus. It may be worth going to see a Dr about if you can. It could be something that he grows out of or it may need some help.
breast feeding is not going smoothly.

baby struggles and pushes away, puts his hands in his mouth, doesn't always latch well, nibbles and falls asleep. he is 2 and a half weeks old now. i have broken down and given him formula at night because my breasts hurt so much and i'm not coping well with the lack of sleep. i have pumped and he doesn't seem to have a preference for the bottle - i think he likes the breast better too but I really need some words of encouragement to continue -tell me it gets better :( i cry all the time.
has anyone felt burning anywhere other than in the breast - sometimes I feel burning in between the breasts and down towards the belly.

i've talked to LLL, midwife and lactation consultant - but i'm just not getting it.

i'm using dr, jacks nipple cream, lanolin, putting warm wash clothes on the breast before BFing (when baby lets me), massaging breasts before BFing, expressing milk before hand too (although sometimes I have to squeeze really hard to get anything).

when does it get easier, sometimes it feels like the baby is sawing off my nipple with an emery board. I have a lot of love for the little guy but it's hard to really take it all in when everyday has brought pain since he's been here.

I suppose it's pay back for a perfect pregnancy and fast labour -8 hours, back labour, no drugs - yes, I can tolerate pain - but breast feeding is obviously beating me.

I want to breast feed but it's getting harder every day not easier.
Hi there. It does get better it really does. The fighting, the hands, the fussing that's all normal and it does pass as you both learn. I have a few questions for you though. Do you feel the nipple pain all the way through the feed or is it just for the first minute or so? The first minute or so is normal, but all the way through the feed indicates a latching issue which may need specialist attention. As you've had several people presumably check your latch (LLL and others?) it may be an internal latching issue. Does the pain improve if you hold your breast in the right position in the baby's mouth? ie, hold it in or sandwich it to get a good deep latch? I found I had to do that for a little bit until my LO got better at latching. And it really helps to slather up your nipple with lanolin, Lansinoh, nipple cream, whatever, before trying to get a latch on.
You mention an emery board feeling, is it like a cat's tongue?

I'd suggest going back to your lactation consultant or midwife and asking to have your baby evaluated for posterior tongue tie. Alternatively have a look at this website:
it really does get easier aside from dealing with EJs tounge tie then it started really getting much easier from 4 wks for us and the only time i get any pain now is when hes biting ( due to teething at the moment )
thanks for all the help ladies, think we might have turned a corner in the last 2 days! still going to go to the breastfeeding clinic this afternoon but its def much easier than it was.

Hang in there those that are struggling, I'm sure some of it getting better for me is my nipples have toughened up a bit, we're still not there perfecally and no doubt will have bad days but it is getting easier xx
thanks for all the help ladies, think we might have turned a corner in the last 2 days! still going to go to the breastfeeding clinic this afternoon but its def much easier than it was.

Hang in there those that are struggling, I'm sure some of it getting better for me is my nipples have toughened up a bit, we're still not there perfecally and no doubt will have bad days but it is getting easier xx

Glad things are getting better for you Caro103 :thumbup::hugs:
Congratulations on your baby and for wanting to work through the initial hard times.

Stick with it as around 7 weeks you will turn a corner, where your milk has stelled a bit, your baby latches well and you are recovered from labour. From then on things become easier and easier.

To me I would say you possibly have thrush. The symptoms are burning, shooting or stabbing pain in the breast, nipple or both, itchy/flaky/redness or white patches on the nipples, the pain will be present before and after feeding. It can make your baby fuss at the breast and if your baby has it too then you will probably be able to see white patches on the tongue or roof of the mouth. If it is you and your LO will need to be treated otherwise you will pass it back and forth to each other.

If it isn't thrush then I would ask a lactation consultant to check your LO's latch and that they haven't got tongue tie as poor latch can cause pain and can be caused by the tongue tie.

In the early days I would either change my LO's nappy before feeding him or if he was already wide awake I would feed him on one side then change his nappy before offering the other side as it would waken him up again. I'd also rub his cheek or tickle his foot to waken him up and encourage him to continue to feed.
So my son isn't gaining weight well and I'm to top him up after feeds. Iv decided to use ebm rather than formula. My question is the first ounce or so that I pump is really really watery and thin. The 2-3oz After that it has more of a milky colour. Is this normal
Second question when the ebm separates slightly in the fridge how much fat is there normally on top. I usually have about half oz of creamy stuff on top then I gradually fades to half oz of watery milk at the bottom. Is this normal or could it be my milk is to thin
First question; yes this is totally normal. Getting 3-4oz out is also excellent (though expressing isn't a strong indicator of supply, the fact you can get so much out is positive).

Second question; yes this is also totally normal. Half an oz of creamy stuff on top is good. Although the fattier milk is best at helping baby gain weight; the foremilk is also important for their weight gain and growth too, as the high levels of lactose in it gives them the energy needed to grow well, they need a good balance of both.

Incidentally, there was a lady on here who after pumping would not have really any fat on top of her milk when it seperated, it was all watery and her LO had signs of a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance, consistently green poo etc. She got her milk analysed in some type of lab and it was lacking enough fat/hindmilk. Such a problem is incredibly rare though and even if you could only pump the watery part out; in most cases the hindmilk would still be in there; just the hindmilk is considerably more tricky to pump out for some women xx
I have a question. My baby is 8 weeks old, and having a growth spurt I think. Sleeping a lot and wanting to nurse all the time. Well now my right nipple is getting dry and cracked and extremely sore. It feels like he is reopening a wound when he nurses, sorry tmi. Is this most likely from feeding more, or could it be something else?
its likely from the additional feeding get some lanolin based or if possible pure lanolin nipple cream onto it before and after feeds and it should clear up
Evening ladies. I'm afraid I have some more questions :blush:

I'm trying hard to get back to EBF. But what I've realised is I don't know how. to tell if pickle has had enough milk from me?

She will come off the boob hersekfand seem sleepy yet if I move her her hands go straight in her mouth. This confuses me! So what should I be looking for? I'm used to using the bottle last in the feed and that put her to sleep!

Thanks x
Could be a comfort thing - my LO always has his hands in his mouth and has done this since birth. Don't worry your LO will soon tell you if she wants more :flower:
Could be a comfort thing - my LO always has his hands in his mouth and has done this since birth. Don't worry your LO will soon tell you if she wants more :flower:
how? She's crying atm but isn't rooting or any other signs she's hungry :shrugs:
try putting her back on the boob (other side to the one you just fed from). If she wants more she'll latch. Otherwise it might just be a case of wind if she's crying, which would explain the need for comfort.

When my LO cries I know he wants more, if he doesn't I know he's done, but then he's very vocal when he's hungry :haha:
Why not just offer the boob whenever your LO seems hungry? It will get your supply up and shortly you will be able to discern your LOs signs better, and she herself will probably start to refuse if she isn't actually hungry. The main way you can tell LO is getting enough is output; weight gain and also the minimum amount of wet and dirty nappies xx

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