I want to chime in that if your cat is 100% indoors then the likelihood of it (and thereby you) getting toxoplasmosis is very low. Toxoplasmosis is caused from a bacteria in the fecal matter and takes over a day to transmit, so be sure to wear gloves and clean the litter box daily. Outdoor cats tend to pick it up from toilet ig outdoors or killing animals. So if your cat isn’t hunting things or being fed raw meat, it’s unlikely to come in contact with it. You do have to be more careful if you’re adopting a cat that was once a stray. My cat passed away before I had my son, but she was super low maintenance. I have two herding dogs who are stage four clingers, and they’re just fine. I do feel bad how much less attention they get now, but they’re doing just fine lol. If you want a cat, go for it. Is it generally easier to get a pet after the child? Yes. But meh. Tons of people have pets before kids. Literally all of my friends with pets had pets before kids. They’re adaptable.