Massive hugs! Its such an emotional rollercoaster for sure.
Claire literally just got diagnosed at the beginning of the month on Oct 2nd.
She was first flagged for delayed speech at her 2 year well baby check up in 2010. We didn't think much of it and just thought she had a speech delay as she wasn't stringing together words, etc.
We were on a waitlist for nearly a year as there's a massive doctor shortage here where we live. She got picked up for a Resource Teacher playgroup in the fall of 2011, finally got assessed by an OT by the end of 2011 and it wasn't until Feb 2012 that we got assessed by an SLP. It was the SLP (along with the OT) who first brought up Autism.
After that it was ups and downs, times where I thought they were right, times where I thought they were wrong, lots of tears... ugh. What a crappy time. It wasn't until we started to do the Hanen Center "More Than Words" program that it really became apparent that she was on the spectrum.
She was booked to do her ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule) on the 10th of October but the Children's Treatment Network did the CARS on her and was able to give her a diagnosis on the 2nd. So now we're in the midst of paperwork and stuff to try and get her the help she needs.
If you ever have any Q's or anything I'm always about.
What were the flags that they say in your kiddo?