Getting grief from doc that baby is too small...long but hoping for advice!


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2011
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Seems like after every well child check I'm on here teary eyed because my doc ALWAYS makes me worry and feel bad. This time, I am definitely changing docs, at least for a second opinion.

Our 9 month well child check was rescheduled twice, so she ended up being 10 months old when we went in. Last time we went in at 6 months, the doc was all worked up because LO couldn't sit up on her own and wasn't passing toys from one hand to the other. She said she had concerns about her development. THIS time we go in, and she's content with her development, but she doesn't like her weight gain. She has fallen below the curve two weight checks in a row, and actually fell off the chart this time, but is 20th percentile for height and 50th for head. LO was breastfed exclusively until 6 months, and since then we have added rice cereal, veggies, fruit and the meat and grain combos. She eats everything we give her and loves it! She has never had any other foods though, as I thought we were doing what was recommended. :( Now my doc is telling me she is borderline failure to thrive and I should start giving her some formula bottles, peanut butter, fatty table food, mashed potatoes, etc. She said if she doesn't gain weight by her weight check next month, she wants to do all sorts of metabolic testing. Don't get me wrong--I am ALL for taking care of a problem my baby MAY have....but I don't want to put her through it plus spend the money if it's just what her little body type is!

My husband has naturally high metabolism, he's tall and thin. I also have a medium to small frame. LO is VERY active, crawls all over all the time, pulls up on everything, walks along the furniture when she is holding on, RUNS around when she's in her walker :haha:. She is happy, smiley, content, naps during the day and sleeps 10-12 hours almost every night.

I also feel like every dr. appointment since I've had LO, our doc has something she is SO worried about that ends up being NOTHING so she is kind of losing credibility with my husband and me.

I don't want to push table foods too quickly as I just feel like she may not quite be ready. But in addition to advice about this weight issue, I am looking for tips on how to start introducing more solid food than baby foods. Also, ideas for WHAT table foods to start first after baby foods, as my doc seemed reluctant to give me any ideas.

Sorry so long. I KNOW you all know how a worried mama gets. :blush:
:hugs:. DS was 98th centile at birth, dropped to the 2nd centile by 5 months. The health visitors made me so worried, always going on about giving him formula, weaning him early, wake him to feed him (despite him waking every hour anyway :dohh:). We got referred to the paediatrician who was great and said some people are just naturally slim and that although it can look alarming to see LO's drop centiles sometimes it's just them finding their true curve.
I'd maybe seek a 2nd opinion, from someone less worrisome! Of course it's important to make sure there are no underlying health issues but it's also important to remember that not everyone can be average sized, some of us will be bigger and some will be smaller :). It sounds as if your LO is doing great- she has the energy to develop, to sleep and play, it certainly sounds as though she's thriving!
Hi Hun, my lo is also a littlie and has dropped 2 curves but ours in on length rather than weight, i have also been told we will have to come back for a review to make sure he is "growing".

He was ebf until 6 months and we have blw'd so he gets access to all sorts of food (excluding dairy which he reacts badly to - family history)

But personally ... I think he is fine if they hadn't said anything I wouldn't have raised it as Lo is generally happy, active etc

I guess what I am trying to says trust your instincts, while being happy to double check their "concerns" and if your not happy with the dr definitely look at alternative, your trusting your baby's health to them xx
People were always moaning at me for Imogen being too big, kept saying she was overweight and I needed to feed her less. I worried at first but I've learned to ignore them now :) as long as your baby is getting a good range of food and is satisfied then I wouldn't worry! She's probably just small :) at my baby massage class when Imogen was about 4-5 months there was a 9 month old who was tiny, so much smaller than her, but she was happy, healthy, active, crawling about and pulling herself up etc. babies come in all different shapes and sizes, just like us! I wouldn't stress too much, your doctor is probably just required to say something. Apparently if a baby goes up or down 2 centiles they have to say something even if they're not worried themselves.

I'm sure your baby is lovely and healthy the way she is :)
I have a 9 month old breastfed boy and he is also VERY active. He weighed 17 lb. 6 oz. at his 9 month check (and was 8 lb. at birth). I was told he's 10th% in weight, 50th in height and 50th in head. The pediatrician has never seemed concerned at all about his weight, but he does gain some from one visit to another. He's never suggested formula or anything to push his weight up. However my LO won't take food off a spoon. He wants to do it all himself. He eats small pieces of things like banana, avocado, pasta, chicken, ground beef and other fruits and veggies. He's not a big eater though when it comes to solid food (although I have nothing to compare to). I guess I don't have much advice but I hope that helps somehow!
I think the peanut butter advice is crazy, I believe guidelines still recommend that we wait to give it until 1 year old, isn't that right ladies?

Sounds like your baby is healthy, but if you're made anxious by your doctor, you can try her on things like yoghurt, avocado, eggs and cheese, these are good fatty food.
Peanut butter from six months is fine as long as no family history of allergies. My lo loves it on brown toast. To be honest most things are fine after six months, in this reason, the only thing I've avoided giving him is shell fish, honey and soft boiled eggs. He's had hard boiled though.
While I don't/çan't say your baby has any health issues, from MY opinion your baby should be on family foods by now. Babies need a decent amount of fat for growth and brain development.

Does yours only eat very low fat things...just plain cereal and vegies with lean meat? That does sound very basic for 10 months?

Sophie had some weight gain issues that only changed when she was well established on solids. Mashed potatoes with cheese and butter etc are yummy and fine for this age. Sophie eats what we eat.

Peanut butter is safe at 6 months. Sophie loves it on toast or crackers.

Savoury muffins cut in half buttered are a favourite for her. Cheese, grated or in sticks is a good finger food.

Edit I don't mean to come across blunt, I was hassled for Sophies weight too and it sucked. It's 6am herë so I'm tired. I just feel that you may still be 'in the zonë' of feeding a 6 month old and a bit worried about more regular foods? Even with traditional weaning I would expect my 10 month old to be eating all sorts and participating in family meals, even if they had a chopped up or mashed version. Butter, cheese, eggs, avocado etc arë great for a boost to fat levels.
I'm not opposed to feeding her more table foods, I'm just doing what has been instructed of me. At our 6 month appointment, my doc told me that until 1 year old, breast milk should be her number one source of food and nutrition. She said "feed breast milk for hunger and food for fun."

Siiigh, where is my baby manual? :wacko:
She sounds like she's doing really well and is happy and healthy just small baby. However I do agree that she will most likely benefit more from eating a wider variety of food at 10 months old. My LO is nearly 8 months and eats a whole variety of foods and has no problems with anything.

You are right breast milk is her main food source however its probably best to get her eating a wider variety of foods now so that when she gets older she is already eating a variety of foods.

Your doing a good job mummy don't let doctors get you down :)
In this case, I actually think your doc is just doing her job & sharing her concerns w you. I'm sorry she has you so worried, but at this age & because you wrote she is eating everything & loving it, it may be time for table food, more variety, some full fat options. If you're offering her food 3x/day & she's eating everything, you may want to add 1-2 snacks a day, as well.

I think you're doing great & I really think your doc is just giving you a head's up here.

We have tried the Gerber puff cereal and she gagged and gagged. Is this normal and we should just keep trying?? I'm worried she'll choke on foods, although I know that's probably not logical.
Kimber, I see you are in the USA like me and it seems the doctors are giving completely different recommendations for some foods. They must be more cautious here. I asked at the 9 month check about giving cheese and the doc said LO wouldn't digest it that well so I shouldn't give it until 1 year. I wish the recommendations were clearer! It's frustrating.
Kimber, I see you are in the USA like me and it seems the doctors are giving completely different recommendations for some foods. They must be more cautious here. I asked at the 9 month check about giving cheese and the doc said LO wouldn't digest it that well so I shouldn't give it until 1 year. I wish the recommendations were clearer! It's frustrating.

Yes!! Very frustrating!! Until now I've always been told the best thing I can do for her is breast milk and baby food until age 1. Now that's changed to mashed potatoes and peanut butter (which I'm not sure which take to follow on that). You're right--I hear lots of people say they are feeding their babies cheese, but I've been told no dairy. It is frustrating and hard to know what to do!
My son was born on 9th centile for weight, at 8 weeks old his weight dropped off the bottom of the charts and he was off the charts for ages and didnt get back to the 9th centile til around 9 months old.

I referred myself to gp and got appts to see breastfeeding advisors at the hospital when he was 4 months old.

I was told by midwife and health visitor that I had to use some formula to top him up but I didnt and continued to exclusively breastfeed.

At the time, when he was around 7 months old he was so small, looked like a 4 month old, I often wondered if I had held his growth back which could affect his development etc. That was always at the back of my mind.

Physically it may have? He didnt take his own bodyweight on his legs til 10 months, crawled at 11 months and took first steps at 17 months......however at almost 2 years old he speaks better than some 3 year olds!! And health visitor thinks the same too.

Foods, at 10 months old my children were eating weetabix/readybrek/porridge for breakfast, homemade lentil&veg soup for lunch, spaghetti bolognese for dinner, and would have crackers/toast/raisins/grapes as snacks. So, I would try move on with the food but continue to feed as much as you and LO want.
I agree with the milk being main source of food, was just wondering what sort of variety was in your baby's diet. They can eat anything apart from whole nuts, runny eggs and anything too salty really!

Some suggestions...french toast? Seemed pretty easy for Sophie to eat at that age. pancakes? How about cheese scones with bits of broccoli and bacon in them?
Kimber, I see you are in the USA like me and it seems the doctors are giving completely different recommendations for some foods. They must be more cautious here. I asked at the 9 month check about giving cheese and the doc said LO wouldn't digest it that well so I shouldn't give it until 1 year. I wish the recommendations were clearer! It's frustrating.

Yes!! Very frustrating!! Until now I've always been told the best thing I can do for her is breast milk and baby food until age 1. Now that's changed to mashed potatoes and peanut butter (which I'm not sure which take to follow on that). You're right--I hear lots of people say they are feeding their babies cheese, but I've been told no dairy. It is frustrating and hard to know what to do!

I think maybe you've been getting some confusing nutritional advice. There is nothing wrong with dairy (cheese), the problem is that they shouldn't get dairy (milk) as a replacement for breast milk or formula until age 1. But cheese or other dairy in cooking at 6+ months is completely fine.

Have your read Dr Sears Baby Book? He has a really good weaning guide in it. Also Annabel Karmel's Guide to Starting Solids.

Remember gagging is learning about how to eat (your reflux), it's not choking :) Don't do what you aren't comfortable with, but I think it can be confused with choking.
Sorry you're going through this. :( My oldest is a natural trim build herself. She was on the smaller side at birth and to this day. She did catch up to the 50th percentile from around a month or so old and stayed on it but at 18 months fell below again. Like your lo, she's always been very active and is a happy and content gal!

From the sounds of it, your los pediatrician is putting some unneeded stress on you but I completely understand your worry. Have you thought about getting a second opinion?

Food ideas for a 10 month old - at that age my lo loved rotisserie chicken in tiny pieces. She also loved yogurt and fish sticks in small pieces. She was always tricky with table food though! :/

How to introduce them .. very, very small pieces is how I did it. My 8 month old only just started eating purees last month, before that she wanted nothing to do with anything other than milk. She spits out little pieces of food immediately so just trying small pieces of soft fruit atm to start her off while sticking with completely smooth purees mainly. She did swallow a little piece of peach today so we're getting places! :) I just stick to very soft food at the start. My oldest took longer than average to figure the whole chewing and swallowing thing out (or she didn't like to, no idea) even though she had some teeth! Some just take a bit longer so I had to stick with purees with her for a while too. It's better than nothing! Now that I think of it, in that time she was getting a couple molars in. She was around 9-12ish months and it was a difficult time for her. I think this could have caused a lot of discomfort thus not always being into table food.
All this percentile thing annoys me. It's an average of baby's weight these days. Babies are born heavier these days, so as recent as 5yrs ago your baby could've been in a more "acceptable" percentile. Basically my DD is a preemie and is 6lb 7oz and when I'm buying clothes the "tiny baby" size is for 7lb babies. Not so long ago, 6 to 7lb was an average weight for a term baby.

Don't get disheartened. LO is happy & healthy so you're doing an amazing job :hugs:
your doc is concerned due to the drop of two centiles hun. I know im in the uk but i was told they start to worry if they drop 2 or more centiles in a short space of time. DS1 was reffered to gp for this very reason when he was a baby, he also had reflux though. i weaned early at 4 months and it seemed to help a little but not a lot. he was sent to peads and was under their care until he was 1 year old. we went from 25 centile to off the bottom of the chart. he was put on double callorie formula which still didnt help. I was also told to do the whole mash potatoe thing... when you make it though make it with your breast milk OR if you dont want to give baby formula normally but would like to try it to see if it helps make the mash with formula milk just to get the extra nutrients in there. I had to make all breakfasts with formula. thinks like adding cheese or avacado are supposed to be really good for fatty stuff. I say supposed to because no matter what i did DS1 didnt gain a lot of weight. At almost 4 hes still the same but he doesnt eat a lot anymore, he is the most fussy child ever. he has a health check this week coming to try and see if we can figure things out as he has development delays and growth restrictions (last weigh in he was 26lb 3oz in july).

eekk sorry thats a bit of a long one.. i guess what im trying to say is they do have good cause for being concerned but even following their advice might not help things. It is upto you as mum to decide whether you want to add the formula or just add more variety into meals and see how it goes.

big hugs hun i know what its like to be constantly worrying about their weight. Ds1 now yoyos between the 2nd and 9th centile..never higher..never lower xx

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