Ola ladies,
So quick question for everyone out there who may have more knowledge than me on this type of thing (which is most likely 99.9% of you!).
Throughout my colourful life I have been unlucky enough to develop iffy cervical cells on two separate occasions (once when I was 19 and then again more recently when I was 32).
Have had treatment of a surgical nature for each (the first instance was done through the NHS and was a LETZ excision) and the second time was done privately and was a laser zapping procedure.
All this means I now have a rubbishy small cervix that I hear is classed as "incompetent" by the medical profession (I love it - I've got incompetent body parts!)
Anyways - as a result of this, and after doing some homework on the science of getting knocked up, I now realise that I genuinely don't seem to produce much cervical mucus at all. I can only assume it's due to the fact my cervix is literally half the cervix it used to be, and just doesn't have any mucus making mojo left. Who knew this gunky yucky little excretion would be so key in getting my beloved hubby's soldiers to the egg battlefield?!
I've invested in some pre-seed and fully intend to use it at the next egg popping opportunity, but I was wondering whether or not anyone else has been in this boat before?
Does the fact I have no mucus to speak of mean I'll be a barren little desert of hopelessness forevermore, or will the pre-seed help the little spermy dudes reach their final destination, and allow me to produce an heir for my empire?
Any answers gratefully received! )
So quick question for everyone out there who may have more knowledge than me on this type of thing (which is most likely 99.9% of you!).
Throughout my colourful life I have been unlucky enough to develop iffy cervical cells on two separate occasions (once when I was 19 and then again more recently when I was 32).
Have had treatment of a surgical nature for each (the first instance was done through the NHS and was a LETZ excision) and the second time was done privately and was a laser zapping procedure.
All this means I now have a rubbishy small cervix that I hear is classed as "incompetent" by the medical profession (I love it - I've got incompetent body parts!)
Anyways - as a result of this, and after doing some homework on the science of getting knocked up, I now realise that I genuinely don't seem to produce much cervical mucus at all. I can only assume it's due to the fact my cervix is literally half the cervix it used to be, and just doesn't have any mucus making mojo left. Who knew this gunky yucky little excretion would be so key in getting my beloved hubby's soldiers to the egg battlefield?!
I've invested in some pre-seed and fully intend to use it at the next egg popping opportunity, but I was wondering whether or not anyone else has been in this boat before?
Does the fact I have no mucus to speak of mean I'll be a barren little desert of hopelessness forevermore, or will the pre-seed help the little spermy dudes reach their final destination, and allow me to produce an heir for my empire?
Any answers gratefully received! )