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Girls at 13 given contraception?!


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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So was wondering what everyones thoughts are?
I personally see it as disgusting, girls should not be having sex or even thinking about sex at 13 years old, giving them free contraception without the parents consent is just disgusting. Paedophiles will have a field day and STD's will probably get on the rise again :dohh:

This thread is just to hear different opinions so please don't bash those with different opinions, if you don't like someone elses opinions agree to disagree :)
I would rather them be active and safe as opposed to active and pregnant or infected. You simply can't stop people from having sex, it's natural even if it's wayyy too young. I believe in providing information and education as opposed to teaching abstinence.
I would rather them be active and safe as opposed to active and pregnant or infected. You simply can't stop people from having sex, it's natural even if it's wayyy too young. I believe in providing information and education as opposed to teaching abstinence.

I'm talking more about the pill, its in the news where i am today that they can go on the pill without parental consent etc and i think that it would actually cause a rise in STDs and also if it isn't taken properly (which many people don't, if you watch teen mom a lot of them say, i forgot to take the pill or i forgot the shot) they could get pregnant anyway.
Well hopefully their parents have taught them to use condoms and the pill, I still think it's better to take a pill then not take the pill, regardless of permission or age. If you're not ready for children, you should be protected.
The fact is, girls do have sex at that age.

Would you rather there was tonnes of baby's on this earth that wernt wanted/unable to be taken care of or that girls actually took some responsibility for themselves and actually make the very grown up decision to have safe sex if they are going to do it at all?

I was put on the pill at 12 years old for very painful and irregular periods, so keep in mind its not always about the contraception.

I personally think that every teenage girl should be offered the pill, no matter what you say or do, teenage sex happens and always will happen. Giving them the option to make it safe is the responsible thing to do.
It would be niave to think 13 yr olds are still playing with dolls and are in the dark about sex. These days girls are aware of sex much younger than before, my 10 year old sister and her friends know what sex is and what it can result in.
The fact is, girls can get the pill, at that age, without their parents knowing anyway. Through a GP, so this discussion is irrelevant anyway. I'd rather it was done through GP's and i would definately rather my daughter be on the pill, than pregnant.
I am very aware the pill can ease period pains and is not just for contraception, i myself was put on it at 15 (my mum was present) for heavy periods.
I know that young people are having sex underage but in my opinion there is an age restriction on sex for a reason and the government saying "you have to be 16 to have sex, but at 13 you can use birth control to avoid pregnany" is complete hypocracy and children will just think, well the govt. says its okay. Also many girls (including a friend of mine) think that because there on the pill they dont need to use condoms, even though her doctor told her too, she still thought Well pregnancy is what i want to prevent and now she has genital warts. I think condoms should be given by all means to any teenager but the pill is a different ball game. Personally i would freak out if my 13 year old daughter came up to me and said she was on the pill, had sex, and got an std. OR she was on the pill but she didnt take it properly and now she is pregnant. Almost 1 in 4 teen pregnancies are the result of missing pills, being sick and forgetting it cancels out etc etc.

I totally understand where you are all coming from, but i also understand where i am coming from. I can see from your paradigm because i can see both sides. But i can also see why it is such a bad idea, its easy to say it will reduce teen pregnancy but there are so many manual errors the girls can make and at 13 you fuck up, you forget to do your homework so who says you wont forget the pill?

PS. Im not naive, i am very educated in this region and understand young people have sex, i also understand, as a young person who has taken the pill since 15 that you forget and if i was not using condoms as well when i started to have sex with my partned i'm pretty sure i will be pregnant right now. Although i would love for it go back to the days 13 year olds were still playing with dolls dont get me wrong haha!
So what is your point though? The only alternative is abstinence and unfortunately we can't make their decisions for them. If it were that easy it'd be wonderful but it's not an option to make their choices, the best we can do is make sure that the younger generation is educated, careful and as responsible as they can be at that age.
So what is your point though? The only alternative is abstinence and unfortunately we can't make their decisions for them. If it were that easy it'd be wonderful but it's not an option to make their choices, the best we can do is make sure that the younger generation is educated, careful and as responsible as they can be at that age.

My point mainly is the government are saying don't have sex until you're 16, but hand out contraception at 13. It's a confusing message to send. And I'm aware you can't make their decision for them but tbh some girls aren't physically/mentally ready for sex at 13..most girls aren't actually.
I'm confused on what your idea for an alternative would be, is what I'm asking.
I don't see an alternative to asking them to being safe.
I'm confused on what your idea for an alternative would be, is what I'm asking.
I don't see an alternative to asking them to being safe.

Well I think educating them more on the consequences of sex, not just pregnancy but disease as well. Not to mention the emotional impact it can have. to be honest i think they should promote children waiting because fact is if your not ready then you shouldn't be having sex, or do you think any 13 year old is seriously ready for sex? I was at school not long ago, finished 2 years ago and we mainly got taught about preventing pregnancy in school, what about the other impacts? A lot of girls, if it is not with the right person, regret it and feel "dirty" which can make them feel depressed especially if the guy brags etc.
Abstinence at 13 years old shouldn't even be a challenge for most kids anyway and educating the rest might make them think twice. Showing real life girls talk about there experiences would help i think.
BUT i definitely dont think the government should be saying "dont do it till 16, but heres this at 13" ... it's not only confusing for the girls but what about guys who are 16 with a girflriend a bit younger? it's possible he would think "well she is getting protection legally so why not?" Then if people find out he could be in serious shite just because he didn't understand?
there sre SOOO many things that could go wrong by sending this messege when really all that is needed is more education because this country is very SHY and BASHFULL when it comes to sex. No one likes to talk about it.
PERSONALY I would not like to be 13 and pregnant, but i wouldn't like to be 13, and regret having sex just because i could, or 13 and std's, or 13 and pregnant because i didnt use the protection properly. :dohh:
There are too many holes in this idea that i can see, and you probably see too.
People keep saying it will protect them but how? It takes one manual error for a 13 year old to make and then bam they're pregnant anyway. STDS are not protected at ALL with the pill. And it is also sending a wrong message - not only that 16 to have sex and 13 to get it but also, "go behind your parents back and get the contraception ... what if the reason the parent didnt put the kid on the pill on the first place is because her boyfriend is older etc?
SORRY for the essay, i'm kinda passionate about this and also sorry for any spelling errors but i aint going through it to correct them all :dohh: :haha:
IMO, if they want to have sex, they will have sex. If they can't do it in their own house, they'll do it in their boyfriends house/a car/a public toilet/the woods/a hotel etc (speaking from experience here, but I wasn't quite as young as 13 I tell you..) We can't stop them, we can only advise and educate them. If the morals weren't drilled into them when they were younger, they wont be now. So it's better that they're protected rather than not.

I do agree that this could cause a rise in STDs though. Condoms should be given out free with the contraception.

As for the mixed messages, all we can do is try and look at where we (the government, society etc) went wrong, and attempt to adjust accordingly.
Sex is everywhere! Sex sells everything! Music videos aren't music videos without some boobs and bums shown right in your face.

I'm 25 and when I was a child, I felt things were a lot different, sex wasn't sooo propelled into your face. I went on the pill at 14 years old as my period was just constant! Really heavy and I would be I'll for nearly 2 weeks every month! I couldn't keep missing school. My mum came with me, as I didn't have a clue.

The doctor also mentioned to use condoms as the pill isn't 100% safe and I was soooo embarrassed by the word condom! We use to have a weekly "jonny" club (to get free condoms) and my god how embarrassing that was! Amongst the boys it was cool and got a pat on the back from they mates... If you were a girl going, you were doomed a slapped, a slut and when you went to school on Monday you were tortured! I went once and didn't go again.

So in my opinion I was glad my mum took me to get the pill, that way my periods got sorted and I was abit protected from getting pregnant. But I also think that there should just be a doctors or a just a general place like a pharmacy or even get them free online, so that the embarrassment is saved.
So was wondering what everyones thoughts are?
I personally see it as disgusting, girls should not be having sex or even thinking about sex at 13 years old, giving them free contraception without the parents consent is just disgusting. Paedophiles will have a field day and STD's will probably get on the rise again :dohh:

This thread is just to hear different opinions so please don't bash those with different opinions, if you don't like someone elses opinions agree to disagree :)

please define that statement as i dont think it bears any relevance :shrug:

as for going on the pill at 13, if it prevents a 13 yo from going through an unwanted pregnancy or the other option, if it prevents another unwanted child being dragged up at the heels of parents who are barely old enough to look after themselves, then yes it is a good thing

its all good and well saying the law is 16 and giving out the pill at 13 sends mixed messages, but we have to be realistic
I dont seee the issue, much better than unwanted pregnancies/abortions/STDs imo.

Also, its CONTRACEPTION that is available which is not limited to the pill and condoms are free at most youth clubs, doctors surgeries and even schools now. Losing their virginity at a young age doesnt mean they will be promiscious throughout their life either so its a bit judgemental imo. Things happen
Okay let me put it this way, were you ready to have sex at 13?
tbh it's clear i've hit a few nerves here and i do agree them having sex and being protected is better than having unwanted pregnancies BUT if 13 year olds are given the pill they wont use condoms :dohh: even if the doc stresses it i dont see a 13 year old girl respnding to "can we not use a condom, your on the pill" with a "no get it on" because they will feel vulnerable and want to please who they are having sex with.
And to be perfectly honest WHAT PART OF some wont wear condoms (obvious) and at 13 they WONT ALWAYS REMEMBER to
1. take the pill
2. what makes it stop working

I have listened to your views but clearly you dont see my point of view. Some might think it's harsh but you shouldn't even be having sex at 13 let alone being given the responsibility to take a pill... pills should only be given for periods at that age because if they get the pill they might not use condoms...condoms yes if they are going to have sex give them them but pills and implants where the boy doesnt need to use condoms to avoid pregnancy is just asking for STD's to rise even more than what they are.

Surely im not the only one that can make that connection.

NOW i really cant be fucked to be here defending my opinion because apparently i'm "judgemental" but heres soemthing you may not know

EVERYONE IS JUDGEMENTAL SO DON'T PREACH TO ME ABOUT HOW JUDGEMENTAL I AM ... i dont judge teen mums but i do judge abortion unless its for health reasons, i try to not judge stereotypes but i will grab hold of my purse if a "chav" walks past (which i think a lot of people here do as well) ... so yes i am judgemental to think 13 year old should only be given condoms if they are going to have sex ... my bad.
There are other contraceptives than only the pill. and yes there are 13 year olds which have sex, and I don't know why you bring paedophiles into the equation, (or actually ephebophiles )I don't think it should be freely handed out as only choice, I think girls once they are ready should have a choice. Just because you weren't ready at 13 years old(nor was I) doesn't mean there aren't any girls who have sex at that age.
A good sex education is needed in any case which does not seem to be given seeing as England and the US have quite high rates in teenage pregnancy.
There are other contraceptives than only the pill. and yes there are 13 year olds which have sex, and I don't know why you bring paedophiles into the equation, (or actually ephebophiles )I don't think it should be freely handed out as only choice, I think girls once they are ready should have a choice. Just because you weren't ready at 13 years old(nor was I) doesn't mean there aren't any girls who have sex at that age.
A good sex education is needed in any case which does not seem to be given seeing as England and the US have quite high rates in teenage pregnancy.

Sorry auto correct, and i don't think many girls are "ready" at 13, if they are pills shouldn't be given though .. and maybe instead of spending all the money on giving them any contraception they like (how about just condoms seeing as it's the only thing to protect from everything if used properly and they're cheaper) how about giving them a proper sex education. The education i got from school was literally "you shouldn't have sex but if you do condoms are the best option" ... then they gave us the penis's and made us put the condom on... they didn't explain why condoms are better, didn't explain how lube can be needed to avoid breakage etc..
I think while school should provide sex education , the main education should come from the parents.
Unfortunately in reality there are too many who don't think their children are interested yet, or who are embarrassed themselves or various other reasons.
I think while school should provide sex education , the main education should come from the parents.
Unfortunately in reality there are too many who don't think their children are interested yet, or who are embarrassed themselves or various other reasons.

Another valid point, kids definitely wont talk to their parents if they can get the contraception so easily without it. Not to mention this country is incredibly embarrassed to talk about sex which doesn't help!

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