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Girls caught smuggling drugs..


Jul 1, 2011
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Anyone believe their story?
I'm having trouble believing that they were forced to do this. I've not read the whole story but from the pictures I've seen after they were intercepted they look very relaxed, not at all terrified like I imagine you would be after being arrested for drug smuggling in foreign country.
Has anyone seen this second video that has emerged? They're eating , being asked if they wanted to see a journalist ect? They just don't look that 'innocent' in my opinion.
I'm having trouble believing that they were forced to do this. I've not read the whole story but from the pictures I've seen after they were intercepted they look very relaxed, not at all terrified like I imagine you would be after being arrested for drug smuggling in foreign country.
Has anyone seen this second video that has emerged? They're eating , being asked if they wanted to see a journalist ect? They just don't look that 'innocent' in my opinion.

Yeah they looked far too relaxed and happy eating their cake, that's not how I would imagine two people who have just been caught with drugs and not only that but apparently threatened and forced to take it.

I understand people may react differently in certain situation but these girls don't seem innocent at all.
Maybe im a cynic but these people are always "forced" into it. Seems to me greed got the better of them.
I'm having trouble believing that they were forced to do this. I've not read the whole story but from the pictures I've seen after they were intercepted they look very relaxed, not at all terrified like I imagine you would be after being arrested for drug smuggling in foreign country.
Has anyone seen this second video that has emerged? They're eating , being asked if they wanted to see a journalist ect? They just don't look that 'innocent' in my opinion.

Yeah they looked far too relaxed and happy eating their cake, that's not how I would imagine two people who have just been caught with drugs and not only that but apparently threatened and forced to take it.

I understand people may react differently in certain situation but these girls don't seem innocent at all.
I think with photos its easy for the media to paint a picture of how they want it to be perceived. Photos of celebs coming out of clubs looking drunk actually turn out to have been snapped mid-blink, anyone can look hammered then!
I just think the video doesn't show 2 girls that are terrified! I mean, I'd be absolutly shitting it... No way could I eat anything and I certainly wouldn't have a relaxed look about me? I just think this video makes it look Completly like thyre lying. I feel sorry for their parents who are obviously desperately pleading their innocence... I also felt bad for the girls, I can imagine the horror at being caught even if they did choose to do it off their own backs, anyone can get sucked in for a quick buck... That sympathy has defiantly disappeared now. They just look a little cock sure of themselves in the video.

But well see... Maybe they are innocent, its always hard to tell when your only source of info is the daily mail!!
Just a random gut feeling, but I believe them. I would just be so relieved I got caught and that someone knows and can protect my family. My thoughts would be that after the smuggling, they'd just shoot the mules. They might be a little punch drunk just to be alive. Now if we could see how they were acting on airport surveillance tapes, that would tell you if they're lying.
Nope don't believe them at all. They could have quite easily gone to the consulate in Ibiza or the police, but they didn't.
I have no sympathy for drug smugglers. They know the risks but money always wins over.
I don't know whether I believe them or not, but I don't understand why it's being reported like this? If anything surely it should give them reason to be found innocent on the grounds of not being allowed a fair trial? (Obviously it probably doesn't work like that though). These videos could seriously affect a decision and it's not right to influence public opinion like that!
I will say that when I am very nervous and agitated, I giggle. :wacko: NO idea why, its some sort of nervous reaction. Also, I crack jokes when I'm in a stressful situation to try and calm myself down. Not saying that this is what the girls are doing, but how if someone were to take a picture of me in a serious situation they'd probably look the same.

As for believing them? I don't know. Thankfully I've never been in that situation... but for the few times that I've traveled internationally there are more than enough opportunities to let customs/border officials know that something is wrong. If I were to ever be approached like that and thought that I might die as a result I'd probably go along with it then try my damnedest to let customs and border officials know that I was being forced into a mule.

Maybe I'm out of touch or whatever, and that could end up with me in jail... but I'd want that credibility that I turned myself in rather than try and get through and be caught and look guilty.

I dunno, its hard.
I will say that when I am very nervous and agitated, I giggle. :wacko: NO idea why, its some sort of nervous reaction. Also, I crack jokes when I'm in a stressful situation to try and calm myself down. Not saying that this is what the girls are doing, but how if someone were to take a picture of me in a serious situation they'd probably look the same.

As for believing them? I don't know. Thankfully I've never been in that situation... but for the few times that I've traveled internationally there are more than enough opportunities to let customs/border officials know that something is wrong. If I were to ever be approached like that and thought that I might die as a result I'd probably go along with it then try my damnedest to let customs and border officials know that I was being forced into a mule.

Maybe I'm out of touch or whatever, and that could end up with me in jail... but I'd want that credibility that I turned myself in rather than try and get through and be caught and look guilty.

I dunno, its hard.

I agree with this, but didn't it say that their captor was supposedly traveling with them? Or at least on the same flight? I'd just be so worried they'd hurt my family if I got caught on purpose. I really sympathize with the situation they might have been in. I assume they've been drug tested. Aren't most mules users themselves? Or does it actually happen that literal strangers are offered money to smuggle?
I just re-read the article, it said they were coached on what to say if they were stopped and apparently were given a blackberry that couldn't be tracked for them to stay in constant communication.

From what I gather, they were with them at the airport... but not directly WITH them. Nothing said about the drug dealers being on the plane with them though? But logically speaking if there isn't a direct route from Ibiza to Peru then someone MUST have been on the planes with them to make sure that they kept up their stories.

So that's where it doesn't make sense to me I suppose. If in fact they had 3 transfers and no one was there with them, why not fess up? Also, if they were in fact on the flights with them, they'd have some sort of record of the drug people forcing them to do this. All they'd need to do is be shown pictures of people's passport photos and they'd be able to pick them out. :shrug:

Granted, different countries... different laws. Here, you can't get anywhere in the Airport without giving your Passport info to Customs. :flower:
I just re-read the article, it said they were coached on what to say if they were stopped and apparently were given a blackberry that couldn't be tracked for them to stay in constant communication.

From what I gather, they were with them at the airport... but not directly WITH them. Nothing said about the drug dealers being on the plane with them though? But logically speaking if there isn't a direct route from Ibiza to Peru then someone MUST have been on the planes with them to make sure that they kept up their stories.

So that's where it doesn't make sense to me I suppose. If in fact they had 3 transfers and no one was there with them, why not fess up? Also, if they were in fact on the flights with them, they'd have some sort of record of the drug people forcing them to do this. All they'd need to do is be shown pictures of people's passport photos and they'd be able to pick them out. :shrug:

Granted, different countries... different laws. Here, you can't get anywhere in the Airport without giving your Passport info to Customs. :flower:

"They said they were duped by him before being robbed of their passports and mobile phones and followed on board the flights from Spain to Peru."

I see what you're saying. I took this quote to mean that their kidnapper loitered around them at the airport and was on the same flight, even if not seated with them. It's fishy for sure. It will be interesting to see what conclusion the police or customs come to and what other evidence (if any) pops up. I do hope they're given a fair trial and that it's investigated thoroughly.
Check this article, it really sad must be really distressing and difficult on the parents


Whatever these girls have done there's no denying that it must be one of the scariest situations to be in!
I've read a lot about this and I just don't know what to believe. Sure there are many people silly enough to want quick money and just take the risk. I read another article tonight that said they both took drugs and we're very much part of the typical 'party scene' in Ibiza. I think it's possible they sold drugs on the side for extra cash and couldn't afford to repay the dealers and had to so it. I also wonder why people would go to such effort to 'kidnap' them, take them to safe houses etc when in reality there are plenty if stupid people who'll risk it for money. Also I read that they were told they were being watched at all times including on the flights so they may have been too scared. I can imagine these gangs have large numbers of people involved and they'd never know who was watching them. IF someone was on the flights etc they wouldn't know who to look for in passport photos etc as these gangs are huge.

I don't think how they are acting though us an indication of them being guilty. I personally think the gravity of what's going on has hit them. Perhaps they think that because they say they were forced someone will step in and release them. They haven't had an interpreter explain to them the next steps, just plenty of journalists getting interviews. I think if they were sat down and told regardless of your story, it could take 3-5 years for a trial and then 25 years inside if your found guilty then the cock sure attitude would vanish.
I don't believe them. It's nothing to do with how they are coming across in the media or how they are being portrayed, I just can't believe you would be forced in to something's like that and not have the opportunity to hand yourself in during your travels. These are two young girls apparently streetwise enough to be working abroad and yet they seemed not to know what their options were. If it were me, I would have gone up to the security guards, or when checking in, quietly explained what had happened, told them my life and my family had been threatened so could they make it look like I was being "caught". According to an expert criminologist I heard the other day, trafficking and coercion are incredibly rare because they are unnecessary as willing participants are relatively easy to find.
I don't really believe them if i'm honest.
I too think greed got the better of them and now they've realised they are buggered.
Yep me too, I'm pretty sure that there are plenty of people out there that are willing to go, why would they need to force these girls?

I've watched many episodes of banged up abroad and all of them go with the promise of free holiday, shopping and all expenses paid and when they get caught they all say they were threatened and forced.
Yep me too, I'm pretty sure that there are plenty of people out there that are willing to go, why would they need to force these girls?

I've watched many episodes of banged up abroad and all of them go with the promise of free holiday, shopping and all expenses paid and when they get caught they all say they were threatened and forced.
Yep, that was going through my head. They usually involve someone working abroad who has pissed all their money against the wall and couldn't afford to get home. Someone comes along and offers them money to get home along with a fabulous holiday and they jump at the chance.

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