His new suggestion is Judith. We are never going to agree on anything!!
I think the problem is that we have very Scottish accents and a lot of names like Lilly don't sound quite as delicate and pretty when we say them. They are also said differently by people here and as much as we could call her Emily or Claire, everyone would resort to slang and would call her Emuly or Cler. I Suggested Lauren as a combination of both of our names and he hated it, then I realised it would also fall foul to slang here anyway and everyone would call her Laurn.
I think the problem is that we have very Scottish accents and a lot of names like Lilly don't sound quite as delicate and pretty when we say them. They are also said differently by people here and as much as we could call her Emily or Claire, everyone would resort to slang and would call her Emuly or Cler. I Suggested Lauren as a combination of both of our names and he hated it, then I realised it would also fall foul to slang here anyway and everyone would call her Laurn.